nose bleed-.-"
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 8:19 PM
today missed training cause go malaysia.but..wake up damn early STILL..oh mann.couldn't sleep the whole stupid night woke up at 7am left room at 7 plus watch tv.yeap.took bus 170 to woodlands checkpoint where my mum,cousin and i met my aunt. we ate breakfast at like some coffee shop ate like noodles taste really good stupid phone got no auto roaming.ding around blah blah blah.
ate lunch or so called dinner at around 3 at kenny rogers.taste good had lots of fun there.laughing like crazy..maybe one of the happiest time ever with my family.came home around 6.
bought 2 long sleeve shirts,zheng gu shui,vitamin,chewing gum for friends,plastic cover.
i'm done blogging.freaking bored.
my nose bleed a few times today.super itchy..
there goes it
Monday, November 27, 2006 @ 3:58 PM
saturday i went out with my cousin to orchard ipod earphone screwed up..arghh.sent for got nothing to listen to-.-"
sunday never go anywhere..went for dance like at 5,Zak lent me his STEP UP soundtrack.THANKS A WHOLE LOT!.at night for dinner went out with family to some kopitiam thing thats serves nice food opposite some hospital at like balestier or toa payoh i dont know where mann..
today had training in the morning.i woke up at 6.45 left my house at 7.40.took bus 187 to woodlands saw MEIXIAN nad JANNAH at the bus interchange so we took 901 to school.the funny thing is when i was talking meixian fell down.HAHAS.for a moment i though she was picking up something from the ground but i realise she fell.HAHA.She got up and said"nothing happen,im okay" Jannah and i were laughing like crazy.HILARIOUS.Jannah reacted slow,she realise meixian fell after me.Training was at 9 we reached there like 8.25? i don't know didn't look at the time,just guessing.Meixian and me set up 1 step hurdles supposingly for the primary 6.which practically were all late.
Pele came,yes yes soccer and stuff.but i gotta say he's a pretty cool guy.i should have asked him to sign my bag.
training: warm up 2 round
3 sets drills
one step hurdles-6 hurdles 5 x each leg
20m one hurdle(100m) 4x 2 sets.
stomach back everything 20x3's weather is damn freaking hot.after one set of hurdles everyone was like taking out shoes cause the feet was like burning.ouh.and for one step hurdle i got no idea why i cant focus.i whamp the stupid hurdle.sooo..from my knee down my shin is like blue black.Alicia say my knee look swollen cause its bigger than the other.arghh and my damn ankle still hurt-.-"
bath after training.took 901 with Nette,LiangWei,Priscilla,Wayne and Meixian to causeway ate lunch together at the food court.went home soon after that.i went to plaza and bought lime mag.been using computer since i reached home.tomorrow going malaysia.missing training.arghh..feels bad.but oh wells.cant help it.
an got this picture no idea how with his digital cam

Pele is the guy in blue.
NAZRI is the guy beside the hand next to him is FATHULLAH behind them is DICKSON and RIDZWAN.Then is DR VALERI.the girl with the back facing is CAMILLE next to her is PRISCILLA, behind pris is YUSOF.then PELE.u can see SHIREEN's head popping out haha. next to PELE is POOJAA and then ME.MATTHEW is the guy in to me is LINETTE.
mann..i actually name everyone.yays me! actually cause i'm bored.arghh.
SIAO LANG UNITES!! we rock mann
"Get yo' head up. You lost the money, it's gone. But, you can't lay around in yo' misery too long. Do not walk outta' this place and start to second guess your talent. You got your ass whooped tonight. But, I done seen y'all whoop a many ass, right in the same place. Now, you lost. Lemme tell you somethin' my father told me, is: "If it don't kill you, it makes you stronger". Remember that"
-you got served,mr rad
Friday, November 24, 2006 @ 4:46 PM
this entire week its just full of activities during school! and slack from like lunch till training time.yeaps:D
MONDAY was mother tongue day.sound stupid huh?..well the sec twos did teasure hunt.the good thing is that i did not need to run cause i'm the station master.the bad thing is i missed out most of the fun.oh wells its was okay.the primary sixes came for the primary six camp.this year groupings are name after x-men there is: ARCHANGEL,NIGHTCRAWLER,ROUGE,CYCLOPS,WOLVERINE,PHOENIX,STORM AND ICEMAN.guess thats all.sorry if i left out any.hahas.
Tuesday was humanities day we had some outside school people come to brief us.we were split into groups practically class.we had to do this x trail thing.using picture clues to get to our station which we then have to do two is questions and the other is some team thing.tiring man.first go all the way to woodlands checkpoint that side and then to woodlands stadium.suppose to go admiralty but our coach say its okay cause we answered all the questions already.hahas.the primary six was still on yeaps.
Wednesday didn't have much activity.its just some survey.instead of 10 minutes.Mr Ho was talking for half an hour.wth..i doubt anyone was even listening to him.had short dance practice in the afternoon for THRILLER AND SMOOTH was fine.didn't do walking hurdles cause didn't have enough time as we have dance thing at night.Piriyah meixian and me when for dinner around 6.40 Gail told us need to report at auditorium straight away so we ask Divya to pack dinner for us.No one inform us need to be there early la.wth.the primary six performance was nice man.especially habibah's group damn nice mann.great job.ate dinner at nine.I HATE EYELINER THE LIQUID ONE,IT WENT INTO MY EYE-.-" WTH.
Thursday was english day.played enormous scrabble and 2b and 2d won yays!played boggle.every english class play scrabble and boggle..english day still play omg.dang.during training poojaa told me must change position with kyser.for thursday night's dance for parents challenge thing.must change side.wth.damn night almost screw up lucky never.phew.i still hate eyeliner the pencil one too can't come off.ahas.ouh at night instead of having massage from ms chan i got hit by a basket ball thanks to Liangwei on the ankle that hurts.-.-"damn lame..but oh well its okay i dont blame her anyway.hahas.
Pictures before the dance[my face look weird though..]

Friday which is today,we had training at 6.30am as usual only different training program
we did: two step hurdles and 200x5 relay way. was tiring my legs are aching.ouch.went back to hostel bath and pack all my stuff.cause we have to cleaned up everything before 8.45am when the boarding people come to check.we also must have breakfast before that.i packed my stuff finish pretty fast,but the other half which is noreen's was still not packed and i didn't know whether she was coming or not till i called her and her mum said they're coming in the afetrnoon.Piriyah,Mei xian and i went for breakfast at 8.30.cereal was exceptionally nice today.seriously.yummy!we went back to room after that.not long ms yati came to ramond made some annoucement to pack stuff for people not here so i ask piriyah and meixian for help..three of us packed noreen stuff into the cupboard.not properly thought.sorry noreen didn't have time.9.25 we walk to auditorium with all our stuff.cause 9.30 was assembly.halfway.piriyah's bag strap i carried her bag cause she was dragging mine on her lugagge.i tried to fix it.but assembly was first.then top in standard certs and yeah i top for chinese AGAIN.we got to see our shafiee didn't allow us to take our results while other people could.i'm going to 3B same as jannah,ira,fai,kokhong,dom ,huilin and far thats all i'll miss 2d!:) after school meixian and i took 901 to causeway on the bus she was guessing my parents name.wth.HAHAS.but funny.we went to watch movie.but ate lunch before that.we were at the foodcourt at 11.30 we slacked till like 12.15 cause the movie was at 12.30 we went uncle tidbits to get sweets.we watched CASINO ROYALE.the movie is not bad.except some disgusting part.yes.. the movie finish at 2.30 like that.woohoo..long.took a bus home was raining.not sure what time i reach home so here i coming later.
Sunday, November 19, 2006 @ 2:13 PM
yesterday FINALLY could go back to saps(saint anthony's primary school) they had this family fiesta.i went with Eugene met him at lot 1.we reached there around 1pm maybe not sure.loads of people there.saint pats band was there sji uniform group and many more.trish,lynn,brendon,jiao and marcus(?) isablle shawn and many more were helping out at the prize store thing.eugene and i just slack there.we walked around..saw seb there jaslyn and people.feels good to be back there:) holiday only so many people's hair colour changed.i got sprayed by eugene and jiao witht eh temporary green and yellow spray.lucky mine wasn't as bad as lynn's.hahas.around 3 plus 4 eugene and i took a bus to the mrt.he went to the cathay building to watch movie.he treat me.cause..i watched step up already and he made me watch it again-.-" lucky i wasn't paying.he had problems opening he drink.LOL.after the movie went to eat pasta mania.and came home.reached home around 8 plus yays!:) i watch family man some korean vcd i sad..
later going out.shall blog more week till holiday.yays!
one more week
Friday, November 17, 2006 @ 11:29 PM
this week is the SECOND LAST week of more week to go
training was okay the whole week,only that my stupid ankle hurt.argh.ding dong
wednesday went to sentosa its a hostel activity thing.yeap.Ms chan is really good to us lately.yays! was okay the whole week pretty SLACK.i like mother tongue class when we watched "Helen the baby fox" so sad..
Now i stay on the 7 floor!! no more 8 floor!! argh..i miss 8 floor~ couldn't sleep well.all the girls moved yesterday(thursday f.y.i) bowlers move into my room.wth.thanks auntie queenie.practically almost all the sec 2 girls hate the arrangement.i'm rooming with NOREEN now:) fun fun:D man 7 floor is hell dirty,wonder how they live in those conditions.our room was hell clean in 8 floor,they practically move in don't even need to clean the"we clean and wash the cloths for 7 floor like soo many times! omg.
today is the Qatar people's last day.oh wells.GOODBYE,thanks for NOT keeping the hurdles.but..hahas they're funny people and nice.morning training we ran outside again one i felt really aching when i ran the slope but i think my timing was faster than last weird?!
School i had ENGLISH the first period,slacked in the library no lesson.Second period was Science,i just found Mr Mak lessons nice,its getting pretty okay when i listen.but sometimes i don't understand what he talking seriously.cause of his hongkong acscent.for maths class today we had CLASS PARTY! YEAH! FOR ONCE WE HAD FUN TOGETHER AS A CLASS.
Slack in the after slept like was at 2.30pm
Training: after warm up and stuff was upslope running 5x.Nazri was funny cause there was no second set.he told ms chan that we were all like sad cause we thought there was gonna be 2 sets,when we realise there is no 2nd set we made stomach back with the clapping thing.hahas.Ridzwan and Nazri were "siao" during upslope,they sprinted super fast siao one.
went to see the nutritionist today.don't ask what she say.
went home with meixian and noreen today.the soccer people were in the bus.
mann my bag is heavy plus the elmo and the stupid majong paper.damn lazy to blog liao.
the disney channel is lame to play high school musical twice in a row.LAME SIA
Pictures at Sentosa (didn't take much)

the sky(used phone)

siloso beach(used phone)

beach and thats divya(used phone)

the ball

divya and i.
Class Party in Ms kelly's class

used phone.the people

more people and ms kelly

final view from 8 floor

final view from 8 floor using my phone<3

final view from 8 floor
yays tomorrow going back saps.yes ah
Sunday, November 12, 2006 @ 8:23 PM
this is a quickie one:)
yesterday went out with cousin,to orchard.wth-.-" it rained the moment i reach the first floor of my block.LUCKILY i brought my umbrella along.but my pants got wet even before i took the bus sms my cousin she say the sun was shining brightly at simei..hahas.when she reached orchard she got stuck at taka.because she reach there early and i told her to get tickets.LOL so when i reach orchard i went with my umbrella to get her then we went to cine.we watched STEP UP.totally awesome show! great music great dancers..tight man.the row we sat in was like for 5 people but the whole row was empty except two of us.HAHA.we went to HMV wanted to get cd..i'm broke and the cd cousin wanted was not out.we didn't want to stay in orchard so we took a train from somerset to city hall.we checked the bookstore and HMV out didn't get anything.we went to suntec wanted to get a drink..wanted to eat but couldn't find food that is nice to eat dinner.we played mario racing at the arcade.i finally thought of a placa to eat GOOD tasting the row of shops beside esplanade mall opposite marina square.we ate satay,caroot cake and taste good.yummy.reached home around nine plus.
today had DANCE class again.suddenly so many people today no idea why.Zak wasn't here today.the other guy took the hip hop class not sure whats his name.routine is pretty good.but weird in a sense of way.gtg get ready to go to school bye!
Friday, November 10, 2006 @ 9:45 PM
today was like tiring,stress..yeah..
had morning training ARGH..wanna sleep.WE RAN ONE ROUND OUTSIDE AS WARM UP JOGGING! I'S AROUND INNOVA AND SPORTS yeap tiring.lucky we didn't have to go VERY VERY FAST..only the last part.the GOOD thing is that we don't have to do drills yays! cause my legs went all wobbly after jogging,we just have to stretch and do the back stretching exercises.
School was okay,first period was ENGLISH we suppose to continue with the board game project,my group practically finished the whole thing except some small we were studying for science instead. second period was science,had SCIENCE TEST.the test is only 1 page the other page is periodic table and the "BEST" part is that the test is 90% of the module.the test was pretty easy except like 2 questions i forgot.yeap..after break was MATHS TEST.omg...i'm so confuse with MEAN AND MEDIAN,i get mode..hahas.the first period of maths we had a self test,i got 10 upon 18 because of a lot of careless mistakes.second period was the TEST.i found it okay except i had a rough start cause i got confused by the least i know i won't fail.had lunch after that.
i came down to 2nd floor to look at the bus no. thing for this coming wednesday's outing.then went up,slack a bit.was tired so slept for a while.Piriyah was doing her stuff.yeap
training was at 2.30pm, did warm up with baton, ms chan then brought me to see the nutritionist about my weight,i continued with stretching after that as the nutritionist was in a meeting and told us we could come later.3 sets drills,2 steps hurdles..i finally did it! but..with exception that it was the lowest height and the distance was shorter cause i couldn't do the one the others was doing..after that 100m,200m and 300m.after runnng walk 100m before we run the next one.did 100m- 14.9(i think), 200m- 32(forgot point what), 300m- 56.
during 300m the swimmers were walking on the track i was running and Tao Li was walking infront of me i use like all my breath to say excuse me.after that i was damn tired.the swimmers keep walking although we say move of the track.Ridzwan and Nazri thought i was like pms cause i shout " you'll understand english a not,move of the track!" hahas.was bad mood thats all.SORRY SWIMMERS.
ALL OF US WAS LIKE DYING...we were wondering how to survive second set,cause ms chan told us 2 sets.BUT she suddenly say" THERE IS NO SECOND SET" all of us SCREAM, SHOUT and HUG each other!hahas!.too happy already!but she say we have the stomach and back stuff in one line,we didn't mind at all:D we had fun the last part when NAZRI DIDN'T KNOW WHICH DIRECTION TO GO FOR BACK AHAS!
'chionging' for intervals is worth it, maybe its the quality that counts not the quantity[sarah said this]after training MS CHAN brought me to see the nutritionist.XP. yeah she's nice,talked to me and stuff.yeap.thanks!
Fathullah was injured he only did stomach back..ahas..
after training and meeting nutritionist,went back hostel get ready and stuff at about 5.40.Piriyah,Meixian and i went to take many people.the sec fours that finish o's were there.Sarah told me she was going her grandma house so she taking same bus as me.hahas.i told her i was gonna follow Meixian to old chang kee.she wanted to go gelaire.the 900A was exceptionally taking a long time today..when we arrive i saw the old chang kee so many people so just wanted to follow SARAH to gelaire but when walk halfway we decide to just go,so we waited for Meixian to come out of old chang kee,we said bye and we went to take 187.WE REACHED THERE WHEN THE BUS ARRIVE.HOW LUCKY.we saw ms yati.Sarah got the new pink ipod nice:) we sat at the back of the bus. NICE TALKING WITH YOU SARAH!!:D she got down after the express way i went to bukit panjang plaza to get my dinner and came home.yeap.she ask me read newspaper..but i bought the newspaper but because straits time never put sports i'll ask her which article soon.
tomorrow going out:) yays remember to find bottle cap.LOL..
Wednesday, November 8, 2006 @ 12:43 PM
SCHOOL is where you will find ME!
MONDAY'S training was not HELL YET, is was okay but TIRING still.It was totally step hurdles and the 20m thing with hurdle.yep..duhh.ouh lessons ended at lunch time,yays! which is like 12 o' clock.Awesome man. Slack all the way till training time.NO ASSEMBLY!:) NO REMEDIALS:) but it was only for lower sec though..
TUESDAY'S training was speed work,baton.i did with meixian.hahas okay..we were no idea why.lessons was per normal
TODAY 'm bored now suppose to have art lesson but the teacher NEVER EVER COMES, just SLACKING around.wonder whats for training later.i'm BORED.H-E-L-P
i just miss dancing now,
dancing with yo on the dancefloor
it felt so special
thanks whole lot whover you are..
Sunday, November 5, 2006 @ 7:44 PM
just now dance class was pretty awesome.yeap.instead of dancing individual,we did pair i paired up with this guy called melvin or calvin or something like that.i know is something -vin hahas.he's a great dancer,could tell he dance often.hahas.he helped me at one part.he is pretty funny.oh met this new girl with the same name as me she plays netball:) had fun today.yays.
the roti prata my mum bought..the curry is hot..ouch..
dang..shall blog more..sooon.byebyes
aching legs
Saturday, November 4, 2006 @ 9:50 PM
went to orchard today with cousin.watched the CONVENANT really good movie i must say,and i think i saw my bro's friend which is benita's god sis i think..yeah..and she sat beside me in the cinema. was at cineleisure.i saw SARAH CHU and soon after that JAMIE called i guess she and sarah were together plus TYANNE. after that went to heeren walk like two storeys then went to paragon TOYS R US then went back down.took the mrt and went to city hall RAFFLES CITY to get my NEW BALANCE shoe.yeap.after walking at raffles for a while went to marina.walk a while ate dinner and went home.took 700A.went to plaza bought stuff came home bath and now blogging like crap.yes..hahas.I saw two hip hop dance crew people giving flyers today,a breakdancer twice i saw him at marina before so i know he dance.yeah but don't know him.okay..i'm done blogging.lazy..oh yays.people who have not watch convenant i guess its a pretty good movie to watch but its short.
i want to know the price of the BIG ELMO:) hctib.
finally home.missed home:)
Friday, November 3, 2006 @ 8:22 PM
finally home! yes!
wednesday we did the normal walking hurdles for training.our NEW ZEALAND host went off! to Japan! ARGH.i miss them soo of us cried:'( even the NZ students NIGHT my host called me from changi airport..luckily i wasn't asleep they had been there 3 hours man..she told me that most of them in bus cried too.Hope i can see them soon again.Abby(my guest),Casablanca(piriyah's guest),Georgia(noreen's guest),Lisa(mei xian's guest) and Brittany(jannah's guest):D
thursday was medicine ball and we watched soccer match.yeahh.piriyah's friend etc..
today had only english,science and math.English had spelling and we continued watching Animal Farm.yarh..and we just received a new english project is to design a board game details must be about Animal Farm.oh man..Science is like the suck-iest i dont understand what the teacher is saying,dont bother to ask.even Fai who is listening in class dont get a thing.the "BEST" thing that could happen is we're gonna have our science test next week.THANKS MR MAK!!!-.-"maths was in the com lab.yeap.lunch.after going to hostel,piriyah and people went to get like ice cream,i didn't eat.hmm..and ya we saw the new vending machine,pretty cool:)training was at 2.30,we plead ms chan to let us do indoor.
today's training:warm up,2 sets drills
bounding 10x3 sets
1 leg hop(left and right) 10x 3 sets
supposed to do 5x100m shuttle run BUT...
we played the running and then scissors paper stone game,man it was TIRING
BUT FUN,its DEFINITELY MORE TIRING than the 5X100M.thanks ms chan!
well..the game goes like this,we're split into 2 teams,1 person from each team start running till they meet each other and they scissors paper stone,the loser will jog back to the team,the winner keep running till the opponent's team sent another team to stop it.objective is suppose to get to the other side.BUT ITS DIFFICULT CAUSE ITS SCISSORS PAPER STONE!!
today's training is really good.nice way to end our RELAX week,hell training is coming..haha.
went back to hostel took own sweet time to get ready,left school around 5?? with LINETTE, MEI XIAN,NOREEN.noreen and meixian went to the gym bus stop while linette and i went to the innova one.hahas we took 900A.we went to causeway,bought stuff to eat they drink bubble tea,while helping NETTE and NOREEN buy some stuff i saw LIANG WEI at old chang kee.hahas.yeah and she follow me cause she don't wanna go home,saw dom and christopher.we slack downstairs after that go home about 6.took 187.saw Aaron going up bus 168.when the 187 reach my house i realise MS YATI took the same bus as me.yeah and she stay somewhere near the bukit panjang lrt.yeap.hahas we both went to plaza.i went there to get myself dinner.argh,i was thinking whether i should buy fast and furious vcd.dang.cousin's at my house.yays! out tomorrow!:) gonna watch the 9 o clock chinese show,must watch!! ahhas.crucial.amazement.i watch CHINESE SHOW.haha.
the song that i'm going crazy over!:)
Amanda Perez- If i open up my heart to you
It's still too soon to call it love
I know it's more then just a crush
we're getting closer every day
and when you look at me that way
all I can say
Is if I open up my heart to you
I just need to know you feel it too
will you be the one to make my dreams come true
if I, if I open up my heart to you
I got a feeling this could be
something I thought I never see
you're on my mind night after night
something keeps telling meit's alright
so give me a
if I open up my heart to you
I just need to know you feel it too
will you be the one to make my dreams come true
if I, if I open up my heart to you
You could be everythingthat I've needed
but I can't take that chance
till I know that you're with me
till I know what your feeling
till I know where you stand
Till I, till I till I know where you stand
will you be the one to make my dreams come true
if I,if I open up my heart to you
will you be the one there
to help me get though
if I, if I open up my heart to you
Past Pictures

this is when we evolve


asking for directions?

hmms.the foursome:)
in school!
Wednesday, November 1, 2006 @ 1:39 PM
this week is supposingly relax week,but miss chan say is also test week..arghh..
RELAX + TEST= STRESS such a nicee equation.ahas
Monday's training was okay finally we jogged two rounds again:D two sets drills.there was walking hurdles,100m and 300m.
for the first time 300m felt NICE i mean seriously GOOD.don't really know why though..maybe cause we ran together,Piriyah was following Gina while i was following her and Noreen was following me?? and sst is getting really bored..
yesterday was okay,i just can't move for training. everything was indoor cause it was raining.the main set was 30m,50m and 120m after that gym.but gym was easy yesterday
today i'm not sure what is for training,in school had math and mother tongue kelly is not here today but we still have work to do.chinese we got the dictionary:) and we're doing "i'm not stupid" the compo.arghh..gtg byee.