night safari
Sunday, November 30, 2008 @ 11:39 PM
cause i'm damn tired
today reached school about 7.15am
i guess.
yeah had breakfast and stuff
then the newcastle team had like a training session
so i was going around the school to try to pump 2 balls
get cones, and netballs,also ice
manage to get everything
and they play like really cool
after that had lunch about 12
then went to orchard road for awhile about 1
reached there like 1.30
so had 2 hours to shop
they went only far east
cause time constrain.
came back school watched soccer match
japan against australia
they tied a few times
i'm not sure of the score cause i left halfway
i hope japan wins cause can tell they fought really hard
and last year they did really badly
so hope they do better this year
but the aussies are pretty good.
went off halfway during the soccer match
cause the newcastle teams were going night safari
nicole and i got in for free including the buffet and entry
cause we were the guides
it was nice
after not going there for a long time
thought the place was cool
the creatures of the night show was damn hilarious and nice
came back like 10 plus
and i totally pity meixian and noreen
cause they're at the airport to pick the new zealand team up
who are suppose to arrive at 7.30 but end up 10.30
well tomorrow their competition starts
so all the way people
i'll post photos like at the end of the whole IYSC
that's it for updates
Saturday, November 29, 2008 @ 10:20 PM
slept like 4 hours
yeah and woke up late today
luckily i reach school before 7.30am
went mustaffa at like 9.30am with the australian netball team
first time i went there too
a lot of stuff
but not the stuff i need though but still it got loads of cheap stuff
next went to bugis junction and street
i bought a pair of shoes which is pink
apparently my least favourite colour
but i thought it was kinda nice on the shoe
cause black is dull
bought a t shirt too
i wanted a vest which cost $25 and a bag also $25
went to raffles hotel to take a look
it was a nice place
sadly couldn't go in cause the lobby was close
the visiting hour was at 4.35??
we were there at 3.35
so couldn't wait cause we needed to go back to watch the australian soccer boys match
today spent $10 for the australian netball's team MRT ride
cause i was lazy to ask the team manager for the $10 short
so paid for them.although i'm not rich or anything
well i don't want them to spent like so much on train rides
so fine with it
we took a train back to school from city hall to woodlands
everyone sat on the floor in the train
cause they were so tired
but they seemed really happy with the shopping at bugis
cause they got to bargain and stuff
tomorrow got to reach school before 7.30am again
so yeap long day
i honestly need a job that pays more
i'm in need of cash.
broken pieces
12:06 AM
why is this all happening
this is stupid
yes i know
but i can't do anything to solve it
you're simply changing
changing into someone i barely even know
someone i thought i knew simply faded away
like you have gone with the wind
i tried to hold you back
tried to save every single piece of the puzzle,friendship
yet it simply drifted away
now i'm at a loss
now i really don't know what to think
what to do anymore
so much stuff on my mind now
it's driving me nuts
family,friends what else is there
just come to me now
i realise i've been running
running from every problem i faced
i thought it was solved
actually it never did
i simply avoided it by hiding every somewhere else
now when that hiding simply vanish
i realise everything is what it is.
i think i surpress my feelings and emotions too much sometimes
what can i do now
i simply miss all the use to be
cause the future that is coming at me
simply is too overwhelming
missing parts
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 10:18 PM
i can't upload photos? thanks a lot.
lucky i have back up.
today was suppose to meet noreen at 11.30
i woke up at 11.30 when she messaged me
i panicked for like 5 minutes before doing something
reached school gym like 12.25
workout a little
jogged,drills and stuff yeap
bathe and bought fried rice from school
i totally miss our school fried rice.
it's da' bomb man
had briefing with mdm lee after that
rahh she criticize my hair like gazillion of times
then brought nicole and yushu who are people,
helping out in IYSC (international youth sports challenge),
around so that they know the place
noreen and i walked around in cause way after that
left around 5.30
oh and noreen just told me something
"Amanda is a female given name, Meaning worthy of being loved"
is suppose to be what my name means in arabic? haha
"Anya is a Russian diminutive of Anna which means "graceful" or "bringing goodness"
Anya is also the Sanskrit word meaning, "inexhaustible"
haha it's damn hilarious
tomorrow got to go airport and fetch the australian netball girls
great.but it's only at about 5, got to meet nicole
busy day busy day.
YESTERDAY was pretty awesome
noreen and i went to TP for awhile before going for the dinner gathering
TP is really pretty amazing
i love the feel of it
well and we went tampines mall's open plaza for dinner and games
games were hilarious!(:
thanks PLs and Rawkers who were present(:
oh and i had a one and a half hour train ride home
how nice.
i slept throughout the whole ride
left tm like 10 plus plus
reached home at 11.30(:
picture updates

after dinner at vivo(:
picture damn dark even after editing

reuben's sister, janice! birthday girl on the day we went sentosa(:

the view when noreen and i was walking in TP

picture of noreen and alisha at dinner during yesterday's gathering at tampines mall

some of the people present, this is when ray had to do a forfeit

the weirdo hairstyle i had.omg
actually most of the pictures are on facebook(:
stop getting on my nerves
am i crazy or really falling in love this time?
living in denial
i don't wanna believe i'm falling in love
cause i don't want to
my eyes are stinging
tears might flow
but they're stopping cause i want them to
my heart hurts
cause a part of me is missing
but i don't know what.
is it really love that is not present
i don't believe its happening
when i think of you
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 1:49 AM
There's so much going on
You can think of me
When your hope is gone
You can think of me
To get through anything
You can think of me
I'm here as long as you need me
When nothing seems to work
You can think of me
Your heart is on a search
Let it come to me
I'll make it all reverse
When you think of me
Baby you can see new life through me
Let me be the reason you get through the day
Know that I'll make everything okay
Think of me baby in anyway
I'll be all you need
Let me be the one you turn to when there's pain
Baby I will take it all away
Hide in me, I'll be your secret place
Cause it's all in me
brandy-all in me
it's hard to resist
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 12:08 AM
sadly some picture are blurred or i'm lazy to put up
will have more soon(:

went for sentosa outing with groovy orange
about 20 plus people went i guess
i'm not sure.
the funniest joke to start the day
was when we suppose to look for shah at build a bear
alisha said"build a bear"
then i was messaging then i suddenly asked
"where is the POSB?"
alisha said"go POSB for what?"
i said" then where we going?"
alisha"BUILD A BEAR"
michelle who was walking in front lead us to Pull and Bear
she took a step in
alisha said"where you going?"
michelle"i thought Pull and Bear?"
alisha"it's BUILD A BEAR!"
it was super duper uper hot when we got to palawan beach
played games like captain's ball and monkey, and stuff
after that we all just went with whoever you hang out
today the people i hang out most with i guess
is michelle and rashidah(:
cause we didn't wanna get wet.we played ball and frisbee
and i love the view of the other side facing the sea
it was simply makes me think of the future
and how much i wanna go out and see the work
rather than stuck in the suburbs
after sentosa,chilled out at vivo till about 10
shah was extremely entertaining
he called little kids monsters
and Nat managed to make it
but sadly everyone left kinda early.rahh
i went home with xiong since we stay near each other
and i got to find out a little more about him in the bus home which i thought was nice(:
he walked me home and then i got home

here are some retarded photos
today is janice's birthday,
sadly the uploader of blogger is crappy
so i can't upload anymore
so i'll upload more pictures another time(:
when things doesn't seem like they are
when people aren't people they seem
when everyone seems to believe that fake show being put up
the feeling is horrible,miserable, undescribable
but if it makes everyone happy
why not..
but the person getting hurt eventually it's only me..right
i can't fall in love
part of me
Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 9:32 AM
where has it all gone
maybe is just the morning
maybe it's just me
it would probably be a lot of fun at sentosa later
yet i can't feel it now
maybe cause i still am afraid of getting left behind
the feeling just ain't right
once,twice,thrice well more than that
i know i'm not the best person to have fun with
trying to change or trying to be someone i'm not it's hard
but sometimes i don't even know is it part of me,or am i pretending
now as emptiness takes over me
i'll say goodbye
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 12:26 AM
yes i'm so happy that i feel like screaming my heart out
haha.even though i got sore throat now
i don't really care
cause i really enjoyed TPRAWKS
and when it was over
i knew one thing, just one..
that TP is really where i should be.
just simply for one reason.
being there really sums up my whole experience in sports school for 4 years
i experience what i had in sports school anywhere else
now i have the same feeling in TP, i just know it's the place to be
memories in sports school was simply amazing
now i have a chance to continue that same feeling i really would(:
TPRAWKS, it really RAWKS
and i'm so glad.cause we are like the highest people
and the biggest group!
and we're like family!(:
thanks for all the memories guys!
both PLs and Rawkers!
i'm so happy we're bonded
and i met many many people from group 1,2.3 and 4!
and all the nice PLs of course
i still remember all the cheers! haha
groove groovy orange groove, orange orange groove groove groove
orange the girl girl very very sexy, wah so sexy wah so sexy
orange the boy boy very very cute, wah so cute, wah so cute
and more
the best i think is..JI HAI! (suppose to be zi hai though)
oh and this bimbotic cheer nathaniel teached me
loser hello hello
get a grip get over it
welcome to loserville
population, 1
talk to the hand cause the face ain't home
leave a message after the tone
beep beep, still waiting
i really love love love GROOVY ORANGE
and miss you guys!
will post pictures soon when i have time(:
today i went out and spent $50 at cotton on
bought two shorts and two tank tops
okay i feel like the busiest person alive
i'm oraganising groovy orange sentosa trip this sunday
and mass emailing and messaging is tiring
but worth it for a good good cause(:
the only sad thing, my phone bill is going to go sky high and i'm so dead!
i think i'm going for dance class tomorrow.
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 10:21 PM
can't believe four years have gone.
well memories of sports school is really something i'll never forget
it really was and will be my second home
i know that i treat it as a hiding place from home
some times i do regret coming here cause it caused lots of financial problems for my family
but overall i didn't regret, meeting all those people here
i know over the years i have changed
although sometimes i don't like the change but it's good for me
now i have become a for sociable person than before.
thank you to all who have made sports school life totally awesome
to all the trackers you guys are an awesome bunch or people
to the teachers with unlimited care and concern
to the o level people, the exam is finally over enjoy your holidays! and thanks for the great memories during the whole o level period. it was fun!
to team pedro you guys are da bomb train hard
to everyone else in the sports school thank you
love you people
and to people who are always around
thanks for all the fun and laughter, i'll never forget you people

friday which is the last day all of us spent in school
most of us didn't sleep or slept at like 5 am or something
the normal group of people haiwal/dom/malcolm/meixian/noreen and i
were at the track until 3am something.haha
i slept at 5am, slept for two hours plus until 7.30am
i felt alright.was tired only in the afternoon haha
first time i slept so little
okay yesterday which is a saturday
was noreen's birthday
so happy birthday!
went to her house in the morning
suppose to give her a surprise but i woke up late
so went there later
passed her present to her plus ate roti john for breakfast
yeah stayed there till about 12 then left with her to meet meixian
to get cash from her

went to meet diana for floor the love (FTL)
plus her recital friend hugo but he left halfway before it started
went for FTL, upon reaching there
i realise there are like loads of people already there
but anyway FTL was dope shit man
awesome show!(:
even though we have to sit on the floor from like
3-9 plus a half an hour break at 5.45pm with numb legs and butts
it was still dope woohoo
the locking,popping and hip hop was like the dopest
probably cause i don't get bboy and can't see cause they are on the floor
for locking it was like taiwan vs singapore(chunky and fong)
it was like awesome seriously.taiwan won though but both teams was awesome
popping was strobing machine vs jack and junior
strobing machine won but both teams did great!(:
hip hop was like oschool match man
an an & xiaohei vs ben & some person i can't remember her name
an an & xiaohei won but it wasn't their best i guess
but xiaohei was power yesterday
sadly they played weird hip hop music yesterday.rahh
except at the start
FTL dope dope dope.thanks diana for spending the day with me(:
to all the participants of FTL you guys are dope!(:
later meeting nabilah and the rest of team pedro
happy birthday nabbs!(:
feeling the groove
Sunday, November 9, 2008 @ 12:25 AM
amazingly i danced basic waltz and chacha during the sec 3s affirmation
well after all that
went orchard to study with noreen at wheelocks starbucks
saw utt from mtv.woohoo
went home at night
watched ghost whisperer kinda spooky
survivor.marcus got voted out! damn.
house.the doctor is nuts rejecting medicine and thinking he is all that.
singapore's weather is getting weird
it was so warm!
had to bathe two times-.-
slept like 2 plus am
can't sleep properly anyway
was like sneezing the whole night
saturday which is today
i woke up at 9
couldn't take it
the sneezing and stuff drives me nuts
went for dance class today! get back in shape i went for hip hop 1
thinking about how am i going to cope with daniel's weird but nice style of hop hop
turn out he wasn't around
his class was replaced by someone called Alex
he's some guy who just came back from the states
but he's cool and i love his style of hip hop
he mix the different kinds of hip hop together
with a little of mtv groove and something that feels like lyrical hip hop
i love the choreo
i wish i could get the video
though i struggled a little i thought it was really nice
i hope he holds his own classes soon
i would definitely attend man.
studied at oschool for awhile
until 5pm..meixian "pangseh" me
so called chloe we went out met at cine
i was starving
cause i didn't eat from 9.30am to 6pm
and the weirdest thing happened to me
three caucasian girls who are 17 thought i was older than them
one of them say:"hi can you do me a big big favour..blablabla..we're 17
blabla..can you help us buy cigarettes,we'll pay you"
i was like huh? and i replieD:"err..i'm 16"
dang do i look like 18 to you
then decided to ask some cool dude who works at bilabong heeren
but they relise they don't have enough money in the end to buy
which was ridiculous.
walk around,at around 8.20 which felt like 9
we decided to go swensens for ice-cream
shared the regular earthquake with 8 different flavours
then walked to wheelocks place borders as usual
wanted to buy breaking dawn but they don't have soft cover-.-
the hard cover is like 3 times the price
i want the eragon,eldest and brisingr books
so waiting for the price to drop and the fourth book
plus i want haryr potter box set that cost $144
wow can't buy too expensive=.="
now i need to get big t shirts for dance and blue shirt for ngee ann thing
new sneakers and save money to buy a bloody shelf
my books are like stacked on the floor.
need to repaint my room as well, simply re-do my whole stupid room
need cash desperately
okay two more papers to go.woohoo.
i can do it and im praying for my L1R5 to be below 20
if not i think i can just slap myself
grooving away.hasta la vista
i don't wanna fall for you.
Thursday, November 6, 2008 @ 10:05 PM
both mcqs
and i'm totally done with o levels
then i got to worry what to do about my future
whether my L1R5 can make it below 20
great..simply great
i got no idea what i want to do
cause i don't see all the possibilities
as much as i want to take arts i don't know how far my creativity would take me
doctor..probably my english can't make it
not smart enough and i afraid to see people die infront of me
lawyer not what i want
sigh.what can i do.
today i guess i was pretty slack except
from 7.40pm to 9.00pm
i studied physics
wanted to do chemistry notes
but don't have liquid paper. haha
and i keep writing wrongly sigh.
recently i have weird dreams
i dream of people i have never seen
people i do not know
makes me wonder do they exist
will i ever meet them?
shohei is the bomb man.
electric trouble is dope.
Sunday, November 2, 2008 @ 1:28 AM
someone you only dream of
never know if the person exist
never know is it real
just know that you've seen him or her in your dream
it might sound crazy but somehow that image i saw
is still so clear in my real
like as if i know the person
sometimes i can feel it, but not sure if it is hallucination
i wonder am i going crazy
today had ss class in the morning
and it was the start of fina swimming thing
ss ended early
then ate lunch with
then study at starbucks with noreen
met meixian/faiz/haiqal at town
i bought two things today
tamagochi(no idea why) just for fun i guess
cause noreen wanted one
and bought two different coloured shoelace
well that's three.
i need to mug social studies
which apparently im not
i know now i have lost my photographic memory
i have lost my brains to remember
cause i can't remember stuff now.
it's weird cause i don't feel like myself anymore