module 5
Friday, June 29, 2007 @ 9:15 PM
changed blogskin again!
bloody hell there is something wrong with my tagboard la
i can't view the damn thing-.-
okay whatever la
this whole week was okay
monday did 120m and80m
tuesday medicine ball
wednesday ms chan and icg people is back
did starts and one time of 300m
i did a pb of 46.09!(:
thursday did gym, halfsquat plus extra stuff
i overslept i was late for training! thank god noreen called
i got ten push ups from ms chan! haha
divya slept in noreen and my room cause of the arabic thingy
haha freaky
ee..wala people flew off!good luck people!
today had english first two period
did quiz and talk stuff plus newspaper
history did the worksheet and watched a bit of the cd
i got star card and mrs james gave everyone chocolates(:
social studies class i was kind of blur haha
cause i was like half listening.HAHA did know what i was doing
had lunch went back hostel
sleep for awhile
went to physio at 2
ms grace taped my hamstring for me
i went back hostel noreen called me
to open gate for her
slack until 3.40 went for training
today's training i didn't feel that tired
i felt relax but i did pb?
did 40m,50m,60m(: then stomach back finish!
poor val did 500m 1x
mann she was freaking fast though she didn't look that fast 92!
hurdlers did 9 hurdles
high jumpers did high jump
only me and shyanne did 40,50,60
cause liangwei was sick so we were the only two like short sprinters left
i did a 5.47(not sure might be 5.74 or something haha!),6.75(pb) and 8.10(not my best)
and oh wth ms grace tape for me got one part rough surface
i run then the rough surface rub against the other leg and ouch
my skin damn pain-.-
went to bath and all put stuff in locker cause monday got training in school at 5.30
chiong for bus 900a with noreen and divya haha!
went to eat mac i was full so fast today haha!
saw the runners plus richard(he knew i was going to be there)
WENT HOME after that
got to do homework later
i want wade robson's-1 question mark
please tell me whoever got the song!
omg wade robson is like a genius
they're dancing to
wade robson's its all in the mind
holidays is over
Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 3:31 PM
my last post before i go into "prison"
might not be using the computer later
don't feel like it
i just feel kinda down for no reason
not emo-, just down okay.
later im not sure what time im going to school
just thinking about the packing..
i feel like dying.
was watching harry potter and the chamber of secrets this morning till about 2pm
might be watching prisoner of azkaban later
im so bored.
oh shit! i havent done chinese!
oh chinese is like on tuesday..right..
oh and i got to go pack my stuff as well
shall pack and watch at the same time(:
i think im going to change my blogskin next week
i dont quite like this one except the picture
i found one that i kinda like
but lazy to change
nationals is in two weeks
got to train harder!
go trackers.
i guess im done posting
for some reason i talk very little in real life
but online i seem to talk a lot
wth. okay.
now i should probably shut up.
surfs up
Saturday, June 23, 2007 @ 10:04 PM
just gonna try this skin
looks kinda weird
but the tagboard is kinda small
might change back.
went to town today
the bus was so sloww...
and freaking HOT
was perspiring in the bus
went to eat at burger king in cine with cousin
and bought movie tickets GOAL 2 at 5pm
bloody lady give us wrong tickets but we didn't check
cause we didn't know
she gave us the one for
the girl who leapt through time
in the end when we go in want to change tickets
goal 2 sold out
so end up have to watch SURFS UP
the movie was nice so thats a good thing(:
i love the small penguin called err arnold or something
freaking cute haha
oh and the chicken rule man!
haha(: funny chicken.
during the time before 5.20pm
was like walking in heeren and cine itself
after the movie went to HMV and
bought three harry potter cds
the socerer's stone,chamber of secrets and prisoner of azkaban
so i collected everything that is out so far!
woohoo!cause i already got goblet of fire.
went to wisma in hope of getting a place in the food court for dinner
in the end no place
so went to taka the small shops
got like omelette noodle and gogo cheese balls
take away
and ate outside taka at the steps
went kinokuniya after that
and took 190 home.
i reached home around 9.30 or something
gonna watch harry potter later haha(:
oh know what i havent done chinese
haha thank goodness is the only homework left(:
tomorrow got to go back school!
havent pack-.-
its the end of holidays
and two weeks more is nationals
haha im so dead
hamstring havent recovered
like wth.
reflections of this holiday
: its like pretty good
i felt it was short though
but i manage to relax myself and all
maybe think through stuff
most importantly
i think team chan finally bonded
im really happy for now i guess.
even though there's lots of ups and down
when i go all quiet or freaking stress out cause of training or competition
but and i know life will just keep getting better from here
and everything that is important to me will be better.
i just know it will.
im kinda free tinkle so please dont think im holy or anything
i believe and respect every religion just not loyal and commited to one
i just believe in life's miracles.
cause everyday im living in this world
i think is just amazing.
will continue to update
i think i just talk a whole lot of crap(not really also)
but is what i seriously think la
okay shut up amanda, is enough HAHA
damn early
12:40 AM
im done with physics.
moving on with chinese.
last and final.
afternoon training
Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 8:26 PM
okay but i didn't wake up very late
cause err mr remy called my handphone at 9.38 which i was like still sleeping
so i answer i didn't know what he was talking about
but i was just talking haha i just remember him mentioning about
de souza and val, and he ask me if there's training
can't remember the rest.
yarr but he didn't really wake me up cause
i was like wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep anyway
ate breakfast and watch tv
hmmm..i watched disc one of
save the last dance
stupid cd last part sot sot
haha okay cook myself lunch and prepared for training at 3pm
habibs message me at around 1.30
telling me she never brings socks and she left home
i left my house around 15-20 minutes after that
took 187 which came pretty fast
i reach woodlands like 2.10pm
saw maybelline,jollin and camille plus lijie at the interchange
today's training we did it indoor and like use half of 200m only
which is 100m
people who attended training from team chan is like
vanessa,habibah,vera,shyanne,val,krista and weining
did fartleg today suppose to be 5 rounds outside but did it inside
20 laps of 100m equivalent to 5 round still
its jog stride so its okay
i dont really like it though
even though it was suppose to be light
i think i rather run 300m
my calves cramped
and my shoulder felt like it was about to dislocate
so i couldn't run properly damn it
got to eat the muscle relaxer soon
had stomach,back after that
i hate myself for always falling behind during long runs
sometimes i know i can
but there's always a barrier right there
i really wanna know why.
i know that i have a smaller lung capacity than everyone else
so i tend to breathe harder than everyone else
but im trying, really trying hard to keep up during long runs
why can't i be better.
we finish training really early like 4.10
bathe and mariam gave us a lift to causeway
thanks mariam and her mum(:
the rest went home or something
vera,habibah and i were hungry
so went delifrance to get something to eat
and they both went to get bubble
hang around till nearly six
took 187 home
came home eat dinner bathe
now using computer doing physics
homework left:
-physics still halfway
-english quiz thingy halfway
-chinese havent started.wth
go amanda.
i so want to go out tomorrow please go out with me someone(: ahha
thanks nessa for helping me with merchant of venice lit thingy
thanks dipna for TRYING to help me in physics(:
Nancy Drew
Thursday, June 21, 2007 @ 7:39 PM
had training in the morning 9am
jumpers didn't have training(but lijie came)
so dr valerie just came and tell me the training programm and go
apparently there were lesser people present for my group today
habibah,wayne,michelle,weien didn't come
val and nette went for physio only came back AFTER training
so only Vera,Weining,Krista,Shyanne and myself was left
we did medicine ball one set
3x120m in between.
after training went to eat with
i went to orchard with noreen after that
went to buy movie ticket saw sarah,naresh and other two people
bought present for someone,piriyah.
met noreen's mum and her mum's cousin
went to nydc to eat some stuff(:
i drank mango tango float,im full.
watched NANCY DREW at 3.10pm
the movie was okay kind of exciting
haha i love the parts she solve something(:
after the movie saw keshia,samantha and suhaila
i went to heeren to get a white hair band
then went to taka the bus stop and took 190 home
omg tomorrow training at 3pm-.-
no life.
i miss icg people:(
i haven't finish my homwork which is like:
-physics(halfway done)
-chinese thingy
-study for english quiz
im so D-E-A-D. DEAD
thanks habibah for sending me those nice songs<3
i still love you is just that im keeping it inside
not showing it to anyone.
i decided to bold the words today
how cool is that? haha
okay amanda you got to shut up
homework! -.-
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 @ 2:40 PM
its wednesday already?!
oh mann..
okay im seriously tired
i hope i dont get like accumulated fatigue or something
i just havent been sleeping enough
today had training at 9am in the morning ms chan went with the icg team
so dr valerie "took care" of us
after warm up and everything
the remaining people in the group which came is only
Habibah,Vera,Krista,Weining and Shyanne plus high jumpers
but besides the high jumpers cause they did a different training
the rest of us did walking hurdles(:
haha dr valerie scared me when he said 5sets
i went to ask mariam so he meant 5x lol
including 3x150m and stomach,back
after training bathe and stuff walked out with the same people
habibs,star,vera and weining
we went to eat at banquet
saw noreen,piriyah(yes she's back(:) and ama
plus sec 2 soccer peeps
the 5 of us went to timezone and played arcade
haha the bloody bashi champ machine the button spoil
cheat my money-.-
haha nevermind
i played house of the dead 4 like twice
once with vera then when she "died" i played alone
another was with habibah, when she "died" i played alone
haha then saw some of the sec 4 soccer peeps.
i spent $8-.-" in the arcade
came home after that i reach home around two
got to chiong homework-.-
sian i still dont know how to do physics
tomorrow training same time and place
habibs not going!=(
tomorrow im going out with noreen! finally!
i just can't help feeling this way
i dont wanna be anything other then what ive been tryin to be lately
i hate being so f-ing emo-.-
bye icg
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 @ 5:00 PM
im so bored nowadays-.-
last week of holiday
today had training in school in the morning
after warm-up blablabla
did starts 3x short one
i don't know if i was pushing, but i feel my starts was okay.
haha while always waiting for ms chan
people who were doing starts,
Habibah,Gina,LiangWei,MeiXian,Shyanne and Me
were playing games that meixian taught us
one is who what huh and the other was called whoosh wink
it was fun
we had gym also
err seniors did
40kg halfsquat 5sets x10reps
and jumping with 20kg
and stomach back shin calf plus striding
then i so called bathe,which i didn't wash my hair(wet it)
when to causeway and eat burger king with team chan.
i simply love it
okay i decided to go new balance to get tights for running
which is at raffles
took mrt there, VERA and me was talking and i didn't know the train was here
until i saw why wayne,meixian and liangwei running
then i was like "shit! the train"
so me and vera ran,krista was behind
haha! i jumped in when the door was like closing so when i was in the door just closed
same thing for vera as she went in for a different door haha!
poor krista got left behind! so we dropped off the next station and waited for her! haha!
i didn't know what size my the other tights was so i just got M
even though i could wear S oh wells
haha its okay.
went to plaza singapura with
habibah,meixian and liangwei
habibah bought like stuff for her father
meixian and i just followed
liangwei went to watch movie with her friend.
went home after that
i slept in the bus how shiok(:
to: MeiXian, LiangWei and Gina,including all icg people and ms chan?
haha ok mainly for mx,lw and gina
have fun there people! good luck for your comeptition(:
you will definitely be missed! haha fun and laughter would be lesser!
just take care people!:)
you're so taking singapore airlines and flying there like 13 hours haha
thats damn cool okay!
have an awesome time dudes!
omg you leaving me alone like one of the few seniors left! haha!
tomorrow training in school 9am
and i got no idea what we doing.
gtg do homework now im so dead
im getting better each day
i know i shouldn't love you at all
but its okay
im beginning to let go
Monday, June 18, 2007 @ 8:54 PM
You've been alone,
you've been afraid
I've been a fool
In so many ways but I would change my life
If you thought you, might try to love me
So please give me another chance
To write you another song
And take back those things I've done
Cause I'll give you my heart
If you would let me start all over,
I'm not a saint
I'm just a man
Who had heaven and Earth
In the palm of his hand
but I threw it away
So now I stand here today
asking forgiveness and if you could just please
Give me another chance to write you another song
And take back those thing's I've done
Cause I'll give you my heart
If you would let me start all over
Little girl you're all I've got
don't you leave me standing here once again
Cause I'll give you my life
Yes I would
If you would let me try to love you
So please give me another chance to write you another song and take back those thing's
I've done
Cause I'll give you my heart
If you would let me start all over
Again, oh,no no ohh
You know I love you, yeah
give me one more chance
No no, no no no no
i just felt like posting double.
5:50 PM
haha you cant really call it training,training
haha cause all those who competed in swift
only did..
jogging,stretching, and some leg shaking thingy
okay then everyone slacked around(:
i played "tennis" with habibah.
haha it was so fun using the small ball and hand.
tiring okay! i perspired! waha!
oh when i went to bathe,
i stepped into some ants thingy
and ants crawled all over my foot
i was like wth!
damn sick.
habibah used water and killed all of em'
after training went to eat pastamania with
meixian and i went to orchard road.
we saw tyanne and jamie,
patrick and jennifer
oh i bought a belt and mexian bought her cap thingy thing
reached home around 4pm
been online since
suppose to do homework but..
i dont know how to start
can someone please help me with physics
its like so retarded.
swift day two some pictures


meixian liangwei

me,meixian and habibah


top 3 siao langs!<3


5 of us

top 3 i got no idea what we doing for the last picture.
thanks to liangwei for all the nice pictures(:
oh forgot
swift day two
Sunday, June 17, 2007 @ 8:16 PM
had to be at the stadium at 8 so i woke up at 6.22am
i slept at 11pm-.-
my 100m was suppose to be at 10 o clock
but it got delayed till 10.30am
i got second even though i started of first.
meixian got first again haha(:
shiying got third
my division got only one heat again so straight finals:D
one run. yays!
oh well i did a 13.3 hand time even though
i started fast and was leading for first 50m
i ease off the next 50m cause of my hamstring so i couldn't push
wanted to but couldn't push-.-
oh well at least im happy with my starts that i started out first(:
oh i screamed out loud today haha
cause i was frustrated with my hamstring
i stayed there till evening
i ate dinner with meixian,liangwei,habibah,divya and her sister.
i shall post some more pictures soon cause its like all with liangwei-.-
tomorrow training in school 9am people:(
hope its light.
Swift day one pictures

me running 200m on the curve(havent fall yet)
i took the pictures from singaporeathletics website
i know i run weird

meixian and me.taken by liangwei
i love the second picture(:

top 3 for 200m, i could have beat the girl in second-.-
if only i didn't fall.
i seriously need to stop being emo
argh thanks team chan for always making me laugh
swift day 1
Saturday, June 16, 2007 @ 7:30 PM
today was swift day one
ran 200m
my division was one heat so it was straight finals(:
could have gotten second(meixian first)
but got third cause i fell flat on my face
that sucks.
cause of my stupid hamstring
damn it
did a freaking slow timing of 28.98-.-"
after i fell i couldn't differentiate directions like left and right
haha! you can ask meixian she knows about it(:
sometimes i feel im not meant to run
what the hell am i doing in sports school
for six years of track i've never been to wala
always missing it by a placing.
sometimes i wish someone could just tell me if i am meant to run
tomorrow running 100m in the morning
go me?
congrats to everyone who got top three today.
im still emo-ing
i love running
and i never wanna stop
but is something just stopping me..
goodbye, my unofficial love.
cause i rather give up on something
that i know will never happen
then waiting for a miracle to happen.
wade robson's sexyback
mann he's good
Thursday, June 14, 2007 @ 10:17 PM
quick update
haha.was at pasir ris camping after training on wednesday.
with cousins,auntie and mum
played pool and barbecued on wednesday night(:
so fun(:
the weather was so hot until like 5am which became really cold
wanted to watch sunrise but clouds bocking
so i took picture of clouds again(:
i woke up at 4am in the morning and slept at 1 plus.
at pasir ris park.
ate mac breakfast with cousins at 6am
waited for auntie and mum to wake up
while waiting played cards.
reach cousin's house like 10.
watch she's the man on computer
ate lunch(auntie cook)
we decided to bowl so took a cab to safra tampines
played two games and i broke my nail-.-
okay played pool also
took a cab back and watch just my luck halfway all three of us fell asleep
went to eat dinner at 7 went off at 8 reach home 9pm-.-
tomorrow training at bishan,
team chan outing(:
im still emo-ing
some amazing popper for
season 3 of so you think you can dance(:
he's freaking good!
bearing the pain
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 @ 3:22 PM
after warm-up and stuff,
did starting blocks with my wound there it was difficult
i reacted so slow and its hurts when i put my knee on the floor
thank goodness i wrapped it up after the first one
the first one i tried not taping then when i finish some skin came off..ouch
i decided to just use the tape and go round if not it doesn't stick-.-
did 4x with val(:
took off the tape after that.
did medicine ball with linette
but her arm hurt so some she didn't do
15 reps 4 kg no lunges
but got the throwing upwards thing
which everyone stand in a circle and did it together
except vanessa and meixian
but everyone stride 2x120m together after that.
bathe already
wanted to get something from physio
but close.
saw jeremiah.
went to eat with team chan at mac
after that came home(:
and im suppose to do my homework
oh my tian..
some people think im stupid
but maybe i am
maybe im not
i know what im doing
and i suppose its right
and that is to..
let go of you
i know to you its nothing
cause you don't know anything
but to me is a totally different story.
i may always seem happy on the outside
but you dont see the pain i have inside
from the look on my face.
maybe this is the only way out from my f-ing life now
competition is coming i have no choice but to throw everything aside
and concentrate.
i know letting go of you takes time
and i may not be able to do it immediately
but i know i have to try
it just hurts me.
f-ed up.
tomorrow training 9am again
camping tomorrow(:
my hamstring still hurts.dang
SYTYCD season 3
hok is such an amazing dancer(:
sg zoo
2:41 PM
after training in the morning which was
one step hurdles and 2x100m(screwed)
after lunch with team chan
went to the singapore zoo with my cousins and auntie
i took loads of picture of animals
havent been there for soo long!
haha it certainly has change(:
enjoyed myself and went lot 1 cck with my mum(met us there),auntie and cousins.
i bought a pair of jeans from giodano(:


sun bear


polar bear

i love this little fella!(: so cute(: it sat there and pose for people to take photo! haha!


horses and little ponies or minature horses? haha!

baby goat

i forgot whats this fella called


leopard..similar to jaguar? haha!




white tigers

whire rhino




orang utans

some black faced monkey

ostrich..the feathers was like disgusting i swear.


im glowing(: not photoshopped i swear
do you know that hippos cant float in water and swim
cause they are too heavy
but they are called water ballerinas cause they go tiptoed in water(:
this post is for yesterday
gonna post one for today(:
sea jnr day 2
Sunday, June 10, 2007 @ 8:42 PM
i got no idea why i woke up so early
okay went to help out at sea juniors again
today reached there at 1pm with
today i did track stuff for cip
at least today was not as slack as yesterday
in charge of starting blocks and box today(:
did cip with
had lots of fun today(:
we push the box from 200m to finish line like so many times!
i felt so weird when some thai guy smile at me
and said something in thai that i didn't understand
haha! so blur.
congrats to DIPNA!
crazy girl that was so tense before her race in the end she got THRID!
those who didn't win today like the relay girls and boys, calvin, gio
its okay!(:
not your fault, especially the girls relay team!
wonder she stupid guy said stand up-.-"
and guys haha its okay that you guys couldn't pass(:
i love my hair today(: oh yay! love divya's too haha!
oh after that went to mac AGAIN to eat with
then went to take mrt
saw boon han(stupid fool),his friend,wei en and engwei
noreen,divya,meixian go chiong for the train
then habibah,hamizah and me strolling
in the end they never go on the train cause we weren't there! haha
sorry guys didn't wanna run ahah
anyway i only one stop! haha(:

so cool right
tomorrow training 9am in school
dont know what we doing tomorrow..
im always looking at you from a distance
will that distance between us always be there
saw you once again
i saw what i didn't wanna see
i acted calm cool and happy
but does anyone really know im hurting inside
thanks to my friends that made me laugh hard
to wipe the sadness off my face
im happy to look at you from that distance
cause i know you are happy.
without me.
i just wanna say to some f-ing idiot
to f off
do you know you pissing me off bad time.
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
sea juniors
Saturday, June 9, 2007 @ 7:55 PM
cause NETTE sms me at 7.37am!
oh mann..i couldn't go back to sleep decided to get out of bed only at 10
went to help/do cip for sea juniors at gombak stadium
met everyone else at 2pm
okay there isn't much to do
i helped put the hurdles carry the box
and watched long jump.
MATTHEW and ENGWEI jumped(:
congrats people even though you guys didn't win.
boinkboink! im not dao okay!
i just didn't wanna disturb you competing!:(
BALPREET ran 100m
i think she got third
congrats too(:
went to eat mac with
had fun today talked lots of nonsense,
divyashree sharapova! haha!
tomorrow going to help again
meet at 1pm alright.
i just hope i can see you again.
do you know that im so in love with you.
for some reason
i've been feeling down lately
didn't know where to dump all these feelings but here
i feel my heart is breaking but i dont know why
have i been alone for too long?
cant be.
my friends made me laugh smile and go crazy
the happiness show outside
but it doesn't in the inside
what is wrong with me
i really wanna know
im so in love with you
but i know its just my deepest darkest secret
i've been controlling this feeling for two months
im afraid sooner or later i cant take it anymore
and blurt it out
im afraid i cant stop it.
i just hope that doesn't happen.
i havent felt like this for so long
why is it all coming back
why now
why not later
its competition period
i cant afford distrations
why is it only now that i see you
i wish you see me too.
pizza hut
Friday, June 8, 2007 @ 3:34 PM
tomorrow and sunday going to go do cip for sea juniors at gombak(:
yay! can watch
okay today's training was tiring duhh
had bad lactic-.- very bad
dont know why my butt and hamstring ache so fast now
well for training did 2x300m
the only people that ran 2x is WEINING,KRISTA and ME
hamizah's sister ran once
oh MEIXIAN did 2x but before everyone else cause she started early
she did a 44! woot..
haha okay my timings suck today worst than last week.
haha did a 48 something and a 46.65
last week did a 47 and 46.64
thats lame.
oh well i was really tired today anyway
meixian ran different direction from us haha
we ran the normal one.
but yay! its over(: and i had such great pacers for the second 300m
WAYNE and GINA(: thanks a lot guys
haha cause the second one i got no idea where weining went to
but krista and weining are great partners of mine(: haha!
okay after training went to eat with team chan again
8 of us went to eat pizza hut haha!
ordered student meal. meixian and i split pizza and baked pasta half each(:
full. but the student meal is really worth it!

okay came home soon after that after walking around with vera,habibah and meixian
i met my mum at bpp to get a cake for my dad and lunch
mann the chicken or duck rice was like $7.10? wth
my mum bought for my dad.siao one.
now im to eat early dinner
argh and i'll miss SYTYCD! arghh-.-"
damn.cause its my dad's birthday

i love this photo its taken by weining,taken yesterday i think or something
me and meixian ignore the auntie. haha