february 29
Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 7:58 PM
happens once every four years(:
happy birthday to all who are born on this day(:
today did not have school as in like lessons
due to ptm
but went for an optional physics class which was
quite slack i've got to say
then slacked around and left school at around 2.00pm.
no training as well did relay in the morning
sucks when knee and foot injured same time-.-"
watched THE LEAP YEARS at yishun
with jannah,noreen and meixian
the show was really good
amazingly a local show
but seriously great(:
touching,romantic and seriously good.
from the show learned quite a lot
especially being true to yourself(:
tradition goes:
really cool(: romantic but
nothing in this world really is so.
does true love exist?
whats the definition?
how do you know when you are in love?
the leap year is a show and scene about a woman's life
which is almost every girl's dream
although dreams do come true,
but what are the odds.
i regret taking history
should have taken literature
cause poems are pretty fun
but sadly i can't change anything now
so..my future person(if i have one)show me what
its like, to be in love.
jacket emergency alert
Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 5:53 PM
yesterday's choreo is direction confusion for me man
keep spinning wrong direction
song title was love me and hate the game or something like that
met chloe to watch movie
decided to watch L: change the world
cause the other shows were like filling fast

met liangwei wanting huishan
err haiqal and more people
i'm searching for nice jackets with cousin but can't find any
so difficult to find.
need the looks and reasonable price-.-
today stayed home study watch heroes
later school
sorry eugene! haha im so lazy to get out of the house
to watch movie with you!
maybe next week!
Friday, February 22, 2008 @ 9:11 PM
this week has been really tiring but alright
training was supposingly okay
but i just feel like body breakdown
with flu,knee and foot pain
that sucks seriously
i still suck at physics other subjects im fine
thursday the whole school went to the padang with many other schools
for the annoucement of the host of youth olympics
moscow or singapore?
the anxiety was like woah
seriously but that was some really awesome party at the padang
with performances like hady,temasek and smu etc.
oh not forgetting the mc daniel ong!
really cool and HIGH(:
when it was announce that singapore
the whole padang was like jumpins and screaming
totally high and awesome
such historic moments shall be remembered with pictures(:

here are the random pictures for this week

copper two plus after adding sodium hydroxide or ammonia
haha chemistry.
today did like 80m tired cannot breathe man
stupid flu.screwing me up.
my sweet sixteen
Saturday, February 9, 2008 @ 10:42 AM
i thought it was suppose to be one of the best day ever
i suppose its not
no plans,no party, no nothing
maybe no friends.
friends that i wanna party with
is just never there i guess.
telling myself "hey its chinese new year, expected"
everyone is busy with chinese new year
so to all have a great new year with many red packets
the boring thing is that im celebrating at my uncle's place cause
its his chinese birthday and my english birthday
is something that i do not want.
effed up, my parents never understand me.
and i can say NEVER.
people like them never took time off to even care
about my school stuff
whole day criticising me about how much muscles
i have whatever young that time im damn skinny
f*ck.serious go away.
facing you just makes my day worst
im not your bloody maid.
looking at the house
saying i never do my part
how much have you actually done.
i dont have a choice today.
i feel just like a dog doing what im told
everytime when i plan something
and when they plan soemthing
i put aside mine for theirs
i don't even want their plans
wanted to go sentosa or something maybe party late
have dinner with my friends..
now what go to my uncle's house where every freaking person
just sits and watch tv.what kind of fun is this.
sweet sixteen? this is so not
my sweet sixteen
is just like any other day
but worst because its my birthday.
and i actually remember it.
sometime i do hope whatever i post is wrong
but its the start of today
so i don't know what happens later right
he's like super amazing and he's 15!
new year shopping
Saturday, February 2, 2008 @ 9:28 PM
so happy
finally danced after not dancing for one year
took hip hop 1.went alone with bro but he took
a different class.
i didn't know hip hop consisted of locking bboying and many more
daniel used the song by boa(: nice
called love is just what you can't see.
went new year shopping after that
with cousin, chloe, megan and rachel
bought two t shirts and one skinny
HAHA skinny!
not my type though
but bought it for fun
its the damn fashion anyway
just bought it for new year
i prefer my boot cut giordano jeans
haven't study for physics and chemistry
im so dead.
birthday in 7 days(:
and school starting to suck nowadays
even if im not good at a subject dont have to aim me right
im trying damn hard but i just can't get it.
dang it
screw o levels
screw physics.