late updates ,2008 here we come
Monday, December 31, 2007 @ 4:29 PM
haven't been using the com yeap
went escape theme park with
all three of them were late
but meixian was one hour late
her bloody bus travelled like the whole tampines-.-
though escape is getting a little boring
but we somehow laugh a lot still
i had fun
thank goodness the entry fee was $7
hmmm..the nicest ride
was like inverter cause we were screaming and laughing
like mad(:
reach home 9 plus
usually i don't go out to far places
but i went out of the house like four times
first to buy lunch
second to meet my mum at plaza
third throw rubbish
fourth dinner
dinner was at clementi park sakura
international buffet(:
i swear i was like damn full
ughh stuffed like crazy
$30 and all you can eat
there was like malay,chinese food at the bottom floor
and sushi and western food plus desserts on the second
i like sushi(:
monday which is today is 31st december
which means countdown today and tomorrow
is year 2008 brand new year
okay before i go crapping today what did i do
morning had training at 6am
apparently i couldn't sleep
i lie on my bed the night before at 11.30
lay there until 1.30 and im still awake
so i slept like 4 hours
thats sucks
training was like
warm-up jog 2 rounds
then the rest did fart leg,habbs and me jog 2 more rounds
stretch somemore
drills was high knee,butt kick,side thingy,and hopping
striding indoor upslope 3x80m and 1x60m
did 3 sets of that thing thing x 2
got only 5 minutes to swim around then got to go bathe
oh by the way only
7 people came for training(:
yingjia,tyra,gina,liangwei,habibah(i forgot how many bs),meixian
and myself.
ate lunch at banquet
then we went to the arcade
we suppose to see see
we end up playing-.-
the four seniors
played the virtual coaster thingy
or i don't know what its called la
damn funny(:
i played time crisis 4 but died
when the guy bomb me three times.
later meeting gina and noreen at causeway
for countdown i hope that damn countdown is fun
because its at causeway so its like
damn stupid la
tyra reminded me
there is 12 days of christmas
so christmas end on 5 jan!(:
i want a bboy for a boyfriend(:
counting down 4days
Friday, December 28, 2007 @ 4:43 PM
legs are jelly and so is her arms
today's training in school 10.45am
basketball for warm-up
my team won
consisting mostly seniors: meixian,gina,divya and myself
and tyra
had drills which is hopping high knees and butt kick
2x100m and 1x80m striding
then was jumping
frog jump 4 sets 8x
tiring but i look like i jump pretty lax
but still tired especially legs
cause i was feeling like that since macritchie.
after 2 sets was 1x striding 80m then 2sets
next intervals the killer i suppose
i did 80m,80m,60m 2 sets with val
he took away the 100m in the first set.
so ya,he say my timings were pretty good
although i think otherwise
cause i didn't feel good,
felt super tired and felt i was running very very slow
after intervals was like heel raises
stomach,back and monkey bar
monkey bar was like painful cause my palm
like got blister now-.-"
left school nearly 2pm
but i don't know
liangwei,meixian,divya and i
went to macs to eat
laughing like mad again
divya,meixian followed me to metro
to try to find my stuff for awards night
i manage to get only the pants-.-"
oh well
still got time i don't know what i want still though.
im tired..
tomorrow don't know going where
suppose to go escape with people
but its going to rain tomorrow
so that sucks.
so i dont know whats the alternative plan yet.
amanda is spending to much money
need to start saving
so spend less on my meals.
firstly it helps to save money,secondly lose weight
so thats a good idea.
school reopening in 4 days
haha going to enjoy like crazy
and i got to start studying
but the fact is im too tired
amazingly i can blog such a long post
but i thought i have nothing to talk about always
i wonder how i do that
and wtf the renovation upstairs is going on while im typing this post
is freaking noisy
so shut up.ugghh.
where is the cash
Thursday, December 27, 2007 @ 6:57 PM
after macritchie yesterday
my calves damn pain
training was at 10.45am in school
warm-up 2 rounds
but for me consider fast
so im quite tired.
stretch and
then the striding and stretching thing
stridings with baton
hurdles 3 steps 3x each leg
gym: bench press,lunges,stomach and swimming(back)
go down to the indoor track and practice 4x400m pass
go back up did butt life,medicine ball and hops
go back down do walking hurdles
thats all.
but im tired
went to buy school books before bathing
queue damn long
gina and i was like standing there waiting
i didn't buy lit book cause i hope that i can get it from the seniors
i didn't buy higher m.t textbook also cause
i think nessa gave me so ya.
went to bathe around 2pm-.-
so long we were there for almost 1 hour
the rest didn't know where we went until
when me go toilet then meixian call
so they went off first
after bathing
gina and i go eat lunch at causeway foodcourt
take mrt she go yishun
i go bugis buy stuff
bought bag for myself for school
err present for noreen and mel
then went to bpp
to buy dinner
on the way find elmo for divya
and i manage to find it
so im done with presents
now save money to buy awards night clothes
and i got no idea what to get long sleeve or short
black or white
i donated $10 to charity today
wth.i think i either too kind
or out of my mind.
spent like almost $70 i think.
crazy man.
later bro's girl-friend coming to stay
dont know why
don't care la
im damn tired today.
ohh and pedro talk to me today
about me giving up totally on track
he thinks i should give my best during training(i think i already am)
for track.even though i want to concentrate more on my studies
i was thinking ya i know
but he's nice to tell me that.
like he makes training suitable for me not easier though
thats good.he say that anytime
when i need to concentrate fully on my studies he will allow that
but when im training i have to do the same
so thats good i guess.
well thats all
school is reopening.
wonder if i look forward to it
but next year is a tough year
but i'll make it somehow.
i still thinking where to go.
when all is lost
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 @ 3:07 PM
only divya,gina,valerie,yingjia,nabilah and myself went
i have a stiff neck
ughh damn irritating.
training wasn't so bad as usual
only the jogging part was tiring
apparently i was jogging with val
we were both very tired
haha at least i jog faster than usual i think.
did err drills everything
after was 4 sets of 20 boundings
total of five stridings consisting of 80s and 100s
mainset is main 2x150m,2x120m and 1x100m
4 minutes/5 minutes/4 minutes/5 minutes
but i rest 4 and a half cause i thought he said so
anyway i chiong a lot today
so i manage to hit the right timings even though i was like dead
pedro not around so his assistant was.
everyone felt tired today maybe except for the juniors
they don't look that tired
gina was giddy
divya was jelly
val stomach ache
and im like jelly
cause i can't feel my legs and calve keep cramping
oh well
after that gina,divya and me went to eat lunch
at macs and shopped
for people's present
i manage to only buy one cause..
nothing seems nice.
saw stefan,cheng,taufiq,matthew and gail at kfc
they had training at bishan stadium
so ya.
thats about it today
wanted to go out but lazy to call people
i still can't get ryan's mashup track 3 in my ipod or phone
that sucks.
and im seriously damn dumb
i lost my pc suit
praying hard i didn't throw it away
although i think i did
kill myself man-.-"
oh and christmas sucked
and i was looking forward to it for so long
ended in disappointment
it was like freaking boring.
thanks to boinky who cheered me up with
just a simple message
thanks so much my friend!(:
although i know you don't even know my blog url haha!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @ 10:49 AM
yesterday travelled to tampines to watch national treasure with my cousin
the show was not so bad
exciting at least
entertained me.
gv's cheesy pasta combo wasn't so bad
its nice(:
saw gina's boyfriend and he watch the same movie
but he didn't see me
at night ate dinner early at beach road
claypot rice..yummy(:
stayed at cousin's house did noting but watch tv
at 10 we were all hungry so went tampines mac
for supper(:
came back and watch more tv
no heroes today-.-
had ella enchanted
janice dickinson modelling agency thing
was damn stupid.
this year's christmas is pretty boring for me
no idea why
no programmes and that suck.
oh wells that all
enjoy people(: thos that celebrate
seriously i dislike training
or at least i dont even care
don't give a shit about track to be exact
why is the whole world telling me to go whatever games
i dont wanna and cannot make i, you know
ughh forget it.don't ask me why.
and this year i dont really have any christmas wish
i suppose.
sad case.
im so in love with ryan's mashup song track 3! ahhh(:
Sunday, December 23, 2007 @ 3:09 PM
lazy and is at home
damn bored today
tomorrow christmas eve already
thats fast
yesterday went out with serene,vivian and ziya
just walk walk then go grandma's house incredible tales then come home do nothing
cousin go out so got no one to go out with now.
-.-" no life.
what the hell.
reflection time then
school is reopening soon well last week of holiday
what can i say?
it has been freaking crazy year
but im really glad to meet a lot of friends and stuff
but i have my ups and downs
but is all in the past
so i'll continue moving forward
when school reopen
im going to become damn nerdy
i'll study like mad
recently after training for so long
made me realise something about track
i realise i don't want that kind of lifestyle
train and train
it made me think..
why am i training
cause i don't even know what to look forward to
competitions? i don't even care.
well its not what i want.
i'll stop running soon if i dont go jc
if i do go jc i need dsa
so don't have a choice
i realise i rather dance then run.
well sometimes in life
we don't always get what we want
so i suppose its happening
i dont really have a choice but to run
because i choose sports school rather than other school
this seems to be something i regret.
but im still happy in sports school because
of the friends i make that make life less miserable
but i really wonder how things would be different
i suppose i would be dancing a lot right now.
i really envy my bro
even though he can be a real jerk
he loves what he does
and he really makes full use of his life and time
also he is so much smarter than me
well why i say that?
he can look at youtube and get dance moves and learn
different dance styles from there
he can beatbox,dance and study(if he really wants)
sometimes i learn a bit here and there from him
but i think he got a crew or something
he goes dancing like almost everyday
but thats how he gets ache and stuff but thats not the point
i think he is really cool.
this holiday might not be the best
might not be what everyone wish for
but at least it is a break
gives me time to think and relax
well nowadays
sometimes i feel so alone
well but not exactly
just that maybe as i make friends i lose some too
and friends that i have
are just so different from me
everyone is different
so their life and my life is different
in comparison of freedom that is
so i find my freedom pretty useless
because i don't have friends that can hang out and stuff as late as me and stuff.
only some.
next year is a brand new year
dont think much will change
but i know i havent after so long
actually i did change after primary school
in secondary school with different people im different
so i got no idea.but its okay.
what ever is ahead just bring it on.
and something is wrong with my blog-.-"
i need a little magic
Saturday, December 22, 2007 @ 11:42 AM
although i would really want to go escape but damn sad.
yesterday train in the morning myself
went trisha's house
i mainly remember saps people which we hang together
ziya,joachim,marcus,jiao hui,eugene and alvin
thanks for the fun guys(:
played daidi and black jack
i won $2 plus(: yay
poor marcus, "zheng" only lose haha
only after awhile then win
went home at 12 midnight
how cool is that.haha
okay gtg more updates soon tata!
Friday, December 21, 2007 @ 1:51 PM
slept at 12 or something yesterday
woke up at 6.30am this morning to self train
cause training suppose to be in the afternoon
but got christmas party so not going
training wasn't so bad
but just feel no energy.
-jog 8 minutes
-drills high knee/butt kick 2 sets x 12/12/12/12
-3x80m striding
-2 leg jump 4x8(i don't know what is this so i just did rabbit jump)
-2x80m striding
-4x30m with 2 minutes rest in between
5 minute rest
-3x40m with 3 minutes rest
8 minute rest
-1x easy 200m
well i did a 33 something secs is that easy? haha
i got no idea damn happy when finish
just feel wobbly but at least better than last week i self train at gombak.
Gio just came to gombak when i finish! haha(:
later going over to trish's place for christmas party.
just now when i came back at 10am
my bro and i are damn lame haha
cause my house upstairs damn noisy from 10am to 5pm
because they renovating toilet and its like they trying to break my ceiling
drill and they demolish the walls and stuff
some construction fella came to my house rang the bell
top tell me that
so this conversation took place at like 10 something am
me:(screaming) they renovating and its going to be damn noisy until 5 o clock!
me:(screaming) i say its going to be damn noisy until 5 o clock
bro: okay thats it im going out!
me:haha i also going out.
bro:they early morning 10 am disturb my beauty sleep i go complain ah
eh how you know until 5 o clock
me:cause the guy came dingdong and told me that.
to you guys maybe not funny but when it happen its like damn lame
cause we can't really hear each other
people going macritchie have fun(:
training wouldn't be soo tough except for jogging i suppose
if you guys doing the same workout should be alright(:
get a life
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 @ 4:28 PM
daily life is like eat,sleep,train
that sucks
okay today training at 10.45am
only got liangwei,meixian,habibah,val,divya and myself.
played basketball 20 minutes
i think divya,val and me won? i dont know.haha
did stretching and drills
after that baton striding 3x80m
gym:stomach,back,lunges,biceps/triceps,heel raises,scissors and butt lift
after that striding again
and bounding.
thats all for training
bathe and ate at banquet.
i made a mistake again dont ask me what go see habs or lw blog.
tomorrow no training
self train for seniors
juniors no training
friday macritchie 3.30 but i can't go trish got party
so self training waiting for training programme from pedro
sorry guys! two times never go already!
christmas is coming and so is next year!
well before the new year comes
i shall reflect on this year then
alright this year was really one crazy year
well crazy cause there are a lot of ups and downs
more downs then any other year that has pass
sometimes i wonder is it cause of the way i look at things change
or really it is like that. well i don't think i've change
i simply moved on from the past.
well from a lousy aggregate score of 193
i didn't get into a very good class
i was in 1d and 2d although noisy and super naughty
but i had fun and i really missed it
studied hard
i moved up to 3B pure physics class
never thought i could make it but i did
many people much smarter then me are in it
so not really much pressure or anything
but they have been a great help in the studies part
studied pretty hard this year
effort paid off
except for physics which i consider it very difficult
i did well in my other subjects,surprisingly
had o level mother tongue
it was pretty scary but i guess it was quite a breeze
cause i dont really get chinese or like chinese
i just anyhow whack.HAHA
for end years i studied really really hard
sick,stressed out everything happen
thought was going to fail physics cause i wrote a whole lot of crap
but amazingly i pass! by one mark thanks to mcq
also, i didn't fail math both a and e.
im pretty happy that for L1R5 i got 17
but i'll get better results next time i hope.
its o levels next year!
im in pure o level class! haha im dead got to study hard
the moment school reopens!
lets talk about the other half of sports school
which is sports that why the school is made for
im in track so i sprint
well this year results obviously suck, big time.
but i don't really care yeap
lost that passion after sec two
no idea why.
well i wonder why my dad was such a great sports person
playing like 7 sports or something and doing great in every single one
bro found his passion in dance and beatbox
i like it too but im in the sports school so i can't dance that often
or no one actually can dance together with me
i'll be some idiot dancing alone i don't like solo
so plain, too blank cause you're the only thing moving
and it bores people unless you're really damn good, you know.
maybe i just haven't found that greatness in me.
sports for me now, can be a leisure but not a full time commitment
its not my dream not my passion no more yeap
now even though perdro's here the new coach
i dont feel the different
sometimes even though i try hard to find what i belive in track back
its just not the same anymore.
haven't really thought what i would want to be in future
cause everyone from my dad's side are like rich and smart
doctors,lawyers,journalist whatever you know
apparently we dont have contact with them,don't talk to them that often
so obviously bro and i have to do something too you know
bro knows that he wants to be either engineer or pilot
so for me i got no idea yet.
few choices i pick so far: fashion design,hotel management,engineering also
or anything else haven't thought of yet
i dont even know should i go poly or jc-.-"
oh well 2008 i would be 16 a totally different thing i suppose.
well will continue reflection for this year soon
stay tune!(like mr lau! HAHA)
alvin and the chipmunks
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 @ 7:11 PM
damn shit la
stupid computer.
saturday i went for ama's chalet thingy
pretty cool,havent had gatherings like that for so long
i reach home at 12 midnight
sunday i stayed home whole day as usual im damn lazy on sundays
monday was like training and i got engwei's present
he better appreciate it! haha im just kidding but i seriously got no idea
what to get haha!(:
okay christmas is coming i havent buy presents for many people
im going to get everyone something pretty small
because i need to save money! haha sorry peeps!
so far only got meixians's one today
she and her little tiny tigger haha!
okay today training was at 8am
woke up around 6 am
damn tired.
training was like soso for me
even though mine is lighter compared to others
i did:
stretch, jog 6 minutes
stretch somemore jog another 4 minutes
and stretch more
drills: extensions and side thing
2x60m striding
hurdle thingy thing and 1 more striding
intervals: others did 120m but i did
80,80,60(1set) and 80m,60m(2nd set)
i got no idea how long i rest
cause i lent meixian my watch
but pedro was timing me so okay.
after training me and habibah bathe in the **** toilet
then something dumb happen so ya damn lame
okay after laughing straight for ten minutes yesterday at macs
you can read the story at liangwei's blog cause im pretty lazy
summary of it is that meixian,habibah,liangwei and myself were laughing at macs
like some dumbass because we were talking about the different laughters
i made a mistake of saying "me and the dom" and "yesterdeh"
and meixian made a mistake of "shope" and many other dumb stuff
today ate at foodcourt.
today mistakes again
gina was trying to say dimples end up saying something else
i said bangla became blanga(i wonder how that came)
okay and meixian sweet potato
became sweet cucumber/tomato
after that watch ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS!
woohoo!damn funny and super cute
haha i like theodore! the freaking fat chipmunk
its so cute! haha(: but all three are fine!
came home after that
but on the way home
i hate the guy that check the card
i was nicely sleeping then he woke me up
give me a jump, idiot
came home like 2 plus i sleep till 5.30
im so tired mann!
pedro is changing the training time for macritchie to 3.30pm
dang,i got party that day wonder can make it
i dont even know what time start
this few days im like going to be so busy or something
damn crazy schedule or something.
bleh.dont know what to say.
magorium emporium
Thursday, December 13, 2007 @ 5:06 PM
com was reformatted then couldn't do anything
now finally can!(:
lazy to blog about the past few days.
today supposingly i can rest but then pedro still make me train
felt super no strength today.weak la
played basket ball for warm up
then had drills and stridings.
im like super tired after that
we did javelin after that but i threw like shit la
anyhow throw don't care anyway.
no mood.
did exercises.thats all
after that went to eat lunch divya and meixian
we walked all the way to causeway today
so poor thing only got three of us
we sing and talk all the way(: so crazy
ate macdonalds then saw ying jia and tyra
after that decided to check the movies out
hope i got the spelling right?
the show was okay so magical.
apparently our juniors were watching the same thing and they sat infront of us
the movie ended around 3.45pm it started at 1.05pm
bought some spongey thingy for speakers and bought sweets also.
tomorrow macritchie training trust me i so don't feel like going
what the-.-"
i don't know what to do..
i have to post a lot of photos from last week haha.poor me.
lazy bugger
Sunday, December 9, 2007 @ 6:23 PM
so i stayed home today
slept at 3am after playing rollercoaster tycoon 2
cause bro is so not at home! woohoo!
and he took the freaking psp.
okay i woke up like 11am
wanted to sleep more but outside room was too noisy.
i ate lunch at 3
packed kfc home.spicy bbq meltz(:
the spicy fries that supposingly is like cheese fries not very nice.haha
saw some crazy boy(to me) at plaza.
okay watch tv until now.
so amanda's life is not very nice.
got mc for 2 weeks but tomorrow still going school cause gym
i guess i can do so ya.
want to watch sea games now
but i realise im so lazy cause track like got nothing much going on
so don't really care.
now going to play rollercoaster tycoon 2 again
cause im so bored-.-"
icc finals
Saturday, December 8, 2007 @ 11:13 PM
woke up at 11.30:)
then wanted to message cousin or someone at 12 to go out
but saw meixian miss call and message to watch school icc final
so called her then set! we go watch GOLDEN COMPASS then go school
we rushed for the 1.45 movie
she was late so we missed the starting
but the show was nice(: there is 3 parts in total
so thats cool(:
we ate burger king and packed doughnut to school
singapore vs malaysia 2-0.yays!
habibah,meixian and me watched like the whole thing
we even went to auditorium for fun
but the people said we could eat dinner
so we ate(:
i got "saboed" by meixian and safirul
to take photo with farhan-.-"
apparently the coach and rajan saw
what the hell..
thanks la
"paiseh" man!
japs and aussies are hot(:
haha okay. hmmm we left at 9 something:D
had fun today cause i laugh a lot. ahah(:
tomorrow sunday what to do..damn boring haha(:
time flies
Friday, December 7, 2007 @ 5:52 PM
not all though..krista,weining didn't go
but least most of us did
training did hurdles.
so only..
habibah,gina,meixian,liangwei,valerie,vera and myself went
first thing we reach east coast is go rent bike
then take photo
we cycled to macdonalds and eat!
then cycle here there and stuff
after that val went home
so we had to return the bikes anyway
we went to the beach camwhore
and took lame pictures
went to hawker centre eat chicken wings
everyone went vera's house except meixian and i
we waited for my dad to fetch us(:
meanwhile more chicken wings.haha
although it seems simple but i enjoyed myself
cause we seriously are damn lame.
supposing i suppose to post pictures
but i only got some cause meixian never come online
so ya can't sent to me
this are some pictures!:D (if you didn't know click on the image for a bigger picture)

today never rain so training at macritchie
ughhh.. woke up at 7.15am. Zzzz
today jog even further for warm-up i practically died
calve cramp after jogging less than 100m
i was "dead" before even doing drills and the main set.
everyone look "dead" too haha! we were so quiet today!
i got no idea why.
did drills,3 set lunges + stridings like 5x in total
intervals was 3x150m,2x120m
i manage to hit 23.76 for 150 and 17.6 for
after training go junction 8 eat mac for lunch
saw a lot of rj people from track and whatever cca
"chiong" home bathe and cab to polyclinic
see doctor
now i only cant train for two damn weeks thanks to the mc
well at least i think i can do light training
wth? heck ah
got appointment with NUH on 4 jan.
yes tomorrow is a saturday! woohoo!
party! in a sense! haha
im so tired! going to cook myself dinner.
i almost forgot how to post pictures haha
trust me! and its weekends..the psp is mine wahaha
can play tekken!
Shit day
Wednesday, December 5, 2007 @ 10:01 PM
super piss with the taxi driver.
i so don't want to elaborate
will continue tomorrow or something
i gtg now.
tata.tomorrow outing with team chan(:
one thing i look forward to at least.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007 @ 7:12 PM
err training was alright
did like warm-up and stuff plus gym and exercises after that
went for lunch at macs with
habibah,divya,meixian,liangwei,gina and val
then meixian,val and i we walk around for awhile
then go back school to watch soccer match.
after training
which was like warm up 6 minutes
fart leg thing 3 rounds.100m fast and 50m slow
drills and 2 striding
went swimming which we did like some thingy inside we the floatation belt
bathe and stuff
oh gina,habibah and i saw something really funny
this angmoh guy in school he was like walking around in his underwear/boxer
when we going toilet and bathe
three of us got shocked haha!
went for lunch at causeway foodcourt
with habibah,vera,joleen,meixian,divya,gina
after that got no life which is why boring
then go home
reach home at 1.30
i sleep until 4.30.wake up watch tv-.-
korea uk bboy championship 2006 TIP vs Drifters
Sunday, December 2, 2007 @ 9:13 PM
seriously i need something fun to do
okay saturday was like extremely boring
went to orchard but after that went home after like 2 hrs
went to cousin house and played xbox for like 1 hour
then go dinner
i stayed over.
today woke up at 9 plus.
my cousin's dog "mao mao" really cannot "tahan"
okay cousin and i spend like don't how long playing psp and com
while my other cousin woke up only at ONE! haha
at 1.30 or something went downstairs eastpoint to eat lunch
took a cab to safra tampines to bowl
apparently they got competition today.haha
but still we get to play
i broke my nail so i had to cut my long nails=(
okay there was this old man
who bowled next to the lane my cousins and i were using
he was so funny!
cause he got like some funny lucky pose? he keep doing it
so my cousins and i laughed at him.HAHA
went back to cousins house at 4.30++
after we bought ice cream
cause my cousin kept craving for ice cream
left her house for home at 5.30
reach bangkit at 7.15pm where i met my parents for dinner.
tomorrow training in school at 10.45am
icc start already like so cool(:
this is like cute,its FUNNY(:
harder,better,faster,stronger different version yeap
enjoy! if anyone actually watch this