o lvls
Saturday, January 26, 2008 @ 5:59 PM
thats a good thing
monday had something apparently i dont remember what
tuesday was cluster activity
went to mad jack the food was like alright
the service was crap man
wednesday went to eat at some prata place near the school
with my group peeps seniors only actually
afternoon swimming.
thursday macritchie
relax man(:
finally.no intervals but had 7 stridings that rest was 40 secs
it was kinda tiring difficult to breathe yeah
then got some old man and quarrel and stuff
lazy with details.
friday train and school and train plus home.
did long jump
almost sprain ankle after jumping.
o levels chinese i got a B4-.-
thanks to my oral which only got a pass.
take higher mother tongue or normal mother tongue?
what i wanna do in future?
what do i like?
screw my life.
its kinda short but i thought it was quite cool
killer dream
Sunday, January 20, 2008 @ 3:39 PM
but i did.
such a killer dream
i would never want to forget
or actually i do but
sometimes i got to remember.
this morning i was sleeping
i dreamt i went to this house or someone brought me there
which is a lot like a mansion or palace
i know the owner in my dreams
i got no idea who
it was suppose to be empty
cause my family and i came back from somewhere else
i went in there was a guy there
he looks nice but suspicious
i asked him"what are you doing here and who are you"
he replied" im from a charity organization to help children..."
something of that sort at least.
im like what are you doing in this house
get out i don't know you.
then he acted like he was going out
but his dog a pomeranian,with sharp teeth tried to bite me
i ran i had a gun which i wanted to shoot at the dog but hesitated
then the guy from the door
shot me right through the right side of my head
in reality i got scared subconciously
everything went dark for a moment in my dreams
as if i was really dead and couldn't feel or see a thing
moments later i woke up wondering if i was really dead in my dreams
the mansion was huge with many people
including a library, shops and even a piano
i tried talking to people like dean did in supernatural
but no one hears me
i got scared and frightened
i scream and shout yet no one hear or see me
i knew i was dead
i saw my mum
trying to touch her and call for her
she couldn't hear me
at that moment i miss her so much
seeing her cry for me.
while i was screaming
someone finally can hear or see me
my cousin,megan.
she was small and young
but when she hear me and saw me
she wasn't really that afraid even though she knew i was dead.
she helped me get everything i need
she even helped me get paper and pens
cause i wanted to write to my family
telling them about everything.
even though i was dead
i have my fears
i knew someone was after me.
someone trying to take me away
because im not allow to contact anyone with the real world
i felt it was exactly like supernatural.
but yet through my dreams it felt so real.
when i manage to get a pen from the shop
in that big palace
the lights went off
i panic cause when i was flying down a long flight of stairs
i saw a huge figure after me
i flew faster and just dive down below a table
my cousin was screaming for me
but within seconds
i turned and they just grabbed me
and drag me away.
it turned black once again
then i was tied to something
and it felt like i died again
i woke up.but tried to fall asleep once again to see
the ending
but couldn't.
terrifying but i learn so much
how much i actually turn my back against my own family.
this day although im pretty much at home
but sad day yeap.
i felt so stupid and dumb for physics
dont know why im in a pure class
i dont think i should be
when someone else cries
im always there
but what about me
when i cry,whos there
no one really
cause it just happened.
no one sees anything more than me
but the surface which is blocking everything
else inside of me.
things that is so fragile.
tiring week
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @ 1:03 PM
and im seriously tired
next week all the extra classes start
im so so dead.
training has been really tough too
and my hamstring acting all funny
at macritchie on thursday i suppose to feel
dead tired
but cause of my hamstring i couldn't push much
so was like relax in a sense
some stupid guy that we see in school always ask for training programmes
so cannot blog what i do for training anymore i suppose
whatever it is
yesterday was like rushing day
after school 2.15 had training
before that in school the nicest lesson was physics(:
learning pressure
so did some thingy
which is try to suck water up a 10m long tube
so it extends to like almost 4 storey high i guess?
andrew,justin,chris tried it
so andrew got the highest
but its disgusting that he bled through the tube
and cause it is impossible to lower the
pressure in the tube to 0Pa which is the lowest.
here are like a few pictures

after extra mt class had to rush for training
so only had 15 mins to get ready for training
training was tiring.
after training which we ended like 3.30
cause we took our time
went to prepare for awards night(:
they let us off so late for dinner
like we sat there 2 hour plus plus plus
had to check out at 10.30
they let us off at only 9.50 or something
i only remember eating at that time.
super dumb
they were talking too long.
waste time.
slept at 1.40 plus plus
woke up at 12
i think im going shopping with my mum later
but im not sure
i haven't done any homework yet
so im so screwed(:
here are the pictures:

the 6 track girls from 92' im the one taking the picture(:

noreen and meixian!

gina lau lau!(:

lw stupid face!

joleen juniors(:

the relay team for thai(: yays! love you guys!

the mixed nuts yeap.team pedro for 08(:
i got no idea where divya went.

track girls!(: 92 batch

nasrul,prakash and shankar! ahha plus lmx of course!

piriyah noreen and i with boon jason and daryl!(:


bhaama and mel!

nette my ex training partner(:

4b haha

my so called twin(:

vas is like super photogenic!
presenting vas! she got nice hair(:

bros and sis.
sister lau,brother guo,sister lee!(:

desmond boey and poojaa!(:

jamie blurred the photo haha

meixian always take the photo for me and jared always blur!
ughh-.-oh and theres shahrir too.sad this nice photo but blur-.-


nurindah(:she damn cool k!

alfred!photo shopped this cause the lighting was really bad
took twice cause the first time netball rising star walk pass the camera didn't even say sorry-.-
weak shit
Saturday, January 12, 2008 @ 12:37 PM
its january
im like so running out of time.
im starting to give up for training again
actually i dont know
macritchie was like normal normal
i still suck at stuff
but getting used to it
so don't really care
only yesterday my body practically broke down
like immediate kind of thing for 300m
anyway i still did a 47.85
after a very very very long time.
studies is getting along fine
now my priority is like studies
although im still running
but even if i dont
it doesn't matter.
going out later
even if i have to be alone
i dont mind
anyway i just need to look for something(:
thats all i suppose.
got nothing much to say
im not really in the mood.
just kill me
Sunday, January 6, 2008 @ 2:05 PM
haven't use computer in like a week plus
yesterday went orchard
and jannah's party
the end.
i reach home at eleven.
later going back to school
i got loads of homework
damn the teachers man
its like crap.
screw it man
i miss dancing.
can't find time to go for classes
and i should not speak singlish.
my dad would like kill me
i think.
oh by the way school
is like shit.
too many sec ones
hate meal times
cause i can't even eat slowly
just queueing for food
waste 20 minutes of my life
damn it.
the food sucks sometimes too.
blehh.what the hell.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008 @ 4:16 PM
yesterday was pretty awesome reach home like
countdown with noreen and gina at causeway
where there were like dance and rap and singing
the dancing is nice(:
fireworks and stuff
thanks girls for the great company(:
haha i know we had lots of fun with the
funny group of malay peeps next to us(:
sadly got to leave a little earlier than them
cause of my dad-.-
but anyway lucky it was like the end anyway
i really like the music man(:
slept at 3am
later got to go back school
damn sad.
i don't even know what to pack
2007 has gone.
really wanna thank everyone that
was there for me
mainly my friends you know who you are yeah,
team chan/pedro
i don't know whats with the babe thing
but i know there is like lau babe,xian babe,habbs babe,val babe,lw babe
okay you get the thing
whatever man
haha. and everyone else.
new year new beginning
let's have an awesome year ahead yeap
resolutions? i got no idea
for now.
studies super damn hard
cause o levels
haha sports got to take a backseat
actually it ain't really a big thing now
i'll just let it go the way its suppose to
and hopefully i get bboying
wanna learn bboy and maybe locking/popping
not sure
but i just wanna dance more often this year
it was an awfully big mistake to let dance take
the backseat last year
and it was such a freaking lousy year to begin with.
dance here i come(:
when the music goes there ain't no stopping
other resolutions? i'll think about it