Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 11:18 PM
brought the koreans to aerogreen
where they learn about aeroponics
seriously i doubt they're interested
i was alright
i just became the mosquitos food.
the moment i got there i got two bites
after that went to watch inkheart at 12.50 with meixian and noreen
and yes, it was a nice movie=)
i think its worth 4 outta 5 stars
went to meet other 4C people to go Ms Phua's house
i'm the only 4B person
but it was alright.
very fun=)
teachers that were there were Ms Phua(duh), Mrs Felicia Teo, Mrs Quah and Mrs Soong
4C was Huilin, Kok Hong, Melcas, Dom, Mike, Gabriel, Shaun, Denise, Cherie,
Meixian, Noreen, Jamie
4B, me
cause its a 4C event, i just went to make my day more practical
after that went back to school to visit Mrs Roman
hang around.
went to causeway pastamania to eat dinner yeap
the best laugh for today was JAMIE COATES
he's damn cute man. he's the first person i know to bring sunkist orange
instead of mandarin orange to go 'bai nian'
haha Ms Phua was like "Who bring this type of Orange to 'bai nian'"
then no one answered
after awhile Jamie went in to say it was his.
haha i started laughing
then he said cause he asked dom whether dom's bringing orange
dom said ya
then jamie ask whether is it the normal one
dom said ya
soo..to jamie sunkist was normal not mandarin orange
so he brought sunkist!
good laugh.
i imagine all the possibilities
all the scenarios that there was me and you
but is it a dream
or is there even a chance to make it real.
you're the one i think off before i knock out
one that i never should even try laying my heart on
one i cannot fall for
one that will never be part of my future.
chu san of CNY
12:24 AM

outfit day two for new year
it's been three days of chinese new year so haven't been updating
just wanna wish everyone a happy new year
went laoshi's class in the evening with audrey and anthea
after that rushed to dance course
got there like few minutes late
so i missed the stretching part
another dope class=)
and she tested on our memory of the choreo again.
went to eat chippy with Alisha
*faint it's so tempting
and i'm totally craving for it
it's delicious man
then went to esplanade for awhile to see bboys session
after that came home.
Sunday, January 25, 2009 @ 12:41 AM
went for alex's class today
crazy man.
keeps screwing up the steps
cause i keep mixing up right with left
and it's last week's choreo plus today
i didn't go last week, so yeah
alex's damn dope though.
oh well its over
i just need more practise.
i know i'll get it
and when i was changing i realise
my body is really long.
met my mum at bugis after that
she shop so slow
she didn't even buy much of her new year clothes
i shop as much as she did
when i already bought everything for new year
amazingly i bought a pair of heels
for the first time
high heels..
i found it nice that's why
i look extremely tall in it
when i'm already tall without it
i bought a small bag and a bracelet too
maybe tomorrow i'll buy my lee cooper shoes
thinking on how much it's worth
tomorrow meeting chloe to pass her stuff.
so i shall think whether to buy the shoes or not
it's 50 bucks, good deal to me.
all my current shoes are worth 80 and above.
so 50 is a good deal
but i'm kinda broke
and it's the last item i can shop for
because all my new year money will go into buying poly stuff.
and i'm still worried bought my JAE though =(
spin like a wheel
Friday, January 23, 2009 @ 10:20 PM
brought the koreans to the marina barrage
my first time there as well
it was okay, quit boring
the only thing nice there was the view,
the sea and the CBD
the interesting parts is like how the mechanism
behind the water gates and stuff like that
other than that, i think it was boring
went to NEWater after that
been there, so know what is there
lucky there was a guide there
cause we were one hour earlier than the booking time.
i love the colourful floor.
went back to school, watch a little of soccer
and left at 6pm
ghost whisperer is an awesome show
jim re-lives.
for i don't know what reason
my head is spinning and hurting.
ughh.can't stand it.
jet plane that flew past
solar panels, there are supposingly 450 i think?
lighted floor=) i love this
at new water
solar park
the sea that i can always stare for hours
green floor.
the thing to stop ships from crashing into the barrage
blue liquid tube
rivers of singapore?
the mini model of the barrage and the koreans
self control
Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ 2:20 PM
i'm still thinking if i should go for dance class
i'm quite broke, no..
very broke to be honest
with only 27 dollars.
20 dollars top up
and i'm left with 7 dollars.
and i still wanna buy my lee cooper shoes
plus a bag for new year
how is that ever gonna be possible?
i need at least another 70 dollars for those two items
i've spent at least 300 dollars for new year.
i need more self control.
i think i should not go for dance class today
so that i can go on saturday and save money for popping course next time.
maybe i'll go next week
today i should stay home and pack the house?
argh. i wish i can go today.
"self control"
okay my throat hurts like crap.
whatever i ate or did yesterday
certainly have its effects.
have i totally stop singlish?
definitely not.
more self control needed.
burn my pocket
12:25 AM
sorry it's a late one
went to shop a little with chloe
bought a vest from forever 21
a pair of shorts, denim material
and a pair of straight cut jeans
spent $73 dollars in total
when for xiaoheiz course at night
today was quite fun the routine yeap
went to eat chippy with alisha
then went home.
i'm broke,
tomorrow how to go ryan's and gin's class
money please drop from the sky.
3.45 must pass book to peishan
so tomorrow i'm not working yeap
cause there is nothing to do
i only need to work on friday whole day
and next friday plus saturday whole day.
370th post.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 @ 12:04 AM

TP volleyball guys. i like their numbered shirt=)
and they are really good!
go TP!

TP against SP.during warm-up
the day i slept only four hours.
on the way to school
the sky was amazing=)

i look really sickly in every picture.
my company in the office=)

liangwei's ez-link card

British Swim Team guys at training
Coach Chris. back view
Coach Liam.back view

not all, but at least the nicer ones.
i'm so lazy to post cause there are too many pictures of meixian.
and yes i didn't take a photo with the British Swim Team.
rahh that sucks
oh well i'll always remember you guys though
i hope you guys come to singapore soon=)
yes and i know most of you guys don't like it=X
Tom ,Adam Mallett, Adam Harrington, Chris, Robbie, Richard, James
i'll remember you guys=)
oh and of course Hazel, Coach Chris and Coach Liam
thanks Hazel for the chocolates.
okay today went for interview at NYP
okay today went for interview at NYP
apparently is like not even an interview
the lady didn't ask much
she's just promoting her course.
she asked me if i want her to put me down for JPSAE
she say even if i don't with my points
i would probably still be offered the course i want
so i just said i didn't want JPSAE
which was quite dumb cause it's equivalent to me
which was quite dumb cause it's equivalent to me
not applying JPSAE at all
since i screwed TP's interview.
so now, solely dependent on JAE
and i'm damn worried
cause my points is exactly 14 on the dot for LRM
if smart asses go in, i sure can't get in
praying hard that i can get in
because i got no back up
no extra 5 points off.
pros and cons.
pros: i don't have to stick to track
cons:may not get in.
i'm desperate to get into LRM
i really want it.
later 7pm got xiaoheiz course.
not working tomorrow
probably going out
chloe never reply me
so got to wait then.
that's all for now
hasta la vista
Labels: praying hard. late post.
zero motivation
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 @ 1:37 AM
left school at 4pm with meixian
met Alvin at the bus stop
and go to TP by about 5
i swear non of us knew it was a trial
except Yono and two other guys
zero preparation
and don't wanna run
it was just a 120m run
i lost to Divya and Meixian
so i was last
actually i don't really care
strain my bloody hamstring that day again
calve cramped in the morning
so my whole leg was jelly like
plus i don't feel like doing track that much longer
probably join volleyball or netball
saw the volleyball people play today
the guys are fierce and totally awesome.
professional and nothing less
reach home at 11.30pm
and i'm tired.
not in a good mood.
later today got a interview at NYP
for hospitality and resort management
second choice course
this is probably JPSAE again
i screwed the TP one
now here comes the NYP one
i do pray that for LRM i get through by merit
please please please.
taking a break for today and wednesday
cause got stuff on.
changed blogskin
been messin' around with the codes
and my internet keeps failing me
that's about it i wanna sleep.
and i really do miss your presence.
if only dreams do come true.
Labels: late post once again
the biggest idiot of all
Saturday, January 17, 2009 @ 11:26 PM
2 interviews for JPSAE
when i got there with Noreen
i realise i'm the biggest dumbass of all
i didn't bring the original copy of my results
apparently i didn't read the email carefully
so the person simply said
"oh we cannot verify"
so i couldn't have the interview
i was pissed at myself and upset
cause i just blew my chance at my first choice course
i don't even know how to tell my dad seriously
the whole day all i could think about was
how am i gonna get into LRM now.
amanda anya lee ya yu, what are you gonna do now
wake up.why were you so effing careless
piece of crap.useless?
yeah bro you're totally right
i can't do a damn thing about it
i doubt i even got a second shot at it
im screwed.
when my whole entire life career is like on this.
okay went to town for awhile
made my way to the airport to pick up the qatar people
the guy in charge malcolm was the nicest
the rest of the people don't talk
i slept in the whole bus ride
was dead tired
i slept in all my transport today
after checkin' them in
and waiting for their dinner to come
i went off
bernard fetch me to the mrt
and i had reunion dinner at commonwealth with my family
today is not a good day.
i pray that i get into LRM by JAE
permanent memory of you in my mind
it was simply seconds
yet i hoped it last a little longer
and it was the last time we'll ever meet.
i think i like you.
2 days countdown
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 @ 11:56 PM
i manage to find my two way transport that takes like only about one hour.
but i got lost for 5 minute trying to find the bus stop.
i just randomly walk to a bus stop and i saw 23
woohoo damn happy.
stayed there until about 5.
seriously damn long
to take a look at whatever they offer and
the JPSAE thing
i'm still considering other polys cause TP it's still kinda far
even though i wanna go there
still thinking so my brains are blowing!
tomorrow i think i'll ask adam to do me a favour.
rahh i hope he's around
divya not training tomorrow morning!
damn sad i train alone=(
meeting meixian and 8am
and i'm still awake
xiaoheiz course is groove and technique today
she say i'm doing it right but don't have the essence
i think i look weird when i dance.should i quit?
is this what i'm meant to do?
or i'm doing it cause my bro is being an arse and i wanna prove him wrong?
do i really love it?
sorry dad,i'm always so rude
sometimes i can't help it
thanks for helping me with decision making
even though i can't be home often
even though i feel the pressure,i think you probably just want me to make the right choice
just simply thank you
i can feel the pressure
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 @ 11:51 PM
wanna relax
wanna be able to think
wanna be able to know what i want
i asked myself so many questions
yet i can't answer a single one
after living for 16 years
i realise i don't even know myself well
don't even know who i am exactly
what i want in life.
pressure all around me
forcing me to think
forcing me to have an answer
it's driving me crazy, it really is
no matter what i do
i'm never good enough
in your eyes do you even care where i end up
i really wanna know the answer
if i disappear would you even care
you probably would just pin all your hopes on your son
and in your heart know that he would be successful
cause he's all that you ever wanted.
why am i even here
what am i doing.
today i trained
did stridings in the morning
started work at one and worked till night
learnt how to use a microsoft excel.
and two more days till the british swim team are gone
i probably would miss them
not because they're hot, even though they are
but probably cause of their funny presence
i feel happy talking to them
cause they crack really stupid jokes and they're really nice people to talk to
so far i've got 3 names chris,robin and adam
plus the coaches and team manager. chris,liam and hazel
other than that i'm stuck no time to ask
reached home at 11 again
not working tomorrow.
going tp to see the sports guy.
that's all. good bye
oh and i love the song on my blog
peace, serenity,tranquil
12:07 AM

introducing my Nike terminator low vintage red=)
okay today was seriously nervous day
my heart beats faster than usual today which is quite scary
cause it's O levels results day
met divya at about 7.30am to go for a run in school
then worked from 9-1
cause people say need to meet at 1
but actually it's 2pm
after much talking from the staff
the results are known.
yes, and i'm a value added student
sounds stupid.
but i find that my results was average and it was pretty bad to me
just can't show it to others
cause well many are sobbing and crying
while others smiling and laughing
to all those who did well, great job guys!
and to all those who did not so well, no worries as long you can get somewhere it's really good.all that matters is that you tried.
worst than what i want.but at least i'll get somewhere
i got A2 for combined humanities(history)
B3s for Chemistry, English, Chinese,E math
B4 for Physics
and worst of all C6 for A math, but at least i passed it
for some reason ms kelly was happy with my pass
if i go to TP i get a 5 points cut so it would be 9 points
so i can get to any course
but now the BIG PROBLEM IS
what course do i want!
ugh.i need to be decisive
but somehow i'll never get the answer.
phone dead
Saturday, January 10, 2009 @ 10:58 PM
was kept busy till 11.30
brought hazel, the british swim team manager how to take train and bus
went for hip hop 1 class
nice but i kept tripping myself
and mixing up steps.
met a new friend Riana today!
okay went to get food with Alisha before her bboy course starts
then after that stone for 1 hour plus while waiting for Alisha
walked to city hall to meet hazel and divya
then went to airport
the flight got delay so they landed at about 7.15pm instead of 6.45
the guys are really funny and nice.
obviously hot.haha! well divya said so.
reached home at ten after showing the guys to their rooms and having dinner.
tomorrow need to go in the morning again.tired tired
and my phone batt exploded.now using my old phone
screwed up
12:24 AM
my plans are screwed up today(10 january)
-reach school by 8am
check everything for the japan people and british swim team
-go dance class i guess?
-fetch british swim team at the airport at about 6.45pm
-either go for jan's dinner if i can make it, jam and hop if i can make it
if i don't have to follow the bus back i'll go.
yesterday i went to school for briefing for my job
suppose to only work in the morning
then afternoon after briefing call me
then got set up to go airport to get the british swim team
in the evening
and i told her in advance i cannot work got something on
then she ask if i can cancel my stuff
after breifing went to meet divya and meixian for lunch
then went ijc for open house
saw alvin and the other trackers including khalis
sadly it was really quiet
though the people there seem quite happy
the school is not bad actually
i thought the programmes were quite nice
divya lost her wallet and luckily sakinah's friend found it
then took 168 decided to go tp open house
cause meixian tomorrow schedule also pack like crap
so divya,meixian and i went there
saw alisha and obviously our groovy orange PLs
like the BradonS',Ben, Fion, Azraini, Eugene, Kevin and so on
plus Douglas and Kai
saw Sam the ex ssp netballer
damn funny she was in this like short skit thing
saw xiong also.
the place was great i guess
hyped up totally like a carnival.so much noise and energy
amazingly we trained,woohoo
apparently we took more than one hour for warm up
and half an hour for main work out
haha.and i think i strained my hamstring cause it hurts like hell now
then took 69 and drop off at the wrong place
lucky it was bedok int so we could take the mrt
meixian and i went orchard to find her stuff
while divya went home.
reach home about 11 plus pm
glad i was out with these two people today
it was funny like hell.
no pain,no gain
mei you tong guo,mei you shou huo
stop acting like you're the only fucking idiot living on earth
everyone is next to you; not revolving around you,
for you to pick ,choose and throw later.
or even lie and use the person like a life buoyancy
make up your mind and stop making others change their plans for you
doesn't mean i'm usually free i'm always free
my plans is not catered for you
i have my own life please.
so stop pissing me off and think before you say or do a damn thing
aching even more
Thursday, January 8, 2009 @ 9:55 AM
okay went for RP open house.
it was alright.
saw ama(: and i totally miss our relay team.
after that went to school with jamie,dom and meixian
to see ms nora
apparently she left really early.
so slacked around.
didn't trained cause was going for dance course
so went for xiaohei's hip hop 3 course
Alisha was late! haha
so she missed warm-up
well anyway,lesson one xiaohei said was groove no choreo yet
so there was up and down bounce. a lot of nodding and head back and front
my legs were killing me and my neck was stuck,
thanks to training.
i failed to co-ordinate my head with my other movements
so everything to do with head.i failed yesterday
so i need to practice! rahh.
it was hilarious when xuehei thought anan's class had 50 people
actually it was only 28.haha!
okay walked to heeren to find noreen
and waited for her to finish work
then went to eat burger king for dinner
left about 10.40pm to take a bus home.
reach home about 11 plus.
i think i shall not go for lyrical hip hop today
my muscles are aching really bad.
yes and it's official,i heard
O level results will be released on 12 january,monday
which is next week! great.
now i'm scared.
i had a dream today.it was nice(:
going for open house.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 @ 8:48 AM
monday i went shopping with noreen
and i bought 2 skirts, a top and shoes
my nike terminator low vintage(:
but it's like half size bigger than my normal shoe size
but it's the smallest size already
oh well, i still love it anyway.
i also went to sign up for xiaohei's hip hop 3 course which starts today 7 pm
at oschool.
yesterday met up with dom,jamie,meixian,noreen and divya for lunch at causeway
then went school to see teachers we can find.
then slacked around and went for training
after 12 minutes jog i was tired
but still alright.then there is drills and stridings
i was kinda tired for stridings.almost strain my old injury cause i went too fast
and workout was stridings.
100s and 80s.8 reps in total
tiring man, worst my stupid cough make it harder to breathe
at night, went dinner with jamie,fudin,divya,meixian and jannah
soon after that went home.
can't believe i'm up so early to go RP's open house.
for fun though.
my muscles are aching from yesterday's training
not sure if i should train today.
cause i got course at night=/
not rotting day
Sunday, January 4, 2009 @ 1:12 AM
after rotting at home 3 days straight infront of the tv
morning to night.haha
met at about 3.30 and catch a 4.30 movie
Seven Pounds
the movie was alright.
the movie was dragging really long
and i'm totally lost in the movie about what is going on
you have to seriously guess what is going on the whole time
you only understand the whole thing at the end of the movie
but still there were a lot of questions left unanswered
if you have no patience and no brains cells to think
don't watch the movie.
i thought the storyline is good even though it can get really boring
cause it feels like you're reading a book
after the movie it's like 7pm
jannah had to go off
so i decided to go heeren to find noreen
just nice she was going for a break
we had dinner in the food court at cineleisure
we talked and laughed until 8.15pm when her break ended
so went back to heeren, i wanna buy the $4 star balloon(:
but didn't so afraid it deflates.rahh
oh some drunken guy tried to steal stuff from hmv
and he even shook my hand
i thought he's crazy.
went home about 8 plus
reach about 9.30pm so that i can catch underworld at 10pm(:
i love that show.
tomorrow need to pass eugene my stuff, need to go school
getting closer to O's levels results
i'm scared like crazy
really praying to do well.
stress to the MAX
busy days
8th january: should be going NYP plus NP open house
9th January: no idea what maybe TP or something at least
10th January:either fong's locking course or hip hop class plus got TP open house
and got Jan's thingy at night.i'm stress
confusion day
Friday, January 2, 2009 @ 7:35 PM
you see this is what happened
i was approached by imodelsinternational about a week or two ago
the guy that approached me didn't give me much details
oh and his name was Sky.
just told me i can check the website about what his agency is all about
today a lady called me from the agency asking me to go for an interview tomorrow at 2pm
well at first i said okay
since i'm sort of underage cause 18 is the legal age
because i needed a parent or guadians above 18 consent and company
i told her i can't but she said nevermind i can go alone
i'm not used to this type of stuff
so i tried calling meixian and noreen to go with me
apparently they both can't
after much consideration i called them up and said i wasn't interested.
now i feel really bad to reject their offer
because the lady called me twice today and explained like everything
it's like an agency that grooms models and stuff
they're looking for free lance models and wanted to interview me to see if i'm suitable for the job
also they're looking for new faces.
and it's a proper company.pretty famous yeap
secondly,part of me wanted to go.but i know that model world isn't where i'm suppose to be
as much as it is like every girl's dream land to be dolled up nicely.
still it wasn't like me to do this kind of thing
besides, do i look like a model to you? i'm not THAT skinny,
and obviously i don't think i'm ALL that.
plus it's not a 100 percent i'll get the job
well even though it's a good opportunity and stuff
but it isn't where i belong
well actually i don't know that.
i just judge base on what i think
seriously i rejected it cause i wasn't sure what the hell was going on
i'm afraid,confuse and not sure how this whole thing works.
i think my self confident is really low too.
i don't know what is going on sigh
well those interested
check the web yeah
the pasta place that i applied for called too
and the interview is on monday
seriously don't wanna go
i want the carrefour one to call faster.
please please god,make this work.
2009 my first post.
Thursday, January 1, 2009 @ 2:47 PM
can't believe 2008 is gone
well new year resolutions?
i haven't actually thought of it
but for now here goes.
one-do well for O's and be decisive.so that i can go somewhere without hesitations and regrets
two-total make over of my room
three-lose weight=X
four-learn house or popping or wacking at least.session and level up
five-keep in contact with the wacky dudes in sports school
six-save enough cash to go somewhere for holiday at the end of the year
seven-make more new friends
eight-be more open,sociable at least.
nine-minimise singlish speaking
ten-did i mention? i want a pair of nike terminator low vintage,red.
other resolutions i haven't thought of will continue the list when i think of them.
picture updates.i'm a little slow.
cause i'm so lazy to upload.
cause i don't like bloggers picture uploader
Groovy Orange outing at ECP

i love you guys!
Job hunting with Meixian
oh and cottage waffle place is good.yummy(: