just too much to take
Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 11:49 PM
maybe not to people but here.
so much on my mind, kept there.
so much i just have to bear, have to tolerate and take it all in without a single rebuttal.
im sick and tired of this feeling
yet i can't do anything about it.
drifting away slowly..
not that i want to.
but i rather be.
tears roll down my face with every thought of it.
i don't wanna cry, so i'm holding it in
amanda, you got to be strong, you gotta show others that you can
sometimes in life, fate isn't always in your own hands.
however the future is.
i just have to be stronger than ever now.
if once i give up right now, i know i'll regret it.
bro, you're not all that
i know you're smarter,much smarter than me
doesn't mean i'm stupid.
i'm not that inferior to you, don't always think you're superior
so what if you're a better dancer,so what if most of the stuff you can do are better than me
you can't always take away the things that i love doing.
crushing everything that i know of,everything i can possibly do to feel most happy
i know you wish i never exist
i wish i didn't too.
sometimes, i really would like to explore and try something new
it's part of learning and i really love to learn new stuff
sometimes before you try you won't know if you can make it
until you try, but why do you have to bring me down
why do you have to say i can't before i even try
it feels like i'm so stuck with no where to head
no where to go
i really want to learn, why can't i
spoiling the feeling,spoiling the curiousity
with one sentence you make me doubt myself and just say forget it.
it sucks when i have to put up a false front
smile like im happy
it hurts like shit inside, but i dont want everyone else around me to feel the same
suffering inside, yet i can smile and laugh like nobody's business
i wonder when was the last time i laugh like the world was perfect
everything feels so fake that i don't even know.
i know life was never perfect,
but i didn't know it would be this bad.
others complain so much about their family,what they have or don't
but i envy them so much as compared to them who envy my freedom
they got it all.
drifting away slowly from them
the amount of words i say at home is so little
sometimes i don't even speak
i know sometimes i don't open up, cause it's really difficult.
i'm always that little girl who has an average intelligence level at home, and doesn't seem to know what's going on at all.
but the fact is, i do know.
i know all the problems at home.
i'm not that little girl you guys always think i am
the thing is, you guys don't even know me at all.
wishing things would change for the better
i hate to cry, this post is such a hard one to write
but i know it helps, i know i'll feel a lil better
i know this would go on a long, long time
i don't know how strong can i be,
after all i'm still human.
i'm afraid of the day i'll break down.
i wish that day never comes.
the feeling inside honestly sucks.
the heart simply hurts right now
thanks TPDE seniors for a fun dinner
you guys were dope for AGM.
The Big Groove 2009
1:09 AM
end up there at 3pm
but i was still considered early
played games with the people there like ian,andy,alisha,diana etc.
ian is damn funny for your info.
much later people start going into our queue, like what the hell!
if we know them it's okay!
but some we do not even know!
thanks joyce our tpde senior help us to reserve seats!
Concert was dope! most memorable and loved by me would be..
Cool Mint, opening of TBG and super dope kids! oldest one is like 13 only!
OMGOSH. you know how they train until so coordinated?
i heard the instructor takes a stop watch, and one by one without the music will perform the choreo. their timing must be very close to each other.
like if it's 26 seconds, everyone must be within the 26 seconds range.WOW
Philipines all star, damn sick yo.AAHH
O Crew!! creative and definitely dope! and they practice really hard!
Tribute to MJ!!
5+5, POPPING!! although im not pro, i like popping too! haha
DINO and some guy sonic i think, was dope shit! DOPE!
Last but not least, WCO, Wrecking Crew Orchestra!!
who don't love them must be effing crazy, DOPE as usual
love their performance man! there's like every single genre!
hope they come back every year!
GOSH wanted to take photo with TAKE but he left mass workshop early
and couldn't take at big groove
must must take his house master class next year if he comes back!
he's nice, and definitely dope
im lovin the house feel!
injured myself during TBG, knock into some platform where rock danced on.
metal corner, now my leg is bruised and one cut
what the hell
pain, lucky no fracture.
got school! spoil my mood.
TBG. inspire,motivate,feel and love dance.
now i'm lovin' it.
Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 1:56 AM
saps people
mabo(spelling might be wrong)
he looks quite cute.haha!
Bon! dope yo!
late post again!
Mass workshop was good!
much lesser people than expected!
lucky there are people to accompany me!
Gerry,Luqman,Jeremy,Andy,Jean,Jan and my Bro plus Elke
it was really fun
first was short stretching with An An
next Wacking by Lee,so fun! can't wack with left arm.
but good experience! feels like ballroom at some point
learnt technique cause they teach basics then short choreo yeah
essence is important, got to punch and not relax sometimes!
followed by Hip hop with An An!
fun and dope! and she's damn cute
super duper fun! luqman and i loved it haha!
super fun fun fun!
simple choreo, but techniques are more important!
yes and especially feel plus house got to hit on the right timing and beat
He told us to go back and practice.
TAKE is damn funny!
learnt more basic techniques for house! YAY~
knowledge just went up one level!=)
mabo is super good for house!
he's damn dope seriously!
Lastly Bon's Hip hop choreo
fun choreo, wasn't difficult to catch
but it's the essence of it that is tough,got to punch hard at some points.
but it was great fun, manage to learn techniques too!
especially the running thing! YAY~
WAHAHA im going up slowly!
i can't really describe the choreo.but i can remember haha!
i bought WCO shirt! dope dope! bought turquoise!
but i think the other 3 colours are nice too!
shantelle crazy! buy all 4!
anyway for the first time i danced so long,4 hours
i survived
it didn't feel that bad just that your legs are like wobbly after that
super tired.
but it's good, no i mean great!=)
i'll miss it! i think i shall go for house at studio wu if i got money!
bryan is back in singapore
so met them after mass workshop at town
watch I LOVE YOU MAN at lido with them
slack around then ate dinner at fish and co before going home
it was great seeing everyone again=)
michal jackson king of pop
Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 1:59 AM
okay today school was boring?
skipped RHT lecture, feel so bad
my laptop touchpad spoil! WTF it's new.
did project until computing skills class
most hated subject
lucky today's one quite okay
i was sleeping the first part though
after class went to far east square with
diana,cheryl and alisha
lucky all of us ended by 5pm
cabbed there and manage to get good seats!
judges performance was dope shit
yokoi,hanai,rock,dino and gin
funky ziggy,groovy aggression and tiny pink monsters did a performance
Red Line
Lock Out Loud
for emerging as champions!
Michael Jackson passed away
he's really a legend, with all his moves that helped developed dance.
always will be remembered as the king of pop
going mass workshop
got to go sleep
im tired!
Friday, June 26, 2009 @ 1:02 AM
everything went well today or yesterday to be exact!
intHT was good, Apel was okay, Project work felt pretty good too.
he can sing and speak good english!
his class is super funny! well cause he is funny!
and he dance super DOPE
his style is like lyrical hip hop
so i think it's probably pretty new to me and alisha
but, we had great fun with allegra and alex behind us haha!
although he didn't do much basics or warm-up
the whole class was choreo
but somehow i felt i learnt a lot
especially all my mistakes at one go
traumatising as it sounds but it's good to me
the whole entire class he talk about angles, and postitioning of all the things that you never thought important,like your shoulders and feet!
ohh and he talk about emotions too!
i really need loads of control, i felt better control today probably cause it's lyrical
and my body angles are really bad
so need to work on that.
saw Shohei! dope
Sawada too, he quite funny i think haha
and Lee is freaking dope!
she dance like every style yo!
it's such a happy day.
Luqman is so dope, really admire him for his spirit
he really motivates me to work harder everytime
like the same for track, i should never give up.
and his words of wisdom is like what i always remember and tell my self
Treasure Every Second Of It says:
basics need to work on more
4main things need to remember
discipline dedicated focus and enjoy
cuz dance fer love..
[AlphaTheta] amanda. says:
wow thanks! great advice!
Treasure Every Second Of It says:
this is wad i learnt after thinking about everything
[AlphaTheta] amanda. says:
i see..awesome
Treasure Every Second Of It says:
and remember...theres no day that we think we are good..cuz for me the day u think u are good....u are actually going down oready
same thing fer basics
[AlphaTheta] amanda. says:
yeah i know this, i never thought i was good anyway haha my self confidence is very low
Treasure Every Second Of It says:
the day u think u graduated frm basics and think like no need oready to practice...is the day we are going down...
need to have confidence in urself wenever u dance
its ur dance
love it enjoy it
learn how to love urself den u can improve better
loving urself is the most impt
but not too over la
this is what he said to me today! thank you!
and to RSQ you guys are like really great people to dance and hang with
all of you unique and different brings loads of joy to our little coincidental meet ups or session
thank you cause you guys are really a motivation to keep working hard
all of you are DOPE.
work hard together yeah!=)
love you guys!
slow death
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 @ 11:21 PM
Org beh(haven't even start)
oh gosh.the list is long
okay i got C for commskills damn lousy,but expected hahhaa
RHT got 44.5/5o YAY not bad
Econs most probably fail
Org Beh also i think fail
oh well been so tired lately
projects making me have accumalative fatigue.
anyway one thing to look forward tomorrow
and can buy TBG shirt!! WOOHOO!!
today i watched the AYG preliminary match in TP
China vs South Korea
South Korea won 3-2
Thanks Alif and Gary for all the soccer insights
i finally know what's offside.
i think my soccer knowledge increased.
anyway it was great watching with them=)
i shall try to update everyday
im not gonna let my blog just die
Saturday, June 20, 2009 @ 12:33 AM
my last post was like last week!
time pass way to fast
monday went for ahhua's class
definitely have fun.
but kinda screwed up and i realise a lot of stuff i need to work on
tuesday was project day
wednesday was doing a little for project but alone
and modern class at night.
we learnt turns,and i seriously can't spot.
the whole point i was a tracker cause i use my legs not my head
so the turning of the head was tough.
thursday went to collect my laptop at acer
didn't know 176 stop straight at international business park
i went to take lrt/mrt/bus
and i wasn't sure where to stop, so i pass the stop and stop 5 stops later
cross the bridge and took the bus back.
perspiring like crazy
singapore weather is getting hotter by the second
oh and screw it, i lost my yellow handphone strap i bought from downtown east
during holqa chalet
it dropped somewhere which i'm not sure where.
not even 2 weeks!
seriously i can't own handphone straps it always gets lost.
and i understood the meaning of when you gain stuff,you lose stuff.
at night,met the track girls at central near clarke quay
it was awesome seeing all of them once more.
only mel,divya,noreen,mei xian and jan came.
but it was alright.
pictures soon=)
friday met the project people
went to do CDS selection and project meeting was not productive at all
cause it seems we all know what to do already.
so i ended up doing BCS using jaslyn's as reference
i think i did the whole entire thing wrongly i swear
cause i pretty much changed everything
Jas had SU camp so i went to sports hall to meet Diana and Junyi
somehow at the back of my head i wondered should i have joined SU
but it's alright
shall focus on everything at hand first.
later today i shall go oschool.
Diana tried to persuade me to go popping with her
gosh.crazy girl.
probably might bring my laptop to do my work at starbucks or something
then going to support sean at bboy champs.
wow this is a really late/early post.
Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Congrats Ben for SD opening!=)
woke up early in the morning and head to TP
for the very first hip hop class with Gin
did basically the hip hop foundations
which is bounce.
my knees hurt after that, well too much bounce.
but it's really good training
ever since ahhei's class i haven't been doing so much bounce.
Diana,Cheryl and me then took 518 and headed to Heeren
for Sexy Diamond!
Cheryl went off about 12.15 to go Alex's class
we were there like at 11.40AM
Diana and me waited with my bro and his friend all the way
till like 1.15 to get into the shop.crazy
i bought a cap,the grand opening shirt and a belt
i felt damn bad today
me and diana combined to get a VIP card
then my bro who wanted to combine to get a vip card
just needed to get two items to combine with his previous stuff to get a vip card
so i said i wanted a belt and he could get a shirt
the belt was 53 but someone said it was 60 something
so when he paid and added, he was shot of $3 for VIP
i think my bro was damn sad.SIGH.
the original SD people from Taiwan came
and took picture with like everyone.
super dope.
oh and our online stuff came in today
woohoo dope
but damn heavy
i want to buy jeans=))
being a dancer i seem to spent more than being a tracker
went to K.O night with cheryl after that
K.O night was damn dope today! seriously
every genre, every team seem to have leveled up.
my favourite battle today was freqance vs sunset alleycats
i can't get over it!
freqance was damn dope today!
after that went to eat with TPDE seniors.
then took a bus home=)
Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 3:45 PM
we went to watch a movie
it wasn't that bad okay
actually it's nice! the story is really good
actually i thought it was better than night at the museum 2
i was finding shoes
i swear,difficult.
i saw one pair of nike was kinda nice
but i scared girls cut very small
haven't tried though!
cause i can't buy now!
i need to pay diana and i wanna shop at SEXY DIAMOND!
today is such a boring day with nothing to do
suppose to do project but im hell lazy.
finally dancing hip hop!
i miss mr lau calling me mandy
so it explains my title. ahhaha!
so many problems right in front of me
i don't wanna face
people envy my freedom,envy what i have
but i envy all of you
with a family right there always
caring for you, giving you what you want
im not well to do anymore
what i want to buy is what i have to save
family ain't home all the time
home doesn't feel like home
and i have drifted away from family
at times when they try to care for me
i feel like they're strangers
i just push them away.
it hurts
but this is the wall i've build around myself over the years.
sorry but i can't help it.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 @ 9:53 PM
Chalet was pretty awesome
i think sort of hang out with new people.
pretty cool
slept from 7.30Am to 9Am
wasn't feeling THAT tired
how cool.
and people..
playing IQ question at 6AM is fun!
i mean you're dead tired and you're forcing your brain to think
thank goodness the IQ questions asked the answers are awesome
after chalet, on my way home
when i got off at cityhall, i saw Divya
so decided not to go home
cause i have to be out again anyway.
went with Divya to some macs with her friends for project work
i went to one corner and slept
it was awesome! slept from like 2.30 to 3.30/4 around there
and after 4 it was on and off.
went to eat pizza hut with noreen,divya and piriyah
went home after that
today went to do project in school
everyone was late but marcus! ahha
suppose to meet at 10Am
end up starting project at 11Am
cause some people were really late.
ended around 4.20pm by that time only left Marcus,Jas and Me
tried to find ms jasmine but she's not around
so i went for modern after that
how i felt about modern?
stretching was painful
pointing toes are difficult
keeping the whole back straight is tough
the squatting thing is tiring
push up ultimately sucks
the only thing i loved is..
for a person like me who pull both hamstring 3 times
injured both ankles and injured back before cause of track
it sucks.
cause my flexibility is super screwed due to
my unfinished physiotherapy everytime.
oh before i forget.
thinking of what to do tomorrow.
Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 3:02 PM
Sunday went out with Chloe
watched night at the museum 2
it was good=)
laughed really loudly.
went around looking for high cut shoes, and can't even find something nice
like what the crap
what is this world coming to.
had dinner with dad
cause he's birthday is today
a lot of things i wish to say
yet i don't have the courage to say it to your face
a simple happy birthday to you in front of you
feels so difficult.
maybe things haven't change after all
my door is still close
and a lot of things are still inside and i haven't opened up.
this insecurity is killing me.
later going Holqa chalet meeting
Karyl at 5.30pm pasir ris.
i haven't pack yet
modern is starting this week
so is hip hop
GREAT.modern zzz
Saturday, June 6, 2009 @ 10:48 PM
came back from TPDE night cycle this morning
i was dead tired when i reach home at 10AM
after i bathe blow my hair i drop dead on the bed at 10.30AM
and woke up at 5.30PM thinking it was 1.30PM
stupid of me right
overall, night cycle was good
awesome sights and great people
definitely met new people=)
on the down side, DAMN TIRING.
the cycle there was okay, energetic
we cycled through clarke quay bars, chinatown coffee shops,on the roads
weird but i think it was quite funny.
took a break at the flyer ate popeyes.woohoo!
got to our final destination, MARINA BARRAGE
at like i don't know what time.
i just know i slept about an hour or so until 4.40AM
then like about don't know what time we left the barrage
we had macs delivery!
the cycle back was painful
i think my butt got bruise? hahaha!
don't know if it is that bad
but it hurts like hell.
cycled past one fullerton and the view was amazing in the morning.
thank you TPDE=)
and main comm, you're really great!
and congrats Diana for learning how to ride a bike in one day
see you can do it!
the breeze, the view will always remain as memories.
i was dead tired when i reach home at 10AM
after i bathe blow my hair i drop dead on the bed at 10.30AM
and woke up at 5.30PM thinking it was 1.30PM
stupid of me right
overall, night cycle was good
awesome sights and great people
definitely met new people=)
on the down side, DAMN TIRING.
the cycle there was okay, energetic
we cycled through clarke quay bars, chinatown coffee shops,on the roads
weird but i think it was quite funny.
took a break at the flyer ate popeyes.woohoo!
got to our final destination, MARINA BARRAGE
at like i don't know what time.
i just know i slept about an hour or so until 4.40AM
then like about don't know what time we left the barrage
we had macs delivery!
the cycle back was painful
i think my butt got bruise? hahaha!
don't know if it is that bad
but it hurts like hell.
cycled past one fullerton and the view was amazing in the morning.
thank you TPDE=)
and main comm, you're really great!
and congrats Diana for learning how to ride a bike in one day
see you can do it!
the breeze, the view will always remain as memories.
i thought about a lot of stuff during the whole duration
shall update more
don't wanna post such a lengthy one.
dance my 'emo-ness' away
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 @ 10:38 PM
what's wrong with me
screwed both ORG BEH and ECONS
pressure myself plus peer pressure
after org beh went for ahhua's class with alisha
learn loads of stuff
about groove,techniques, a lil of old school hip hop kinda thing.
felt a little happier and more satisfied.
then today i went for anan's class
with alisha and melanie
many many people!
but awesome class
learnt a lot of stuff too
felt happier than yesterday
alisha! hope your num is okay!
ECONS was rubbish.
about 30 marks flew away.
thanks for the encouragement auntie!