well done juniors, i totally miss competition vibe
saw loads of people at gombak that i know.
happy day
watched I robot.cool show yeah
yesterday.work.like crazy.
lots of things to do.
at this very minute i'm working as well
life sucks.
5th aniversary that day also have to work!
i can't even carry out my own plans
screw my boss.
i wanna take a break before school starts
ignored my question and ask which day i can work
HELLO!! I'm human! not your personal robot.
i need a break mentally and physically man
i'm stress, unhappy and lost.
so much things on my mind
on the need to do list
but yet, i accomplish zero.
someone please help me
had to work on a saturday morning
lucky it was a short one
got home at 1AM(Sunday)
what i did for the whole entire saturday?
i'll tell you, seriously.
after work at 11.30pm.
walked to causeway and ate lunch with Divya until 1PM
made my way down to Gombak Stadium to watch SPH relays
kinda happy to see how the juniors run
realise i love the feeling of competitions. and running out there
seeing every race, simply reminds me of me
i had my time to shine. now it's theirs
hope they do well. all the best people=)
and i might consider continuing track.
shocking moments when Aaron caught up with Shahrir for 4by200m.
but well done anyway.
after that about 6.15pm
i left stadium to go meet the SAPS people at cathay
the train ride was damn long.
i slept through it. 1 hour.
who was there that i remembered was like
Trisha,Eugene,EeLynn,Jiao hui,Stanley,Sherwin,Yuhan,Ziya,Huilin,Isabelle,
Atherah,the Malay dude which i can't remember his name,Tedius,Adam,Andre
i think that's all
had fun playing pool at parkway mall or something like that.
then wanted to watch movie but sold out
so went clarke quay with Trish,Eugene,Eelynn,Jiao
slack there don't know doing what also
ate at the Streets which is like some rip off.
then since cab cannot fit 5 people
dad picked me, Trish and Jiao from the Central
Eugene and Lynn cab home.
i'm damn tired.
going support SPH again.
yay fun!
no dance for damn long!
i need time!
too many things to do, so little time.
i need a break
screw it lady
stop irritating me.
think you hot, think you cute?
look in the mirror.
bought a dress after work at bugis with noreen, meixian and liangwei
thanks guys for a great time.
reach home at 10.30pm
SPH relay people, good luck yo!
i think i'll support.
Gathering with primary school people? should i go.
i think i should.
just found out ee lynn is in the same course as me!
awesome shite.
can't go oschool! no dance for this whole week.
i feel damn sad!
i wish i can print them all out on paper like a diary
i'll bind them togther for sure. haha
took a personality test i saw on Fion's blog
the ones in orange seem to be more accurate than those in red
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
when Oschool today, okay it's a late post so yesterday.
whatever man i don't care it's 21st march
when for Allegra's Girl's Hip hop II
woohoo, today fun routine=)
late for class again though.
went for Fredy's Mtv Groove I
damn screwed again
super off beat.can't feel it everytime
so different from hip hop

stayed around till 3 plus then went town meet Meixian
after that found Noreen
bought tickets for 6.50pm movie Push
it's overall an interesting movie, cause of all the characters that intrigues you
though it's kinda confusing of who has what special abilities
cause you won't be sure if they only play a minor role
and the ending was absolutely dumb
i hope they have part two
there are several psychics:
Movers, Watchers,Pushers, Bleeders, Shifters, Shadows, Wipers, Stitches, and Sniffs.
after watching i only have a clear idea of what
Pushers,watches,Movers,Shifters and Bleeders are
so after some reasearch i got this:
Movers manipulate inanimate objects at varying distances. The actual technique is known as kinetic signature control, where the Mover is trained to hear and identify the specific atomic frequency of any given material and alter the gravity wave around it, usually producing the nearby air to appear warped. Advanced Movers can work at the molecular level creating protective shields in the air around them.
Pushers push specific thoughts, memories, and even emotions into their targets. This technique can be used to gain a subject's trust or to have them perform any action, thinking it was their own agenda.
Watchers are trained to self-induce visions of the future, very much like a prolonged sense of déjà vu. The technique of following the future, either of a person or object, is called subject tracking. A Watcher's skill is primarily rated by how far they can see into the future.
Bleeders have the ability to emit high-pitched sonic vibrations that cause ruptures in a target's blood vessels
Sniffs are highly developed psychometrics who can track the location of either people or objects over varying distances. Like psychic bloodhounds, their tracking ability is increased if they have tactile access to an object that has been in direct contact with the subject. Sniffs receive information based on images, not specific addresses, which is why identifiable landmarks help increase their effectiveness
Shifters can temporarily shift patterns of light on any object to create illusions to the naked eye. They work mostly on a touch basis, but once the illusion is established, it remains with the object for short periods of time. For example, a Shifter could momentarily touch a one dollar bill, altering its light pattern to appear as a one hundred dollar bill for hours until the effect expires. The length of the shift is based on experience and ability.
Wipers are skilled at either temporary or permanent memory erasure, an invaluable asset in espionage. Experience will dictate the accuracy of their wipes, though the danger is always present that they will eliminate a desired memory
Shadows are trained to block the vision of other clairvoyants such as Sniffs, making any subject within their target radius appear "dark". Experience will enhance the size of the area they can shadow and the intensity of their shielding effect. Shadows need to be awake to perform their ability, and it is common for a detail of two Shadows to operate in shifts while protecting a person or object for extended periods.
Stitchers are psychic surgeons trained to quickly reconstruct cells to their previous or healthy state. Using only their hands, they can heal and even "unheal" whatever they have done. For more detailed work, Stitches use a silver based cream on their hands which acts as a conductor to their ability.
i bother researching cause it's like physics stuff to me
interesting, to put it.
it's like impossible, yet certain stuff are simply uncertainties now.
after that met Ruben and Nic
hang around for awhile and came home
tomorrow working. sigh
oh and since it's 22 March
can't believe i'm saying this.
but you're nice at times, really great lame fun
but a real ass most of the time
still, you're my bro.and i'm living with it
but felt damn dead
seriously walking zombie
didn't do like a lot of stuff
mainly supervise the mattress people(that's what i call em')
yeah then did a bit of typing until evening
Ms Ying Shya invited me to go some boarding staff BBQ at level 8
so decided to go, it was fun at least
get to see their rooms and stuff
went off at about 9PM
reach home about 9.50PM
watch ghost whisperer,which is advancing really slow
no survivor and house today.no idea why
tomorrow dance.afternoon maybe go out.
and Fion not going Oschool
and i monday working
so how to get GEM 4 tickets!
i damn stress.sigh
went to sentosa with Liang Wei to Meixian's Chalet
everything was great
the only people who stayed was
Divya,Noreen,Melody,Ruben,Nic,Shaun,Barry,Joel, Meixian plus Myself
Nic,Shaun and Barry were the last minute crashers
Ruben's friends yeah
but anyway after the BBQ slacked until about 12 plus AM,1AM
Divya and Mel slept
the rest of us went downstairs sat at the tables and chairs near the BBQ pit
fun,laughter and music.
just chilling yeap.it was awesome
it's been awhile since if felt so happy with where i am
i won't forget the whole morning
went back to the room at 6.40AM
because it rained really heavily
and amazingly we were shifting the bed and stuff
so everyone slept
the room was small, 10 of us were like squeezing man
Mel and Divya slept on one bed
Nic, Noreen,Meixian and me were on one bed
Ruben,Shaun were on the so called "bed"
which is actually the bottom of the mattress, made of wood
Barry was across both beds
Joel was on the floor with the sleeping bag
almost an hour of continuous laughter brought from downstairs
to the room by Barry, he won't stop talking suddenly
"wa si mutant" HAHAHA!
Noreen left like 8AM for work
so she didn't really slept
the rest of us except Divya and Mel slept till like 12
Ruben and Nic slept till 4PM
and i swear i hear the word fuck and other vulgarities yesterday
a gazillion times
somehow i didn't care
cause it was still funny,chill and really bloody emo for some hahah!
lost another earring,went to buy a set from diva
before going home.
the long bus ride was way too long
i drop dead man.
work again.
but im refresh all ready to go
and for some reason
even though i didn't catch much sleep cause of all the
ahem..snoring and long hair on my feet
i'm not tired at all. haha!
taken while waiting for mr bernard tan
work work work
finally a break today and tomororw
going for meixian's chalet
yesterday went to the airport to fetch
Itoman swim school,Japan
6 people
they're really nice yeah
but all older than me.
after reaching school,
brought them around
even to causeway and back
left school at 9PM
and..lost my earring again
twice.this week alone.sigh
seeing you dance blows me away
i wish i could be just like that
yet people don't even know it hurts
what's wrong with this world im living in
just stop.
i rather you kill me
then throw your words at me.
9 to 7 Divya and I are not even done with calling
all the parents of the students in the school
400 plus! we're not even halfway
continue tomorrow.
not sure if going dance class
depends on what time i end.
happy or sad
excited or nervous
what are these feelings
i wish they weren't here
happy for a friend, yet feel sad for others
this world is never fair
why differentiate the good and bad
why the comparison.
i got burnt.
it doesn't look THAT bad
but my back sunburn is really something that you can't imagine
shock of your life. haha
but anyway..
thanks a whole lot JIMBANG
had great fun and laods of experience today.
totally awesome=)
might go for xuehui's hip hop 2 later today
waves,wash my worries away
bring it with you and never let it flow back
when things doesn't seem right, it hurts
facing reality,hurts
when friends doesn't feel like friends, it hurts
when people disregard your existen, it hurts
looking at the view,makes me wonder
how can i make things different
why is this happening
why do i exist
and is this the last time i would see the sunset?
do come down and watch + support=)
with Ira, Bhamma, Meixian and Noreen
went to watch PINK PANTHER 2 at night
with Dom, Jamie, Noreen, Meixian
the movie is funny.
but not THAT funny
and i realise it's kinda stupid in a way
well it's a 1 hour 20 minutes movie
if you want a real big laughter
this is not the show to watch
cause a lot of parts he does stupid things that no one laughs about
it's too similar to the first one.
i'll rate it 2.5 star outta 5
today worked in the morning
omg so many envelopes and letters
crap.i will appreciate my letters from now on
damn it's hardwork
4 hours straight, i fold label and put them into envelopes
hand hurts
provided that got injured by the ball
my knuckles seem loose.
trained after that
ate dinner at 9pm to 9.30pm
with Noreen and Meixian and KFC
got home in time for American Idol
Scott,Lil'Round and the Spanish guy got in.
so it was pretty cool.
and for wildcard
Anoop got in! woohoo!
i was like praying for him and Matt to get in
and they did.
i miss dancing.
it's been awhile
i miss ahhei's wednesday night classes
i miss the groove.
when am i gonna level up
addicted to love 119=)
and addicted to you
"it's a stormy day, so many times i wished you were here with me"
it gets screwed up every 5 minutes
okay change my blog skin again
i like this one.
not done with it though
stupid mouse died on me
today is such a **** day
Raffles Medical wasted so much time
went there like 4 for medical check up
after checking some stuff and couldn't do some stuff
so have to go back next week
i waited for one and a half hour for nothing
they were actualyl just suppose to ask me to pay
and give me a SATA referral for X-ray
and the receipt
i sat on the couch for 1 hour like an idiot
even the guy doing the same test left before me
that's when i went to the counter and said
how much longer must i wait.
what a effing day
then SATA was close by the time they gave me the form
so have to go tomorrow
went to school and train with noreen
left school like 8.30 or something
ate dinner till 9.30
then left for home
reached home at 10
i love the song on my blog
Love 119 by K.Will feat MC Mong
it has meaning to it
go find out what if you want.
hear me
it's kinda temporary.since my mouse screwed up
while i was editing it.
so still under construction
today woke up at 1 after sleeping at 3AM
okay wanted to go for medical check up
but apparently the printer couldn't print the form for me
my printer kept printer blank paper
so there goes the check up
when to school at about 5PM to print
it rained pretty bad
at i don't know what time
Meixian and i went to the gym to jog 12 minutes
after that was total slacking
went to eat macs for dinner
with Jamie, Fudin and Meixian
no idea what plans i have tomorrow
and i totally need to brush up on my english
got scolded by my dad for really bad english or should i say singlish
amanda should stop speaking singlish
it's a 2009 resolution
definitely not accomplished
gotta work harder.
so much to say
yet words can't describe how i'm feeling
Saturday went to school
work for an hour
then went to Oschool
for dance classes
Hip Hop 1 by Alex and
Mtv Groove 1 by Fredy
both choreos need to drag a lot.
went to meet Eugene
he wanted to get a bag.couldn't find one
watch Role Models at cine
damn funny, but so not censored.haha!
SAW A LOT OF PEOPLE.cursed or something
everytime go out with him sure see people we know.haha
REACHED HOME AT 12 i think?
he finally bought a crumpler bag at wheelocks
damn sleek man, i wish i got money to buy one.
Today i slept at 12AM woke up at 12PM
slacked whole day
went for dinner
and reached school at 8.30 cause got guests checkin' in
damn they suppose to come at 10 plus
end up they reach at 12!
so horrible! tiring.
i reach home at 1AM