I'm Amanda. 20. I dance and I run.
Graduated from Leisure and Resort Management,
but I have no idea what I want from life yet.
Don't judge me.
Ultimate Overdue
Sunday, November 6, 2011 @ 1:54 AM
Month of October! Link(Elite Force Crew) came to Singapore for Money In The Cap 2, it was really great to see him and to take his class. Learnt a lot more about hip hop.
Had my last Pol-ITE reppin' TP, injured my leg so didnt do as well as i wanted individually. But, as a team, i think TP Sprints did pretty good. The girls won 4x100m and 4x400m again. As usual, 4x400m was hell tiring. It was also great seeing all the SSP people(:

So here are some photos!

Love the SSP girls(:

TP Sprints!


The start of hell
Friday, November 4, 2011 @ 7:30 PM
School started already! Hectic hectic last semester. Second week of school and I'm going crazy. Two reports and one test in two weeks. To add on, I've got recital performances and practices, not to forget track training. But I'm not giving up yet(thank you Marcus for the encouragement, you probably won't read this)