back from thai
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 @ 9:09 PM
okay i got school tomorrow! arghh.
im so lazy and haven't done any homework
shall update pictures and stuff on thai SOON!
stupid bro dont wanna let me use com-.-
Monday, August 20, 2007 @ 9:28 PM
bye bye bloggy you'll be dead for about a week or so.
got so much homework..-.-
got to wake up 4 plus,need to be there at 6.15am
Sunday, August 19, 2007 @ 4:43 PM
okay the whole week have been up and down.
stupid school alright.
yesterday went out with DIVYA!
when to raffles buy my tights for thai games
go marina study and eat lunch + dinner which is around 4 plus
study until 6+ decided to walk around
we bought a shirt
unfortunately or fortunately the shirt is like a bit small for me
but i can fit still
so i suppose its a good thing.haha
went to watch fireworks at esplanade
we waited like one hour plus practically 2 hours
i reach home nearly twelve la.what the heck! kana push like mad.

isn't it just amazing
suppose to have a video but something is wrong with it.heck.
today going back to school,tomorrow will be back home.
flying to thai on tuesday.
what is happening to me.
i dont even know
just wish that some things could change.
Saturday, August 11, 2007 @ 5:31 PM


ex 4by1

my spastic smile


triple snaps(: <3
had training in the morning at 9am at gombak(:
did starts and 300m
felt okay only that legs were jelly.
300m everyone seem relax but we did really good timings!(:
everyone did like 45-46s(:
thats good
i did a 46.62 and i was relax.cause i couldn't move.haha(:
it alright at least its like somewhere my pb haha.
and im spotted for throws! HAHA
okay i dont mind doing throws but its only after thai
before i officially start
and i still prefer sprints.SERIOUSLY.
oh well see after thai then haha.
got bubble tea with habibs and gina then came home.
im suppose to study with divya but she 'pangsei' me
so i rot at home.
i intend to do homework but im not in the mood.
i cant seem to concentrate.ughh..havent started
like what the..fine.
tomorrow go back school i'll 'chiong' homework later.
i sat in the same room for like 3 hours plus and didn't do anything-.-"
and thai games is next week,
i seriously havent decide on which luggage bag to use
cause its either too small or too big i dont have medium sized ones-.-"
is it that important
Friday, August 10, 2007 @ 9:35 PM
did relay with NOREEN 4x haha hilarious
gina.liangwei and habibs went snapping with the blocks
suppose to go gym stupid security gave us the ms chan the wrong key so did quarter squats outside the rec by carrying each other.
okay help ms jenny sort out shirts
eat lunch go home
woohoo not bored
went shopping!
got some pictures but post another day i got to go do homework haha
so this is really fast
national day
Thursday, August 9, 2007 @ 8:58 PM
was really nice this year
cant believe i did INDIAN DANCE(:
but it was really nice to bond with those dancing
bhaama,vas,ira,mel,hin ann,dibya,piriyah,geraldine and noreen(plus myself)
10 of us.
although we have like only less then 5 practices i believe we did i great job(:

bhaama and me

divya and me

piriyah and me

vas mel.

xian xian(singapore fan!)


mari jan

alicia is so pretty(:


its blurred ughh.

i so dont look indian in all my pictures
no wonder arabic boy(fathullah) calls me some weird name cant remember what.
reach home at 3 on com
EUGENE CHU ask me to go out we watched RUSH HOUR 3
he paid so its free for me(:
its hilarious super good show(: so he forgot all his troubles and so did i
reahced home at ten(:
today woke up at 11 when dipna called me
went out with gio and dipna today
they practically stuffed me with food cause they said i was deprived??
okay? haha
dad came to get me at 6
i didn't spent a single cent today.
i never knew my dad was THAT GREAT
whatever he told me today just realise how amazing he really was
he did volleyball,track,table tennis,squah,tennis and more sports
he was great in everything winning first in shot put and 100m for track
represented teams.
why am i not like him
smart,played different sports.
sometimes i wish things was different
i wish i was great and smart too.
at least my life wont be f-ing screwed up now.
everything i've worked for have gone to waste once again
seeing my results now
im really disappointing myself or my dad.
i can feel his expectations even though he dont say it.
im sorry dad..
i just aint smart as all my cousins and you
i suppose i can never be a doctor,pilot or anything smart.
tomorrow training 9am IN SCHOOL!
Sunday, August 5, 2007 @ 4:14 PM
saw dom,cass,sijia
weining,angela and some little girl [ they watched disturbia too](:
saw chris and justin(:
met jannah after the movie
me and her was suppose to shop
but we're pretty "lousy shoppers" cause we didn't buy any clothes
cause couldn't really find one i liked
reached home around 9.30 after buying dinner for myself and mum at plaza
ate dinner at 10.haha its dinner.
i bought two giordano shirt from my house area for some reason.
im bored.
being able to go out and free my mind
feels simply amazing
not having to think about everything i've been fretting about
sometimes i wish i didn't even have to go home
i love my family..
but everytime when i reach home
i just feel like getting out
looking everything around me..
i just remembered how messed up my life really is..
i just need something,someone to just change everything
sabra and dominic-hiphop
never felt worst
Friday, August 3, 2007 @ 9:52 PM
been sick.
training sucks ms chan still not around.
Monday: 5x120m
Tuesday: medicine 1 set 6kg
i pratically almost died cannot breathe la what the hell.
Wednesday went to bandar penawa
its nice and big(:
i took part in 100m and 4by100m
felt weak but still i ran.screwed 100m due to starts problem.
team chan got people only so we took this nice bus with all the staff, big and comfy(: aircon cold(: haha!(:
we all slept and laugh in the bus.
habibah got most of the photos of the trip haha!
i took some pictures with my phone haha!

habibs and weining.

psp crazy LOL

jared,aaron,habibs,me,gina <3

this is meixian i dont even know what the hell she was doing on the bus!

crazy people, i think i just woke up.HAHA.small eyes

i got like no body the first one.haha! <3

the moon that night i think?
well i know its liek super far away i don't know how many lightyears.but ya its really round and bright..beautiful.
Thursday: ms chan back
i have physics test.
did starts and medicine ball
saw asean school people from other schools training.
Friday: today sucked
got back physics test results i flunked the shit cause i blanked out in the stupid test
got 3/20 wow.i dont even know wth im doing
had math test blank again! i did a similar question on thursday as practice and yet i couldn't do the test.ughh wth.
was doing indian dance for pep
training was worst its not the programme that suck..
its me..
its only 2x300m
and yet i couldn't complete it.
im sick and couldn't breathe afetr the first one
i felt suffocated like someone was pressing on me.
i wanted to kick the stupid toilet door but lucky gina came in.
thanks a lot girl(:
didn't do the second one-.-"
ughh..hate being sick!!!
im becoming weaker
by seconds,minutes,days or months.
i do not know why
but i know i am.
deterioting everyday
just makes me wanna give up even more.
i knew that i couldn't do or give any surprises anymore
but i was willing to try, and fight against all i believe in
now.. facts are right in my face.
knowing it once again..
hit me hard.. so hard that i can't even pick myself up
now everything just getting worst..
whether is it studies,sports or anything else that i know and feel.
will it just stop..
i rather give up than continue.

is a path i should never have taken


the only thing that keeps me going is..
ndp preview thingy some weeks ago.nice lightings.

i love running or let me say short sprinting.maybe even more than dancing.
just wanna say coach(if she even cared),family maybe friends.
maybe it is wrong to feel this way maybe its wrong to give up in the first place.
this is only choice i never know whether i did it right or wrong
whether i regret it or not
cause negative and postitive things happen
negative. like wtf.