vesak day
Thursday, May 31, 2007 @ 9:19 PM
vesak day
ohh. happy birthday cousin, rachel aka ah fen
morning had training in gombak
i bet everyone is thinking:
huh, public holiday still must train?!
my answer to you will be duhh..
today did.
30mx3 sprinting
upslope bounding 5x
one leg hopping 3x
high knee 3x
somehow its tiring
man..i didn't know my timings for 30m deprove so much
i used to do the timings like right after sledge or something-.-
oh! saw gio today:)
after that had like bubble tea with
havent drank bubble tea in months!
went home after that.
habibah's crazy! bring portable dvd to watch one tree hill!haha!
went to bugis with my mum at 3pm
cause she wanted to go pray
so i just decided to be nice and follow her.
went to golden mile there eat
woohoo there the steamboat is damn nice ok!:)
my dad said he bring us there before i even say anything.
my bro just went byebye
he left for school,cjc
cause he going
for some camp thing
feels quiet though without him
but its good that i can use the com to do homework and stuff for like a week:)
tomorrow training in school 9am
i think its hell training
im scared of it
but thanks boon for helping me through all of these
encouraging me and stuff
you're a great friend:)
take care of your back:)
PICTURES from east coast:)

mei xian


the nice rock


walking the empty beach.meixian

i was like some tourist taking pictures ok
but east coast remind me of the track camp in 2005


wayne and meixian at bus stop

meixian and my feet



the new water ski park or something.
toodles people:)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 @ 10:18 PM
morning had training again
2 step hurdles
3x150m with Gina
i seriously died for 150m i didn't know my stamina dropped THAT much
ughh, i tried chasing although im not really hitting good timings
but i tried my best
ms chan says that all of us are not serious in our trainings
but i swear i was trying my best.
at least i didn't give up chasing
after training went to causeway food court for lunch
with 10 people
michelle.wayne.wei en.gina.mei xian.wei ning.vera.krista.valerie
i guess thats it? haha!
after going home
meixian and i met at bedok at about 3 plus nearly 4pm to go to
east coast park:)
i was late cause i stayed soo far!
i was so 'sway' today missed all the bus and trains-.-"
we took 196 and had to walk
some guy gave us directions but he is like so not interested in giving directions
we took some nice photos:)
which im lazy to post now and have no time
wayne met us there at about 5.30 we walked around to find the macdonalds
saw some nice stuff:)
all of us are soo tired of walking!
ate macdonalds for dinner at 7 plus
we talk lots of jokes and crap
i even saw some actress and netball melody there
waited for my dad to pick us up about 8.50-.-
so late.
but everyone got a ride home:)
shall post pictures soon.
tomorrow got training at gombak 9am!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 @ 8:44 PM
today is such a boring day
i trained in school at 9am as usual
today we did
starting blocks and gym.
went for lunch with
michelle.wei en.wayne.habibah.mei xian.vera.krista
went home after that.
been home since like 2pm.
watched so you think you can dance season 2 i think,the one with benji.
i love SYTYCD:)
tomorrow training again..
wonder what we doing tomorrow.
been down with the flu and cough bug.
so difficult to breathe.
you threw me off my chair
you blew me away
and ran away
where are you when i needed you most
where are you when the world around me collapsed
you're like a gust of wind
flowing and being blown from every direction
you come and you go
not leaving any sign before you go
why do i feel this way?
i believe in love at first sight
but do you?
what is love?
i do not know
finally you're here
staying for good
revealing yourself to me
but the ending is not what i expected it to be
Monday, May 28, 2007 @ 8:04 PM
i couldn't think of how to start this stupid post, haha!
oh well.
yesterday did cip at gombak from about 1-5.
wan ting and i was kind of slack though xP
we helped for women's high jump and men's pole vault only:)
today training at 9am.
duhh..its holiday, everyday have training..
so please don't ask anymore. haha:) oops.
today's training was like
one step hurdles
3x100m with habibah and valerie i just ran beside them
cause they were doing in-outs
the only thing that was tiring was the hurdles
i guess so? the sun just made everything worst..
haven't like train seriously for two weeks..
now i start feels WEIRD
after training habibah and i went physio
gina liangwei and meixian was like slacking around playing psp
when we going out of school,
we got a lift from MR IMRAN! woohoo! thanks!:D
we did not have to walk:D
went to eat, went to metro
liangwei wanted to go buy movie tickets for herself and guopei so we just followed.
meixian and i was like looking around, i wanted to watch NEXT
it was like 12.55 the movie was at 12.50
meixian was left with $10
but we were like..don't care just watch.
we chiong inside the cinema:D
nice show:) cold..brrr..
that was a quick decision:D
been home since like 3 plus.blehh.bored.
oh and i tried my new Mizuno Tokyo 4 spikes today:) it feels good! bouncy! boinky!
pirates and the caribbean
Sunday, May 27, 2007 @ 1:12 AM
met my cousin,chloe at orchard at around 1.30.we wanted to watch movie so go buy tickets.
we wanted to watch..
all the tickets sold out up to 8.35pm.
thanks to the two fella infront of us in the queue bought the last four tickets for the 5.15pm we walked around orchard for 6 hours before watching the movie.legs breaking-.-
the movie was very good,nice,exciting also funny:D so people go watch!
i missed the 190 bus after the movie it was like 11.30 so 3 hours movie:D
i thought was the last bus.scared myself.
when i saw 700a i just took it in case there are no more 190
i realise there is a 190 bus behin my 700a bus-.-"
i reached home at 12.30.
tomorrow doing cip at gombak so you know where to find me:D
cheers for everyone running/jumping or anything.go people!
Friday, May 25, 2007 @ 3:50 PM
this week was like up and down,for training its relax week.studies is like kind of hell.
monday had history test
tuesday was nothing
wednesday was like chemistry quiz
thursday A maths test and physics was like a total brain buster i don't understand the whole topic.i swear
today which is a friday i had social studies test
monday 150x5
tuesday medicine ball
wednesday starts
thursday medicine ball again
friday(morning only) 6 rounds jog/stride.
so this is our light week?!
after not training last week cause of my shin now i feel like dying cause ,morning training to me was like super tiring.stamina dropped a gotta try and build it up week is like heavy week im so dead.
instead of english lesson we had social studies test,source base was kinda difficult i think i wrote nonsense,who cares its all over.finished school at like 10.15am after mentor talked about bullying and all:) checked out of hostel at like 11.wanted to take a cab cause the weather is so HOT, but couldn't get a cab and JAMIE COATES didn't wanna give NOREEN,MEIXIAN and ME a lift.okay whatever.after walking to the bus stop and waiting sooo long.the bus finally came yays! noreen went home meixian and i went to watch BLADES OF GLORY saw chris and sam in the cinema. the show was not bad and kinda funny:D came back after that.

why is it that when im so close to peak
i drop
is it me or is this meant to be
i ran today
trying my best to move
swinging my arms as hard and fast as i can
i couldn't move forward
no matter how hard im trying to pump
the barrier is there
just there not moving anywher else
she screamed for me to run
i wanna run i thought
but what was i doing
to others i was jogging
in the past i know i was
but now it seems like that is running
i wish i did not have to face this
i don't wanna face my fear
a week is enough
but i do not even know how long this pain would last
could it just go away and never come back?
i told myself not to give up and finish the 6 rounds
im not as strong as i appear to be
i wonder how long i can hang on..
Saturday, May 19, 2007 @ 9:13 PM
this week is like..what the shit..injured my shin. dont wanna talk about its in small font.dont read this.
haha you read it.LAME-.-
today suck,i swear..not entirely though suppose to have training i guess..went polyclinic for x-ray.
i was there from 9-12.damn long. wth.
i hate polyclinics now
i reach home at like 12.45?
rushed out and met NOREEN at lido.rj people were doing funny stuff like fund raising or something.
Noreen and i studied at lido from like don't know what time to 6pm.
then we walked around.
i just spent $103 at heart pain.pocket burn one hole.
then we walked around, walked to far east.i bought earrings.
and then came home.done.
i like you, but do you even notice me when im standing right infront of you.
i dont wanna be like this anymore.
crying ain't the best way out
but i can't stop myself
for some reason i fell for you
for some reason i cannot tell you
for some reason i felt you drift away
for some reason we aint talking
for some reason.
tears fill my eyes
while joy fill your life.
im not who i use to be
aint living the life im living
sorry peeps.
maybe its just emo me.
or maybe me.
Saturday, May 12, 2007 @ 5:27 PM
updates for the past week.
MONDAY had training only in the morning,afternoon was like some sports day it was so NIGHT,the school brought us to watch SPIDERMAN 3 at orchard nice:) yay! ohh i had CHEMISTRY test.i think i flunked it.

in the bus going to orchard cineleisure.

sunshine on highway
TUESDAY we had to train in the morning because THAILAND's top sprinters were here and they warm-up with us.haha.afternoon we did gym and stuff.had ENGLISH compre test which ms foo said the whole class failed except fai the thai girl in my class.its quite impossible.but damn.
WEDNESDAY no training whole day.cause wednesday morning not suppose to train.afternoon we went to the synagoge(sorry if spell wrongly) at waterloo street.its a jewish temple.though there wasn't much to see but the trip was interesting and the people there are nice people:)

podium in synagoge

THURSDAY was like some crazy training in the morning.
i think i flunked both paper-.-" i studied so hard for physics-.-"
didn't study math though.
oh afternoon the icg team,national team, thai team,and senior team raced against each was so cool:D gogo people!
FRIDAY no test! woohoo!
training in the morning was just warm up yays!
afternoon did sledge 3sets and gym..fullsquat!
i have training at GOMBAK at like 10.30! everyone was like late,except me.
we started training at like 11 instead?! haha!
we jogged so slow.cause our muscles are all aching from yesterday's training!
training was hell i tell you.
after warm-up..
starts into the pit and on the track 3 x each 2 sets
3x300m after that.(50.4s, 51.4s, 52s)
300m was super tiring.poor LIANGWEI did 500m after 2x300m cause she went against ms chan.
after all that it was like 1 o clock? late right.
when we wanted to go eat lunch before our cip thing,cause we helping the long jump.they ask the four of us to go there we never eat lunch.
went to help till about 4pm.i did the measuring thing,
meixian did wind gauge,
liangwei lever sand with stefan,
gina shout names.haha:D she couldn't get arivan right it sounded like ivan.haha!
after everything then we went to eat hungry and tired.the weather was so hot-.-"
i saw YOU:D hehes.

Gina,LiangWei and me after cip

again.lame seh

gina and i.mrt with liangwei's hand
Meixian was like taking the pictures so ya:D
by the way,screw my freaking com.i cannot go so many websites.and blogger its like screwed.i can't blog properly.cannot click fonts,colour everything! argh.
my mum told me my birth time! so cool 1314:D and she said its top prize in 4D but she never buy-.-"
Saturday, May 5, 2007 @ 11:08 PM
yesterday MUM'S BIRTHDAY!<3
i had chinese mid year exam,i think i screwed up so ya.
i hated yesterday's training cause of two time 300m.
wth.damn tiring.
today.i went out with NOREEN to LIDO which is SHAW centre to study.
i couldn't study that well.hate chemistry.bleh.
i cut my hair:D yays! okay gonna study more later.
this is so short and rush.cause something is wrong witht this thingy more next time:)
Tuesday, May 1, 2007 @ 9:07 PM
arghhh. another week of school.
had training at 4.30pm just now
legs so wobbly now,after drills today which was weird cause we have to do the sprint off thing again
like in sec one.
we did 50mx5 so called baton.
medicine ball one set as well.tiring.
i went with JANNAH to causeway to eay after that.
went to popular to buy stuff.
walked back to school after that:)
now im in the rec room.boring.
going off soon though.
MEIXIAN is SICK! take care girl!
tomorrow we are having NAPFA! the 5 items.
that is okay.
i hate 2.4KM!
its so like UGHHH!
lucky miss chan agreed that we can run like slowly just as long we get an A
last year we say we run for A but she keep asking us go faster-.-
so this year we're just gonna hit like 14minutes or something like that.haha:D
okay bye for now:) i miss YOU:)