Luqman,Alisha and Me with Xiaohei
Monday was 'chiong dance class day'
when for xuehui's class, super dope
the song was get loose by swizz beats
then Alisha and I plus a lot of other people went for xiaohei's class
at studio wu cause they have open studio that day
being 'smart people' Alisha and I didn't book places before hand
stupid right.
lucky got place, then Luqman and Andy was there too
super duper DOPE man!
i totally miss ahhei's classes.Awesome
the warm-up alone is like love yo
miss the hip hop 3 course times
went home really late though
today was quite a busy day
had microecons lecture that went like a bullet train
quite lost after awhile, when the lecturer don't give time to absorb info
you can't copy while she's talking cause you'll miss the important stuff
but when she's done talking you can't copy either,she change slide
damn dumb
had microecons tutorial, super dull.
die die together with jun yi and diana
major sabo.
wanted to join sports but oh well
guess i'll stick to dance first
so goodbye volleyball and dragonboat.
i'll think about it first=)
thursday nationals was pretty awesome
well done sports school!
although there were some errors and some rubbish problems
but i gotta say AWESOME!
i miss the competition feeling.
gosh nationals is really fun
friday school yes.
boring. sigh
and had LRM orientation
it was alright
and the expected winners 1K04 and 1K02
won most bonded and most spirited
believe or not, 1K05, which is my class
won overall champion!
after the guy shouted 1K05
silence for what seems like 5 seconds
plus stoning, someone said, we won?
and 1K05 started screaming
oh well but pretty cool
went for human wheelbarrow with Emily,one of my classmates
since no one wanted to go
and she wanted to play
so yay! we went!=)
it's a record thingy?
Saturday i went for my first gig ever!
met ruben and noreen at about 2-3pm(ruben was late)
at aljunied some tong lee building.industrial area
and watch a few bands play
but mainly went there to support nic's band,Skyrocket
they were AWESOME=)
had fun! then left about 9 and went city hall with noreen
ate bk for dinner
left about 10.30pm
reach home at 11.40pm?
i'm so tired
certain classes are boring
they keep asking us to buy book, but i'm like totally broke
but friends are great=)
i signed up for TPDE and TPSU=)
should i joined a sport too, or just do it when i want to
i feel that i should just do it when i feel like it
commitment for sports is way too high
if i quite tpde,then i think i'll join a sports next year
since cca fair is like once a year haha=)
going to watch nationals track and field
go sports school=)
i pretty much slacked at home
didn't do anything until at night
i left my house at 6 o clock
and made my way to SP
Edison invited me to some sound factory house session
i thought it was weird and didn't wanna go
cause i didn't know anyone
in the end i just went out of curiousity
awkward feeling cause i really didn't know anyone
wanted to leave..
but fen came, so i just decided to really go!
and didn't expect myself to dance
i thought i was just gonna watch
i end up learning some stuff
which was really cool=)
was really quiet cause i felt really awkward
but good experience though
house is really kinda difficult to catch,but it's nice
so all those there at the session,you guys are really zai
and thanks for being friendly=)
i swear i was in some jeans and t shirt,so uncool.
went to eat at bukit timah with fen and shantelle after that
and head home.
house is fun=) but studio wu is way too expensive
i need to think, rethink and think again if i should go for course there
sunday i stayed home the whole day
try to pack a little
quite unsuccessful
but i don't really care
i'm starting school tomorrow! haha
meeting holqa for awhile
joining caralyn,jimmy etc for lunch..
although holqa also got lunch
but i told caralyn i'll be joining them
so sorry holqa!
came back from orientation few hours ago
started yesterday but didn't have time to blog
okay no holqa is in my class,neither do i know anyone
but oh well i guess it's okay
joined STOMP with the FO people from other classes but same course
and we totally rock man
definitely met new friends
though our class a bit awkward silence and distance
but hope it'll get better yeah
i'm in 1K05
Dyea is in 1K02
Jimmy is in 1K03
Christine,Michelle,Eelynn is in 1K04
Edmund, Caralyn is in 1K06
Kenze is in 1K07
i think we're really bonded
having dinner outings
going jam and hop together and stuff like that
so cool=)
ohh jam and hop the music was pretty weird
difficult to dance to
but had fun though.
i tried freestyling house
but not sure if i'm doing the right thing
totally feeling it though
continue soon, i'm tired
but before that went to session with ALISHAAA
aka OH MY THIEN hahaha!
at esplanade where there was no one during the time we go
which is like 2 something
only like 3 o clock or some sort there were like bboys and
some guys who dance the sexy kinda thing, give you the creeps
we tried our sort of rubbish freestyle
i think i totally find out my weaknesses:
1) movements too flimsy
2)cannot feel the music at all
3) no variety
4)mind goes blank when it's freestyle
i need to work much harder
since i ended late which is 4pm
i skipped the bowling outing, went for the movie
which is SNIPER
the chinese show
the movie was alright
the shooting parts was awesome, the story line typical
and the ending is quite typical too
went to some open space outside starbucks
for dinner and games
left at 11PM
after playing go back jump go jump go, which ended up being all go
hate that game.
tomorrow orientation
got to wake up early
suddenly, i kinda miss track.
i miss Mr P's training,i miss SSP, miss the juniors

was Isaac's Random Outing for Holqa
it was pretty awesome, with the people
atmosphere and stuff was really amazing
but the movie knowing was quite retarded
the first part was nice, ending was way too drama
Saturday 11 April

Some Orange People Unite!=) Melissa came back=)
it's damn damn cool
a lot of people
we played games at palawan beach
and then it rained in the afternoon
damn sad.met a few new friends
meixian and i bathe using my water bottle
plus the sink, first time man
but still it was fun. haha!
went to vivo for dinner
everyone was at the theatre thing
super cool
after dinner, everyone was cheering
it was damn loud
and there were some np and sp people beside
i think they were quite irritated
saw kok hong,hulin,melcas and chuan en!=)
some stupid things happen, but still had loads of fun
bought drink from subway then took 963 with Irena
the bus broke down at clementi=.="
super unlucky.
reach home 11 plus. dead tired
got loads of things on the next few days
but i'm not sure what
getting memory lost.rahh.

FOC is ZAI to the MAX
i'm in HOLQA, Ho-arh!
had an awesome time yeap
i love HOLZEN
thanks to all who made this experience so awesome
there are just way to many things to talk about
you guys are awesome friends man
all i have to say is i love you guys like hell
ps. ALISHA i think you're a good dancer.
don't let anything bring ya down.
have faith.
HOLZEN: i think we're pretty bonded=) <3 man
HOLQA: best empire uh. haha=)
OTHERS: i love you guys too. just lazy to name okay
if you think it's you, it's you alright=)
this camp made me realise loads of stuff
1.i'm not THAT shy to make friends sometimes freestyle sucks when i do it infront of people, but imagination is good
just can't think when there is a crowd
3.i can't think now brain dead. haha!
one word to sum FOC: AWESOME
when i thought i would be resting at home on a thursday
i went out at night after sleeping for 13 hours
met up with nic,ruben and noreen
when to some taohuay shop then go to some gig at a pub opposite parklane mall
damn awesome
sadly have to leave early cause noreen's parents scold
but had a great time
thanks nic and ruben
i'm still voice-less
later today got holqa outing at orchard
which means FOC later
but im sick
ugh. hope i get better
5 April
went to work, open gym for japanese group 2
they never use the gym
what a waste of time
but i watched the group 1 train
i like them a lot, they're so friendly
was tryin' to find a chance to get a photo and pass them something
but i could only do it like after their training
i thought i won't have the chance
as i was giving up and walking outta school, they were just behind me
going out too
i manage to talk to the girls
so i got the picture i wanted with them plus the really cute guy i like
the coach and two other guy took a cab to orchard from inside school
so didn't get the photo.
more details to be updated after FOC.
including pictures
i'm so lazy now.
i feel really nice even though i'm sick
thanks noreen for so called being there for moral support
when i was shy. hahha!
since im free.
so shacked
5th anniversary was awesome
even though i had to work the first half of the day
and i had to wear high heels which cause blister
and it's torture to my toes
i still think it was awesome
because i get to take loads of photos with the people i know and love
sadly i couldn't find cheng wei cheng yesterday so didn't take with him
and i only took photos with half of the jap people, the girls
the rest went back really early
other than that.AWESOME-ness
even miss helena tan and mr perry came!
thanks to all who made it so enjoyable.
shall post some pictures soon.
and like i agreed with joshua, we shall take a photo
we did!
i love the alumni!=)
major gathering is so much fun
after that left school pretty late
chill out with fudin,noreen,meixian,nash,bhaama,dom and jamie
left after awhile. reach home about 11.30 or something.
really tired. i just drop dead on the bed after bathing
now i'm at work
so tired.and having a headache.
but it's kinda slack today so i'm alright
later at night going aaron's chalet
i hope,i survive, staying awake that is.
i'm a little more sensitive than i thought
a lil' weaker than i thought
do i even care if they remember to call me
do i care if i get left out always
do i care about being a good friend to others but not treated th same way in return
answer is yes i do
but should i.
just be cold blooded amanda
just be
it's what is best for you and definitely for self protection
damn it, i'm human
why can't i be a robot.