walking day
Monday, April 30, 2007 @ 9:40 PM
i left my house at about 2pm.met MEIXIAN at cineleisure at 2.45pm.
mann..orchard was pretty empty.
anyway we watch the movie WILD HOGS at 3.10pm:) it was such a funny movie! hah!
after that at about 5pm we decided to go like city hall.so we took a train from somerset and went to cityhall.
i saw zak,my dance instructor at citylink.cool:) hahas.
we went to marina square and we saw him again,we went to eat kfc.
cause we were really hungry,we never eat lunch.so kfc was like our dinner.
at kfc the group of guys next to us keep talking non-stop.irritating.
talking about girls and talking about soccer.wth. we keep 'aiming' the fat one in the group cause he talks the most.hahas.we're so evil.
we decided to go back orchard or something cause i wanna take 190 instead of 700a.
so we walked from raffles all the way to cathay.we decided to go the cathay for awhile.
we saw BINSAR, CALVIN KANG and KYSER outside the addidas shop.
i love the half jacket at addidas,it is so cool! hah!
okay then we turn to 'gear 3' and walked to plaza singapura.
and we decided not to walk back to orchard,we decided to walk plaza sing and go home.
we walk and walk,we saw HIN ANN.
when we crossing the road to the bus stop we almost 'chiong' to the wrong side of the road cause they change the place of the bus stop.hahas! that was kinda stupid.
i took 190 home.so happy got a seat!:) slept.
the DUMBEST thing that can happen,is that after the bus came down from the highway,and drop the passengers at the bus stop at bangkit.the wheel of the bus spoil.cannot move.
STUPID BUS.so i decided to safe money and walk all the way home.
i took ten minuted to walk from bangkit to bukit panjang plaza.so tiring.
i walked in plaza for awhile and come home.now im so happy to be sitting down:D
labour day
12:57 PM
i miss competition, its like relieving all those memories back there.
i miss people.
oh well.training was like neutral.
jogging was fine,drills and everything sucked cause i can't seem to breathe properly,so im like ughh.
we did one step hurdles,it was kinda close but okay.i did breathing exercise thing 10x after one leg.
continued the other leg after that.
after resting we did the 20m one hurdle run thingy.3x break 3x.
i find it fun:) maybe the first time,i got no idea why.except the last one of the second set i practically died.hah
hope later i can go out,im bored.and i dont wanna stay home.
even though im suppose to do housework cause my mum paid for my stuff yesterday:) hahas
oh tomorrow labour day-.- but got training at 4.30pm in school.boring.
but i hope its block starts:) i love block start:)
Saturday, April 28, 2007 @ 10:06 PM
went to orchard today with MEIXIAN!
actually i shop more than her but oh well she shopped too.hahas
i bought earstick
4 shirts-1 from far east, 3 from espirit:)
i also bought.. a necklace for my mum's birthday:)
and my legs tired now.so aching.
tomorrow i got no idea where im going.i wanna shop more! haha!
i wish i could tell you how much i like you,but im sorry i just cant.if i ever do that,our friendship would be broken,cause i know you dont feel the same for me as i do for you.
Friday, April 27, 2007 @ 10:35 PM
okay im back home.my muscles have been aching for the whole week now.arghh.i can't walk the stairs neither up nor down.
oh well. yesterday had MAJOR MODULE A MATHS TEST and PHYSICS TEST.
i totally SCREWED my maths test cause i remember the roots thingy wrongly.wth. arghh.and its MAJOR MODULE! what the i think im totally going to fail!
Physics i think i most probably able to pass though i screw up the parts on lens.but i got the rest right i think?! okay whatever.yesterday was gym training FULLsquat,now my muscles are super aching.
today morning no training..whee:)
ENGLISH was first period.okay we just got a new assignment, i think.gotta create some grammar game.same as the other class.mann..
HISTORY we watched hitler again:) but finish already..now got to do the worksheet.
SOCIAL STUDIES we got back our test papers! the super freaking difficult source base test, i PASSED:) woohoo! GOT 18/25 I COULD HAVE GOTTEN LIKE 21! if i didn't write the word unrealible there and the whole paragraph was like wrong plus didn't connect the two inference.arghh.
SUPPORT TABLE TENNIS in the afternoon, though we lost.but good fight! well done girls!:D
hwachong,raffles were there, their cheers are like so power that is stuck in my head though didn't really get what they were saying.HAAH.but ours were not THAT BAD! we had a small group but we tried cheering loudly:)
came back at about 4.30 or so had training after that.
MARIAM AND JANNAH told us we had two options from MS CHAN.
1) 2 sets 4x100m OR
2)2 sets jump circuit
i heard it as 2x400m so MEIXIAN AND I picked JUMP CIRCUIT anyway even if i never hear wrongly i'll still pick jump circuit.hahas we did it with jan and mari.
i went to eat dinner with meixian later in the night.so yeap
long weekend only need to check in to school on TUESDAY.but..need to train on MONDAY and TUESDAY! arghh.monday at GOMBAK!
pictures from i don't know when okay.


me studying for maths


the toy in ms kelly's class:) so cute


meixian and i

fishy taken in miss wee's class

table tennis today:]
bye for today<3
major mod
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 9:17 PM
i have PHYSICS TEST tomorrow as well.arghh..
today training was like similar to jump circuit, my leg back and everything is aching.tomorrow if gym im going to like "faint".oh my goodness.
okay going to study..byebye world
i wish you knew that i love you.i feel im stupid cause im always falling in love with someone that doesn't like me.
fast one
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 9:47 PM
okay this is gonna be a fast one.
today had ENGLISH test i guess its okay.the stupidest thing is that i forgot to write the question number and i lost one mark cause of that.-.-"
training was kind of killer especially drills, it was 3 sets.oh my goodness. tomorrow my muscles are going to be aching cause i had gym.
TOMORROW CHEMISTRY TEST.im so DEAD. i hope i remember stuff.luckily tomorrow morning sleep in.woohoo!=)
im not as happy as you think.i think im becoming damn emo.freak.
its a dumb world
Monday, April 23, 2007 @ 9:29 PM
Aaron is being damn lame.i swear..seriously.
im freaking BORED now.Aaron is like totally bustarding me right now and he says:"i'll be back".
oh wells..today's training was like tiring even though its warm-up cause Ms chan say just jog until i cannot jog so i jog like more than 7 rounds in the indoor track,i also did drills there is some like new drill and its kind of fun:D yays.
this week test i'm so DEAD escpecially A MATHS.cause i seriously don't get a thing about indices,surds,logs or some other dumb thing.CHEMISTRY i think i can make it though i'm not very good at it because i pass the surprise quiz which quite a lot of people failed, actually i just pass..so ya.PHYSICS i got the most confident cause for today's like surprise quiz i think i got full marks woohoo:) yays!
i read finish KINGDOM HEARTS! now im reading KINGDOM HEARTS: CHAIN OF MEMORIES.wohoo! but better start on my SON OF AN IMMIGRANT for english thing.blehh.but anyway it doesn't seem like a boring book.so yeap.
why is it that i don't seem to exist in your eyes.why is it that everytime i fall for someone,my heart shatters and torn.this is the end of me?
last day
Sunday, April 22, 2007 @ 9:06 PM
there was 200m,800m,3000m, long jump, high jump and i don't know the rest.hahas:)
i never run 200m cause i never qualify so six people ran cause two people pull out.FIONA was first,JIAYUAN was second and ALICIA was third. oh well after 800m it rained.
so it was kind of dumb.it was like delayed.
the boys under 20 long jump resumed after the rain stopped.VALERIE,DIPNA,JANNAH,MEIXIAN, MICHELLE and I went to watch.it was so nice.
STEFAN was first,ENG WEI was second,CALVIN CHENG was third.MATTHEW almost qualified for world youth.wasted.
WEI EN got first for high jump.congrats!:)
now.. im back in school.six of us went to eat dinner.some ah ma scolded us at the macdonalds-.-"
we took neoprint! yays!:)
tomorrow morning no training!:) woohoo!
after the fall yesterday now i got bruise.damn.
going off now.byebye:)
new blog skin
Saturday, April 21, 2007 @ 10:24 PM
thanks people for the encouragement today:)
sorry if i did not put some people's links i was too lazy next time ya.
erm.. the navigations are at the side if you can't find it so ya:)
good luck to people running tomorrow:)
going off now, haven't done any homework.im so dead.haha.byebye.
8:27 PM
i woke up automatically at 9.40am.i took my time to prepare even spent half an hour tying my hair! i left my house at 11.30am
i ran 100m SEMI-FINALS at 2.30pm.okay i started really fast i don't know why i did a 13.44(electronic time) and a 12.93(hand time by my coach) okay. kinda cool.i qualified for finals though i don't really want to.
the FINALS was at 3.55pm.ALICIA and ME was the only two sports school people in that division cause AMALINA felt pain in her hamstring..wasted..MEIXIAN never qualify cause too DISTRACTED..also wasted.i felt i didn't rest properly my muscles like not functioning.haha.okay so 7 people ran for the finals cause TYANNE was concentrating on her long jump instead.SZE MIN, JIAYUAN, ALICIA, JOANNA, SHIYING, STANTON HARRIET AND MYSELF ran for the FINALS. joanna was first, jiayuan second, alicia third, stanton fourth, shiying fifth, i sixth, sze min seventh.arghh.i did WORST in my finals than semis-.-" but, on the BRIGHT SIDE i manage to get top 8 and surprise myself once again!:)
after everything meixiand and i went to WESTMALL to eat.the place is like cursed la.we came out of the mrt.we walk down the stairs.meixian FELL! and start going down the stairs, in her midst of falling she hit me with her hand on my leg and fell too! ouchh.painful-.-"
i hurt my back,both calves(spelling something wrong) and hit my wrist.ankle a bit pain.my lower back is like bruised and dented? ouch...so stupid.oh we saw JOLLIN.yeap
tomorrow im not running cause i didn't qualify for 200m finals.so all you 8 people i know..ALL THE BEST! I'LL BE CHEERING! DON'T BE DISCOURAGE BY ANYTHING!

my hair i spent half an hour tying.

meixian and me:]
Friday, April 20, 2007 @ 8:35 PM
well i had training in the morning,it was okay cause only warm-up.
after breakfast and everything.i had ENGLISH class. oh we played game call "just a minute" mann i suck at that game.it was funny when miss foo use the example ideal.the whole class was stun cause we don't know what ideal exactly means.haha.we got back our essay assignments as well.mann i got 19/30-.-" arghh.
HISTORY was like some killer,out of the whole history class combining of 3B,3C and 3D. only 5 people pass the test! highest was Audrey with 19/30.then was Jiayi,Peishan,Weiming and myself.i pass on the dot mann.like 15/30-.-".Amazingly Jamie Coates failed, he usually tops for history test.i guess he was too sick that day to know what he was writing.
SOCIAL STUDIES was SCARY cause..cause.. we had a test on something that we don't really need to study.which is..IRA so ya its like totally source base.i don't even know what i was writing! haha.i stoned at the first source and i just wrote like nonsense which i think i'll get like zero.oh mann..
after school, i had NO TRAINING in the AFTERNOON cause tomorrow got competition semis for 100m which i think i can't make it to the finals so its okay.hahas.im runnign next to SHIYING tomorrow oh im in lane 8..well done.haha
JANNAH, DIVYA, MELODY, MEIXIAN and MYSELF left school to causeway together.JANNAH went home straight while the remaining 4 of us decided to watch MEET THE ROBINSON:)
it is a good movie though it is cartoon,inspiring and really nice. KEEP MOVING FORWARD! the motto of the movie i guess.when we enter the cinema all of us thought it was the wrong cinema cause they were playing mickey mouse show or something..like one whole short series thing.how weird.but lucky it was the right one.haha.
after everything mel and divya went home, meixian and i walked around ate dinner but really small portion cause we weren't hungry and went home after that:)
PICTURE TIME! these pictures are taken on wednesday at turf city:)

JAMIE! finally i got a photo with her waha!

flaggy holders:)

meixian and i.look weird

people.look how slacky we are

boon han slacking!

MARIEE and ME on the bus:D

i look so funny though
Thursday, April 19, 2007 @ 5:13 PM
im in the recreation room slack right now.cause go NO TRAINING for the WHOLE DAY!:)
haha but tomorrow have in the morning only..warm-up:)
yesterday went to turf city to support the runners.woohoo! fun:) the other school cheers are soo nice:) like vs, hwa chong,rj etc.mann. our school is like mute.hahas.
saw lots of people like patrick,manga face,jiao hui,bryan,francis,jeremiah.weien and JAMIE!:)
wohoo! finally got a picture with her! hahas! in school so can't upload photos
shall upload like friday when i get home.
i got back my HIGHER MOTHER TONGUE test paper.okay..i.. FAIL.for the first time i fail chinese.oh mann.depressing.i didn't study mann..arghh. i got 37/100-.-" lousy.lucky its like 20% of the stupid module.
tomorrow got social studies test.only on source base so should be alright
NEXT WEEK IS HELL WEEK.i got MAJOR MODULE TEST for MATHS, its on logs and stuff again, i fail the module before now i scared i fail again.i got PHYSICS test.hmmm and ENGLISH test..ouhh and CHEMISTRY test! im sooo DEAD.helpp!
okay better stop now,bye blogging world!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 @ 9:08 PM
STILL in SCHOOL alright.hahas omg.today only TUESDAY-.-"
morning no training again:) had english presentation on Merchant of Venice. hahas i still remember the thing mann.i almost freaked out cause i was like shaking while reading.i could memorise the thing but decide to bring the book cause my mind blanked out.HAHA.
:the quality of mercy is not strained,
it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath
it is twice bless,it blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
tis mightiest in the mightiest it becomes
the throned monarch better than his crown
his sceptre shows the force of temporal power
the attribute to awe and majesty
wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings
but mercy is above this sceptre sway
it is enthroned in the hearts of kings
it is and attribute to god himself
an earthly power doth then show likest god when mercy seasons justice.
therefore jew, though mercy be thy plea consider this: that in the course of justice
none of us should see salvation, we do pray for mercy and that same prayer doth teach us all
to render the deeds of mercy.
woohoo i memorise okay:D IRA and VASANTHI got full marks la by doing hath not a jew eyes.power house mann. chinese was like compre tomorrow i having test and im NOT studying now.omg.im so DEAD.haha.
maths test was okay.i forgot a lot of stuff.i couldn't do question 2 and 4.bleh.how do you draw or find the gradient on a sketched graph?! is it 0? hahas.
afternoon went to order like spikes.wanted to get mizuno tokyo 2 but dom could help me get a different one so yeap.changed my mind.ooo..haha
training was medicine ball:) tomorrow morning 6.10am training.dang..
but afternoon NO TRAINING going turf to support.so all the way runners who are taking part! in all schools!haha:D
i think i better stop blogging cause i got nothing else to say.
balpreet got such a sweet email from mr paul, i never knew mr paul had email.but he's a cool coach:)
i seriously got to stop,i wish i closed my eyes and not see that you event exist.but it happened already.why is it that everyone or anything i ever wanted or love is so cold to me.damn. its a cold blooded world out there.its simply reality.
Sunday, April 15, 2007 @ 9:09 PM
today just ain't my day i guess.oh well had competition for 200m semi.
i think i sucked but at least i did better than my heats.so its a good thing? i dont know.
i didn't qualify for finals only one out of four sports school people.I got 9th just after shiying.thanks caryn my beloved siaolang for cheering once again!:]
i'll be cheering for you people next sunday. next saturday got 100m semis.oh mann..hope i do better timing than heats again.i ain't that confident in making it to the finals anyway.so yeap.but i had fun today i guess..cause..
after competition,AMALINA,NOREEN,BALPREET,AMALINA,MEIXIAN and ME.we went to eat dinner at causeway.we went to banquet and macdonalds cause they wanted to eat ice-cream.i did not eat okayy.haha.we laugehed like crazy cause of some girl's teeth and guy's mouth.it was pretty hilarious we laughed in the bus to school as well and some uncle keep staring at us.hahas.
soo now im in school like duhh. prepare for another week of stress.im so DEAD.
i wish you over a falling star,wondering where you are do i ever cross your mind in the warm sunshine.
im falling in love with YOU someone i wish i knew.
national juniors 07
Saturday, April 14, 2007 @ 7:59 PM
yesterday didn't have training the WHOLE day:) which was pretty cool
had training today in the morning at gombak with meixian,it was warm-up pretty slack.
national juniors still on, like duhh.cheered for people in the morning and after lunch with MEIXIAN and MAYBELLINE.today was like hurdles and 400m.nice:)caryn was there too.hahas.
well many exciting races wheehoo! soo
i qualified for 100m and 200m into the semis soo..
tomorrow 200m SEMI-FINAL.well..not that scared only scared of being tired and all the lactic at the last 50m.i don't really care if i lose or win the race,i guess i can't qualify for the finals anyway.but, its okay! is the process that matters.i LOVE what im doing, which is run.
thanks SHARIR for motivating me! you're so nice for a five sided thing call starfish:) wahaha!
Want to but I can't help it
I love the way you feel
just kinda stuck between my fantasy and what is real
I needed when I want it
I want it when I don't tell myself
I stop every day knowing that
I won't
I got a problem and I don't know what to do about it even
If I did I don't know
If I would quit but I doubt it
I’m taken by the thought of it
And I know this much is true
baby you have become my addiction
I’m so strung out on you
I can barely move but I like it
and it's all because of you
all because of you
and it's all because of you
all because of you
and it's all because of you
all because of you
and it's all because..
never get enough
she’s the sweetest drugs
think of it every second
I can get nothing done only concern is the next time
I’m gon get me some
know I should stay away from cause its no good for me
I try and try but my obsession wont let me leave
I got a problem and I don't know what to do about it even
If I did I don't know
If I would quit but I doubt it
I’m taken by the thought of it
And I know this much is true
baby you have become my addiction
I am so strung out on you
I can barely move but I like it
and it's all because of you
all because of you
and it's all because of you
all because of you
and it's all because of you
all because of you
and it's all because..
never get enough
she is so sweet as drugs
ain't no doubt
so strung out
ain't no doubt
so strung out
over you over you
because of you
and it's all because of you
never get enough
she's sweetest drug
she's as sweet as drug
update nats junior
Saturday, April 7, 2007 @ 11:26 PM
compeition for 100m heats at gombak staium.its national juniors.
I was at the stadium at about 1pm.my event was at 3.15pm.i warmed up with AMALINA,ALICIA AND MEIXIAN at 1.45.we FINISHED warm-up at 2.30PM.and it RAINED heavily so the whole thing got delayed. i reported at 4 plus, when all the girls was there it started raining AGAIN.so we ran back in with other people's umbrella.
at i don't know what time then we ran after they called it was STILL raining but they didn't care.it was wet and my spikes are like flooded with water.i SCREWED my freaking race.i ran a 13.8 hand time which was way off my personal best and i did a 14.15 electronic time.okay that sucked.
i remember while reporting some girl scream so loud that the friend was like" kao bei..." then got one vulgarity it was funny to us.but the official was like fierce he said" you are representing your school.."weird?
Thanks to PATRICK for the nice talk and encouragement:D
Thanks to Meixian too for being there always and knocking senses to my head.
tomorrow 200m,i hope for the best.i wanna be the person Caryn always thought i was.i hope i can run for my grandma,
nats jnr 07
Friday, April 6, 2007 @ 9:05 PM
we took a cab to orchard cineleisure,we watched MR BEAN'S HOLIDAY i found it was lame but it wasn't THAT BAD:) i reached home at about 7 after i bought food for my mum and myself yeap.
i missed the easter musical at scgs, sorry mel! i promise to be there the next one!
im so DEAD i haven't done ANY OF MY HOMEWORK.
and ya..close friends you guys know what happened in my family. my grandma passed away.so ya.
this are the videos from saa relays:] check them out people.
Saa relays 4x100m b division girls
Saa relays 4x200m b division girls
some more photos from saa relays

relay:) meixian,me,gail and noreen

sec 3 track girls that took part:)

track team 07'[most of them not all]
tomorrow nats juniors, competition.i totally not in the mood to compete after everything that hit me this weeki hope i can do it, i hope i am not pessimistic.but..sorry i can't stop being that way..all i can say i'll try my best..even though i don't really know would i really try..even if i don't make it to the semis or finals..i'm okay with it..its REALITY.
: i did this after i found out what happened to my grand,thoughts might be jumbled up
if only i could turn back time
i would change the past
do everything i could to make you happy
i would do everything i could to make you remember me
you never ever smile for me
im sorry i never could understand your language
im sorry i never be able to communicate with you
i wish you could be here again
im sorry that now you've left i still could not learn the language you've always know
i wish it could start all over
i was never the good granddaughter
neither was i bad
i wasn't even at your side when your spirit left the world
leaving only what seems to be your cold souless body
the day before was the last time i see you
you breathed hard
lying there
not responding to anything around you
i wished you said something
i wished you answered me when i called you
but it has all past
could i live the future like i live in the past
you've gone
my last grandparent..
i thought you could hang on but i guess
i let my hopes fly too high..
all i can say now is in my heart
even words can't describe how i feel now
i cant take it!
but i know i have to
i dont know what my family is going through now
but i know they are upset..extremely upset
im sorry i cant be there
im sorry that this is me