i don't see the light
you left me here with a wound in my heart
a wound that would never heal
now i'm just locked up here
in my own world where its cold
i see you but i dont hear you
i reach out
but you pulled away from me
i simply wonder
will i ever love in the same way again?
its 1am and i got nothing in my head
just felt like blogging
amanda you're an effing idiot
was suppose to study properly
yet you didn't study much
come home watch tv and use computer
do you even care about o's
do you even bother
suppose to save money yet end up spending
i really doubt whatever you want you can get it
cause you're just an idiot
bought a fox shirt and pants today.
ate carls junior for dinner
with meixian
went to IT fair get brochures
thats about it.
tomorrow onwards start saving.

i think siwon/shiwon is hot.
im done here.later dude
even though i slept at 1am the day before
and woke up at 6(without the alarm)
i felt damn awake
the celebration was great
im glad i could help the hip hop a little
the'r 4 minutes was really great
the moves and stuff
but i guess a little more enthusiasm and fun
would help a lot in the performance
but overall great job(:
the soccer and silaters did a great job
the skit by the sec 3 soccer boys was hilarious!
even though i watched it a few time during their practice
but it was still RETARDED.haha(:
sec 2s did like sorta ballroom,cha cha thing.
but kampong style(:
it was nice.
taj is really a talented dancer
i've got to say.
silaters do what they do best
haha.yeah haiqal was like flying across the stage
like i said so.
and ahmad,hamka,nurin,iqbal and fazlin
was in combat stuff
so i guess you get the picture
although i really wished i was doing a dance item
but o levels..so got to study!
and people out there you'll see on awards night!
i'll be back(:
sarah asked me to go japan with her(:
i said yeah
so need to start saving like crazy
and starve HAHAHA
i made her day and she made mine(:
thanks girl!
i changed my blogskin
cause even though i like the other one
the colour was too light.
and the mp3 doesn't play like in the different pages and stuff
so it irritates me
felt this was pretty lovely(:
i'm starting to let go of certain things
and i've come to realise maybe things
ain't as bad.
letting go of a friendship and suddenly
i feel relieved
and actually there are many others out there
for me to care about and people that actually see me
for a long time i've been in darkness
but now im walking closer to the light.
liu xiang 110m hurdles
his world record race
oh almost forgot just one thing
something that made me think
and smile for the whole day
a simple good deed makes a person smile
when a person is appreciated
i simply hold the lift for a little boy
carrying too many things
he said "thank you"
just before he went out
it felt really good i got no idea why
i wish the world was more like that
appreciating others..
its really made my day
thanks little kid who stays like 4th floor.
usain bolt won't break the WR
elliot yamin- movin' on
listen to it its nice(:
im trying to get his album.
and im telling myself to wake up at 9am
to study.
studied today with trisha at starbucks
i finished history and physics
and did like 15 questions or chemistry
slow progress..
then went for dinner with family
at sembawang
the food was good
ate crab,prawn,fish head and stuff like that
everything was nice
but the crab was weird
or maybe cause i felt really sick today.
oh well..
prelims is like in two weeks or less
totally not prepared.
this sucks.
oral is this tuesday
im still having cough
with all the phlegm and stuff stuck
im so dead.
someone told me 2.4 this week
i dont want to run
can i get defer.
i dont really care
the moment i exercise
i start coughing like im going to die
how do i survive 2.4..
i would pay a person $2 to help me run..
haha like thats going to happen..
tomorrow going back to school
feel like shopping.rahh.
or should i save money first.
havent dance for 2 weeks
feel so shag.
can someone check did i use singlish here?
cause i need to speak proper english
for oral.
typing without singlish is a good start(:
just changed my blogskin
find it simple and nice
credits to dancingsheep
although the song isn't really to my liking
find it a little loud
but its okay
its by click five
lazy to change it
trying it out
been searching for blogskin that is simple
for days.
finally found this(:
celebrated national day in school
as per normal we sang like mad. ahah

after that in the afternoon to at night
went for
at paradiz centre
totally awesome had a great time there
although i was sorta tired after the whole thing
reach home at 12.
got to meet people like carline muir, 400m sprinter
pole vaulter kelsie, gary reed the 800m champion
and many more of course..
heres the link to this year's
canadian olympic track team profile

today was absolutely..
i dont know boring or just typical
its national day so
happy 43rd birthday singapore!
met mariam,jannah, noreen plus some other people
at city hall around 5
apparenlt mariam and noreen were late so its like 6pm
walk around marina,suntec watch fire works
the end.
ate billy bombers for dinner
cause i was pretty much starving
after not eating the whole day.
meixian met noreen and i after that.
walked around marina square
and some fighting incident happened
there was blood along the corridor
so the police blocked of the area.
wonder what happened?..
went off at 11pm reach home around 12pm
im dead tired now.rahh
well on the dot 10/20
had another surprise maths quiz.
thanks a lot miss kelly! haha
on the topics that i do not know.
read the papers just now
calvin kang is taking part in 100m(:
go calvin!
and i do hope liu xiang wins hurdle(:
pictures for nationals 08
(sorry a bit slow) haha theres more to come..

like seriously
i need a portal to say what i need to say.
broke down in physics class once again
i need to control my emotions
i realise what i once understand
wasn't what i understand now
i realise there's so many missing pieces in my mind
some of the pieces somehow just flew away
some are just hidden from me
unable to access it
i find it so hard to carry on
so hard to keep that fighting spirit inside of me
so difficult to just bring myself to even..try..
typing this post makes me wanna tear once again
but i know if i don't let the feeling go away
it'll be here to stay.
i just need to find that one link to physics.
somehow its so different.
why can't i just find the link to it
why can i easily just know what a person say about another subject
but never physics
feels like a stranger..
i don't know if i can make it
when everyone say i can..
just cause my other subjects are alright
but its different this time.
i know i was never as smart as my bro
but i was always willing to try
to change that..
i guess my parents sometimes wonder
how can my bro be so smart
but im so like..stupid
i wonder too ya know.
now i know maybe i should stop trying.
cause i think i've reach the end where all these started.
came across a quote from nicholas sparks book
a walk to remember
here it goes:
had social studies test
well i pretty much don't know how to do
blank out when i got the stupid paper.
damn tired today
slept at 12 plus yesterday
woke up when piriyah was flipping her papers
or packing her stuff next door at 7 in the morning
went back to sleep like 5 minutes
after that woke up again
and couldn't go back to sleep
knocked out in chemistry class and ss test
chem class was like doing mcq or something
totally couldn't think.
i think im stress.
i still cant let go.
do i ever cross your mind in the warm sunshine?
if only you knew
which you never will..
its a song i really like for now(:
gotta find you by the jonas brothers
that my one week holiday
is ending. rahh.
okay now im borrowing noreen's com
at her house studying
im left with 2 ss and english essays
dread it..
big time.
okay went for dance class before this
danced to shawty get loose.
nice but fast
still sick
so i guess i was extremely blur during the class
had lots of locking stuff.
well i concentrated on not fainting rather then the moves
singfest is today and tomorrow
but so broke to go
tomorrow maybe meet cousin to buy shoes
im so a shoe addict(:
got to check in school by like 11?
so thats cool.
can go school not on sunday
noreen's having tuition now. haha
im entertaining myself with her com.
i miss you
i really really do
wanna see you do what you do once again.
i know you dont feel nothing
i know i never crossed your mind
i know im not part of anything you do.
im not suppose to fall for you
not suppose to think about anything
that why im learning to fall
and let go.
why do i keep breaking something im suppose to keep
i was suppose to not hope
not let it get too high
and take a hard fall
for you i will.
only you.
i just wish you all the best
i will just support you from the back
cause deep down i know no matter how hard i try
to let go..this time its different.
its harder than before.
i wish sometime i could say it straight to you
i like you.
but i just can't.