Friday, November 30, 2007 @ 8:57 PM
cause training is at 9.30am at macritchie
i thought i was going to take very long to get there
so i left my house at 8am
took 190 to sji there and change to 156
i reach there super early
called divya and she was still at home so i walked around
until a bench and sat there cause i got no idea where is the canteen
saw tyra cause she don't know where and walked around
so both of us sat there
divya say liangwei is late so everyone else that she is meeting is coming late
meixian didn't come cause she had to help her aunt cook.sai! pangseh!
okay when everyone was there we stretched and kept our valuables in the locker
pedro's assitant brought us in to the second bench
(i know how to pronounce his name but not spell it)
everyone was "dying" today, obviously i did
i always do and its jogging.jogging is the one that kills me
i haven't even reach inside calf cramp
dang.kill me even more.i hate jogging.
the nanyang girls were coming out when we were going good for them.
training: after jogging and stuff
did drills and striding
since liangwei is like the only other "senior" around
so she was my partner today
we did 4x60m
2x100m and 2x80m with 3 half mins rest in between
we took really long to complete our workout cause after 4x60m
we didn't exactly know how long we had to rest or something.
after that we are done! woohoo!
congrats to val,habibah,liangwei and myself!
we were the one who completed slow in a sense
and the four of us kinda stuck together today so ya
also we are the only like short sprinter(exluding pri6):D
after that went back to the canteen to stretch,change and stuff
after that gina and divya left earlier
plus ching yi and another nanyang girl which i can't remember her name.sorry!
when to junction 8 to eat kfc.
kinda fun cause we saw some crazy guy smiling to himself and staring at us-.-
after that we saw divya and her friend
all of us then went home
i had to take 156 and 190 home
at the 156 bus stop i saw samantha rae from nanyang and her bf(at least i think so?)
apparently she skipped macritchie training today.tsk..tsk.HAHA
she dropped off at macritchie there.i dropped at sji there
and took 190,after that walked home
after i reach home around 2pm
i bathe
and slept till 6pm.woohoo!(:
i got to say im kinda lazy

i really miss us!(:
thats why i decided to put this up!
outing soon yeahs!(:
<3 you guys!
dead beat
Thursday, November 29, 2007 @ 8:23 PM
in school
aching like crazy ughh
5 minutes jog
after that is like stretch,exercises and more jogging
stridings like 60m,80m and 100m
did small hurdles take off thing for long jump
after that did long jump
sit up
medicine ball
heel raises
incline pull up
two round cool down plus stretch
my shoulders are aching like crazy
my calf is like cramped?
worst thing is..
and i am sooo DEAD-.-"
the stupid throat thingy always make me cannot breathe-.-"
after training bathe etc.
went with divya,habibah, meixian,liang wei and krista for lunch
at mac. haha!
after that divya went off
the rest of us went orchard to walk walk
walk awhile then liangwei go home cause she tired
then the rest of us go heeren
after walking heeren meixian go home cause she scared mother call
so the remaining three of us went far east to walk
apparently both of them tried a lot of dress
cause they know what they want for awards night
i didn't try anything cause..
i don't feel like wearing dress for awards night
i got no idea what i wanna wear
i want something simple,nice
something i can wear for new year and normal outing clothes
which is least. haha
came home after that
my ankles are pain? why? haha i got no idea!
okay wish me luck at macritchie im going to faint and die.
haha.and its not intervals is the jogging-.-"
i like posting dance videos(: but i shall post a nice song thingy(:
passion and leejay
performing my love and just friends
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 @ 7:57 PM
training starts at 10.45am
i left the house at 10am cause was watching tv
so i thought i was late
i reach woodlands interchange at 10.25am and i saw gina!
so i was like " phew, not late yet"
then after awhile 901 bus came and so did mei xian
so three of us went to school together
today's training:
drills: high knee and butt kick
striding 2x then i did bounding 2x20
then one striding and 2 boundings and another striding
while others just do 4 stridings
went to the gym
we did leg up,back,lunges,bench press
run through six poles zig zag like a few times
did single and double leg hops and butt lift
after that is jogging and stretching
after bathing etc.
habibah,meixian,divya and myself took a bus to causeway
bought bubble tea and took mrt
habibah,meixian and myself were going bugis while divya was going bishan
habibah,meixian and i met nasrul and watched ENCHANTED
funny entertaining movie
i swear we can't find our seats in the cinema
what the-.-"
i realise people giving out flyers for commercial thing got to talk slower man!
after the movie some lady came to ask me something
apparently she talk too fast i only heard
"hi i'm from new something, we're looking for something something model
and something something is free, would you be interested?"
so apparently i don't know what she said in the something something
so i was like "huh?"
okay?? so i was like no thank you.
haha. seriously people won't be able to catch what you people are saying
if you're speaking like a bullet train.
i need an outing with team chan and wan yi! and many more! wow!
p.lock and j.soul vs gogo brothers
locking. and i think p.lock is like world number one.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 @ 10:10 PM
in the end a lot of people couldn't make it
i slept at one woke up at 11am(:
watch tv till one o clock then remember
meeting at causeway at 2pm so chiong
left the house at 1.30pm
reach causeway around 1.55
and i was the earliest so others was like kind of late
only ivan,joshua,keith,ziya,serene,vivian and myself came
went to eat sakae sushi
which cost me like $20
then stone from like 4.40pm to 6.30pm
didn't train today damn sad
i know today intervals
i think pedro will kill me tomorrow
tomorrow is soccer and gym.
i know my group died today
sorry to "pangseh" you guys!
see ya tomorrow
logging off soon.
by the way i like my new blogskin? but its kinda weird for some reason.
this is like HOT!
popping and locking combine ya!
Monday, November 26, 2007 @ 4:43 PM
funny show(:
wanted to watch enchanted but never
oh well
ate kenny rogers! yummy(:
i love their macroni(i forgot how to spell) and cheese!
reach home like eleven plus
i travelled from orchard to marina to peninsula and bugis.haha!
sunday went out with chloe plus megan again
we met at bugis
ate macdonalds walked to peninsula see shoes
difficult to decide to went city to gelare for ice cream
then walk back to peninsula
i bought a $80 puma slipsons, chloe bought a $108 nike dunks.
i was super tired after running to three bus stops
to find the one with 190
i also ran for 190 bus and its raining
tsk tsk.
went home for dinner
and i think im broke.
today which is a monday
didn't have training in school cause pedro not around
self training cause programme given:
15 min jog
high knee/ butt kick 50x2 sets
single leg hop 10x2 sets
stride 2x100m & 1x80m
lateral jump(zombie jump) 4x12
stride 2x80m
butt lift 3x12
sit ups 3x24
backraise 3x35
dips 3x18
dips is like super tiring! the programme like easy
but when i reach the exercises im like dead!
tomorrow not training got primary school class gathering
not that i slack just that i havent seen them for super long
the most i train on saturday as make up.
when i came back it was like 8 plus i left the house around 7am
was tired so i slept again from 11 to 12.30
bro told me to cook maggie for lunch
so had to go down to buy maggie and coke.
after that fold clothes and stuff while watching
FINAL FANTASY VII advent children
bro said it was movie of the year
but its cool and nice(:
going to buy dinner later ughh.
going youtube to watch dance videos now(:
december break
Friday, November 23, 2007 @ 7:08 PM
it finally end of school for year 2007
updates for the week.
monday to wednesday was freshman camp
meixian and i was helping out
we took care of team tolerance
they are one bunch of jokers
but i really miss them when the thing ended though
i still remember all their names so thats really cool.
went to snow city and dragon boating during the three days.
didn't train
thursday finally trained didn't have lessons
had dean talk and mentor thing
so ya
im so happy im still in the pure class!
thought was going to drop
during mentor meeting ate canadian pizza and watch wild hogs.
saw my results i thought i failed physics for end years
but I PASS! woohoo! by one mark
i didn't study! cause i had puffed up eyes!
i thought i failed cause i only got 25/70 for section B
and section A was upon 30 so i thought was impossible to get 25/30
but i got 26! thats cool.
my L1R5 was like 17 quite shit though
my B3s were like one or two marks away from A2
if my B3s got A2 instead i could have gotten like 12 or something.
but its okay at least i got all Bs and As no Cs.
afternoon did intervals training 5x120m i practically died
thanks to my cough.
had to hit 17-18s for 120m
3 and a half minutes break in between
3x then 2x so in between sets was 5 minutes
my whole body broke down after 4x
chest pain,headache,lactic and felt like puking
wow.can die.
thursday night helped in staff day thing until 10.45 like that.crazy man.
today is friday and its
no training in the morning,training at 12.30pm
had mac breakfast from ms jenny at 8am in the morning
thanks ms jenny!
staff day this year quite boring.
nothing much..this year's theme is superheroes
i can't believe i had to make some funny voice and be silver surfer on stage
so not me!
but funny though
had gym at 12.30 manage to check out around two in a rush
val's dad gave divya,mx and me a lift to causeway(:
and on my way home in the bus i slept
went to plaza buy stuff etc.
monday self training
tuesday pedro coming back train in afternoon-.-
that day primary school gathering
what the ding dong-.-" zZzz what to do? train o don't train-.-
bro's school syf dance 2007
firefly. cjc.
pedro training
Saturday, November 17, 2007 @ 12:41 AM
muscles have been aching like crazy for the whole week
his exercise are super different man.
monday and wednesday did waits so obviously ache
tuesday intervals
thursday intervals at macritchie
i don't like macritchie jogging cause its like super tiring and fast-.-" intervals wasn't so bad.
i dislike jogging.
morning training super light finished in half an hour to 35 minutes LOL.
today had no class
chinese talent time
nice singing especially kang,matt and gab:)
oh plus gina and maybelline so nice nice(:
had pep-.- BORING
plus training at 4
started with soccer which we anyhow kick la
drills and hurdles a bit of javelin and many exercises
which tomorrow confirm ache like hell.thanks a lot mann-.-"
ate dinner at mac with divya,meixian and noreen saw soccer people
she going to cry for weights training LOL.
tomorrow going out but don't know where no movie to watch what to do!
boring mann..
puffed up
Thursday, November 8, 2007 @ 6:10 PM
i seriously hate it.
flu,cough,soar throat and now i got puffed up eyes
cause i was allergic to some medicine called ibruprofen or something
so my eyes puffed like mad then i went to see the doctor again
after i went to see him in the morning.
he gave me a jab and said i had allergy
seriously i don't even know
my eyes are still puffed up and how am i going to face the world!
haha. i look weird i can't even recognise myself!
that is how bad it is.
and i haven't study much
this sucks mann.
im sick at the wrong time
couldn't even go out today
now taht my eyes is better at least i can see when i just got it
i can't see a thing!
okay i'll try and study now!
hope i do okay for physics ya
i had all my papers left this
i hope i pass all even though i didn't study much and screw it up
cause i was sick for the pass two days.
im sorry i broke my promise to you two years back
it wasn't how it was suppose to be
i don't know if i truely broke your heart
cause you don't seem to feel a thing
things have changed
now when i see you
really wish i could be in your arms and that you would never let go
if i ever grab hold of that hand once again
i would never let go.
i just hope you know somebody still loves you
and my wish for you is to be happy.