Saturday went to watch Suntec Dance Comp with Diana,Clarence and others.
It was good, just that it was HOT,GLOBAL WARMING!
many dope people of course!
for those who didn't, good job! you guys are all dope!
after suntec comp, had a good meal with Clarence and Diana, talked about dance stuff.
reached home and went for a jog! HAHA!
Sunday, stayed at home the whole day
attempted to pack my room
i did, but i don't know where to put my stuff.
no space, so left them where they were but just clean up.
suppose to sleep now!
gonna go macritchie for training with the juniors!
haven't train for 2 months! what a slacker right.
BUT, it's okay!
i run because i love to run, not because i wanna win
i finally got the feeling of why i started running, when i started training with Mr Pedro.
thank you.
it's the same for dance, i dance because i love to dance.
i love these people and many more<3
Today is a must blog about day,
went back to sports school=D
cause they're celebrating staff day today instead of monday!
felt really good going back there and just seeing everyone!
most of the alumni who went back were from my batch!
most of us took O's! it was good seeing everyone!
knowing that all of you are doing great!
and it felt like we were back in the good old days
great memories. fun and laughter, nothing less.
i love the times when we were studying for O's and more than 3/4 of the people in the photo ordered macdonalds!
went to eat with dom,audrey,mei xian, gina, liangwei and divya for dinner!
home sweet home
terminator salvation, i watched halfway!
it stopped loading=.="
gonna sleep! meeting people to go watch suntec comp!
good luck to all teams!
people in the photo and many others( juniors/ alumni)
i do hope to see all of you again soon!
i know i'll be seeing some of you guys on monday cause jamie is flying off=(
i wanna end this of with a smile
because for some reasons
my blogger is screwed up!
anyway i've been using onsugar in the mean time
to replace blogger.
blogger is so much more user friendly
except that suddenly im having a lot of problems with it.
anyway, exams are finally over!
in case i don't update for a long time
due to blogger problems
probably i'm using onsugar
here's the website:
can't wait to dance dance dance
and maybe run run run
Examinations are finally over!
today was my last paper, RHT which is research in hospitality and tourism
it's a pretty retarded subject
the lectures i attended doesn't seem to help make sense of the subject
studying for this subject was like reading a new book
totally have no idea what it is about, finding out as i read.
i practically didn't study, was slacking like the night before
morning went to school early, about 10 plus
attempted to study, but failed attempt
to be honest, the paper was easy.
If i studied, it would honestly be really simple
didn't study so i couldn't remember the answers
so i did like the paper by thinking of possible answers to the questions
making the answers as close to the correct answer as possible
hopefully i pass and won't have to take supplementary paper for any subjects.
tomorrow going back to sports school.yeah!
and blogger only doesn't work on my internet explorer
so i seriously have no idea what is wrong.
Big Bang, been listening to their songs and it's good.
Had IntHT paper today, quite screwed up i think
i can pass, i think? but just won't score really high
whatever i studied came out for mcq and those i don't really know came out for essay questions
oh well it's over.
i have one more paper to go and it's tomorrow i haven't even started studying
and i'm slacking here, gonna fail?
IT'S RHT! it is a pretty screwed up subject for me
don't really understand it.
can't wait for the end of it! alright gonna study now!
sometimes i wish i knew what you were thinking
found this somewhere on google, not sure bout' the actual web
aurora nothern lights
i wish i can see it someday
i've got no idea whyhad my organisational behaviour paper today
even though i studied, the paper was kinda screwed up.
especially the essay questions part, worth 40 marks.
gosh, i got one whole entire 8 mark question wrong at least
it's over, should stop thinking about it.
i think i can just pass. but the paper was horrible. i forgot all the headings and stuff.
i simply tried using common sense to answer the questions
after the paper, went to the library for awhile to find Mei xian and Divya.
went home straight after that.
had nice stories from Mei xian on the bus.
no paper tomorow, but gonna go school to study
better than going to starbucks, waste my money and so lonely!
should be studying IntHT now.
so tired..perservere.
there's a funny feeling in my heart now.
i shouldn't be distracted about something that is impossible
i hate love.
My blogger is like OFFICIALLY SCREWED UP.
SIGH. it's like damn stupid seriously
can't even get to my dashboard
most probably i'll be using this more often now.
Auditions was alright, was tired probably cause i haven't danced for a long time
hip hop was alright i suppose?
popping was lousy shitty, im not a popper, im probably the lousiest in the room, which means i won't get in.
oh well, i just hope i get in for hip hop, popping would be a bonus.
i want house!
shot post, need to study!
tomorrow there's org beh paper!
stupid subject, so many things to remember
thank goodness it's quite common sense, exams if you stun at a question at least can write rubbish.
Wednesday IntHT, my favourite! woohoo. Thursday RHT, another stupid subject! =.=
and..i know i still wanna run.The fire inside is still burning.
sports is probably part of who i am as a person
when i'm old and fragile, can't dance no more
but i still can do sports,at least exercise.
oh and shift + enter works! thanks Cheryl and Alisha=)
Hope people i know get into oschool recital!=D
12th IAAF World Athletics Championships - Day Six
trying out this thingy blogger is screwed up for some stupid reasons. sigh.but blogger is much more user friendly.
okay the past week from monday to thursday was studying at sports school kinda awesome to be back there seeing all the people i know the feeling of home is always there
later today i've got oschool recital hip hop and popping! gosh don't feel like it. but oh well do i have a choice? haven't finish studied Org Beh is such a dull and dry subject to think i used to like it. so little time to study and i have 3 papers.
i wish i was a robot sometimes with unlimited energy and without the need to sleep. little sleep today. no choice.
should i watch IAAF? Usain Bolt is insanely fast 100m-9.58,200m-19.19 to think about it, it's scary.

RSQ, where's sean.LOL
Happy Birthday Cheryl(17/9/09)
thanks for going yog with me=)
Happy Birthday Cheryl!
before going Pasir ris went starbucks at bpp to study
left Pasir Ris Park early
then went to school to meet divya and mei xian to study
couldn't study seriously
tuesday which supposingly is today
but i posted late.
woke up late
then went starbucks in the morning
11am called mei xian
met at 1.30pm
went sports school
collect cert and study
it is awesome to study there=D
im tired
haven't finish studying econs
planning failed
ding dong zombie don't have webcam
make me webcam
then he see me and i don't see him
met Diana at suntec to go watch the suntec comp
a lot of dope teams and people!
congrats to those who qualified=D
standing for five hours was horrible
but thank goodness it was worth it
spent two hours finidng shoes
screw it!
adidas shop have but not my size
limited edt gone
i'm damn sad
spent weeks saving money and it's gone
life stinks
waking up in the morning to study
so dead haven't start=.=
4 papers.
blogger is damn screwed
damn angry with myself
can't even study properly today
i need to be disciplined.
today will be a short one
it's such a unhappy day.
too many things going on at one go
feel so guilty.
my first jump shot that is nice!
National Day Photos at the Marina Barrage
Shall do a quick post
actually was lazy but oh well
shall just blog
presentation went alright!
just think that we're still gonna fail due to late submission
got a B for RHT sigh
need to work harder for exams
had a good macdonalds meal with bones and eggy
it's always good being with them
fun and laughter is all there is
i had nothing to do when i got home
lazy to study
need a break shall start tomorrow
thanks edison for sort of entertaining me
but you're wayy to quiet! so doesn't make much difference
always disturb you when im bored! haha! sorry!
watched Michael Jackson 1997 movie that he made i think, call Ghosts
it's a short movie
thought it was good=D
it's on youtube
4 parts to it.
too many stuff on my mind
dreams are just dreams.
wishing isn't enough.
supposingly do project
cause got commskills presentation
end up actually we all don't feel like doing anything
we pretty much talk and talk and talk the whole day
Anita left earlier
Marcus and I left at 4pm
so we talk for like 3 hours or something like that
went home
finally my mum actually cook
after what seems like ages
i love home cooked food
always taste better than take aways
but this would be once in probably few months
tomorrow commskills presentation
dread it
probably cause we had late submission so gonna fail anyway
presentation sucks in the first place
i have to wear a effing formal attire
this stinks
blogger is effing not functioning properly
got a text from eggy
and end up going out with divya and meixian
met at cityhall and took the train after buying some snacks and drinks
we dropped off at Raffles. thanks to Divya, haha!
lucky we asked the policeman and realise we're at the wrong stop.
So train to Marina Bay for Chartered bus
which apparently we have no idea where it stops.
we followed some other group of people who have no idea as well.
end up we decided to walk
it was already 7.30pm or 7.40pm
when we were gonna reach the fireworks came on
which was 8.21pm
oh well we still headed for Marina Barrage
had ice cream
cause we were all perspiring!
took a lot of photos whilte we're there
i think it was an awesome load of fun!
thought we had to walk back, which is horrible
cause it's really far.
but luckily we saw the Chartered bus and rush for it
YAY don't have to walk
saved my legs.
went to Cityhall ate at toastbox
talk talk, laugh laugh,fun fun
then reach home about 11.45pm
National Day is really a good celebration for all races and religions
we're all different but yet we don't have riots,issues and all the inequality stuff going on
i like how it is, where all races can mix with everyone else.
that's why i love Singapore.
I have friends who are Malay,Chinese,Indian,Eurasian or mix!
it's so peaceful.although sometimes there is certain conflicts.
pictures soon=)
something wrong with blogger
went to the library and watch Freedom Writers(again)
it's just an awesome movie that never fails to inspire me
simply love it.
everyone has their own story to tell.
BCS lesson
damn slack
for the first time she didn't talk much
i got a effing D for my excel project
how did that happen?
i probably gonan fail my test, a miracle if i pass.
and my group project also damn shitty anyway
so gonna fail BCS to make it short
today had commskills in the morning
i could finish the paper! and even had 20 minutes for the last section
left question 2 on audio visuals blank after thinking for a good 5-10 minutes
i gave up tryin' to write something.
i studied for that somemore
anyway it's over
happy to go session after that
with Jannson,Diana,Junyi,Clarence,Kenneth,Collin
it was really fun, we have cyphers,battles and other weird bimbotic stuff.
thanks to Clarence.HAHA
they made me and diana do judges showcase.WTF.
i like the bboy battle, it was fun watching!
Oh did i mention, i was doing hip hop to break beats or some other weird music.
fun but kinda difficult very different feel, but good practise!
thanks to the bboys!
After that went KFC to eat, all of us except Collin went.
laugh laugh laugh
took 518 to town met Chloe
watched GI.Joe
it's an awesome movie!
i love the Snake eyes guy even though he don't talk at all
and his face is covered up
i just find him damn cool.
not enough money to buy shoes still
by next week i must!desperate.
got home by 10pm
national day tomorrow!
blogger is screwed once again
like seriously rest, sleep!
had OB make up 9-11
then intHT 11-1
then no school!
suppose to do project
then got no idea what happened
end up i was a lost soul
when to sports complex for less than 5 minutes
saw sean,sherman and diana
then met noreen, cammie and zhijun at design before thier class starts
slack in the library until 3pm
noreen went for class
so i just went home
earliest so far!
reach home about 4.15pm
bathe and sleep!
so supposingly i slept at 5pm
i woke up at 9.35PM! ^^
ate dinner and watched This is My Home
the National day movie thing
it was good!
Singapore can make good movies too.
well the movie really brings out the spirit of national day
and it's really meaninghul
helps me think and change certain stuff about migrating.
i do love Singapore more now.
never had this much rest ever since school started
okay tuesday has BCS test
damn screwed, gonna fail
seriously FAIL
forgot everything i studied when i reach the exam hall
praying no supp paper please
this subject suck shite
after BCS when with some class people to Bedok 85
"ba chor mee" and chicken wings is dope
lucky i got home without getting lost.
modern exam! my pirouette sucks can't balance
ankle so cui.
other than that was okay!
choreo.OMG damn dope
but i think my ankles are breaking.
i wanna hip hop!
no one sessioning.
i want to sleep
and i promised to work hard and not let my parents down
go go.
when i look into your eyes, i got mesmerised
Labels: late post
met hin annon the bus, but she was going church
today there was fudin,jamie,desmond,dom,jann,xian,noreen,ruben and piriyah
desmond left early though
anyway i had a good time.
just tired
and even with sunblock i got sunburnts
what the hell
and i found out i'm fairer than jamie=.=
and he's ang moh!
not being racist but i always thought he's fairer
didn't go into the water cause i don't like singapore sea water haha
picnic was good though,loads of awesome food
went home for dinner
cause i felt it was the right thing to do
had a good sleep in the bus
way to tired
tomorrow school! need to start studying bcs! tuesday test!
oh gosh
i think i shouldn't dance tomorrow.
i need a break.
okay morning had TPDE training
Gin is back.
my knee hurt after her training
session after that with diana,jannson,tiffany,cherol(not sure of the actual spelling) and marcus
zen sat one side.
the MJ beat it thing was damn nice!
my knee was more pain, cant do bounce
can't bend
went for popping with diana and jannson
super fun class today
then went to eat after that
oh and there's BOTY which is dope
and GOGO Brothers are in Singapore
WTH, they're like my idols for locking other than hilty and bosch
dope dope! wahhh!
town with chloe
freaking funny show! woohoo
ate macs, walked in ion
which i got super lost
home soon after
i'm super duper tired
legs are breaking
never study BCS
tomorrow still must go sentosa!