Tuesday, December 29, 2009 @ 11:56 PM
i never thought things would turn out this way
School started
first day of school was already screwed up
came to school at 9AM and realise there's no lecture
my next class is only at 2PM.
Today was a fairly weird day
but not too bad
but i was really tired.
Tomorrow Modern is 6PM-10PM
still thinking whether to go or not.
too much on my mind
i don't know what i want
where to place my focus on.
what to do.
sometimes i think i'm going mad
but i know i'm not
i just stuck in between a lot of things
now should be the time to get moving with my school projects
but i'm thinking and worrying of dance.
i never need to think about track like this.
i wish i was a kid, and i never have to worry
i just wanna be happy
why is it something i can't reach
trying to laugh from the heart
doesn't seem to happen anymore
i feel like such a rediot
School started
first day of school was already screwed up
came to school at 9AM and realise there's no lecture
my next class is only at 2PM.
Today was a fairly weird day
but not too bad
but i was really tired.
Tomorrow Modern is 6PM-10PM
still thinking whether to go or not.
too much on my mind
i don't know what i want
where to place my focus on.
what to do.
sometimes i think i'm going mad
but i know i'm not
i just stuck in between a lot of things
now should be the time to get moving with my school projects
but i'm thinking and worrying of dance.
i never need to think about track like this.
i wish i was a kid, and i never have to worry
i just wanna be happy
why is it something i can't reach
trying to laugh from the heart
doesn't seem to happen anymore
i feel like such a rediot
Natasha Jam Vol 5
Sunday, December 27, 2009 @ 11:31 PM
whole day spent at Natasha Studio
went for Robin's popping workshop
it was super last minute
but i learn more stuff=)
went for Joey's hip hop workshop
starting a bit cui, but okay after that
the studio was damn stuffy
watched the battles and stuff
it was cool
good job everyone=)
School is starting tomorrow!
what a spoiler.
i wanna be good, i wanan try
but who is willing to try with me.
sherlock and his brains
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 11:40 PM
woohoo it was fun!
i was late by about 15 minutes
oh well, i didn't miss a lot anyway
so that's good=)
cause first half was hitting practise.
went to meet Chloe in orchard
we were kinda lost at what to do cause
the movie is only at 645!
anyway Sherlock Holmes was nice!
although Avatar is still nicer.
but it was good, in a different way
i like the way how Sherlock Holmes observe and solve things
it's super cool.
and he actually has a sense of humour, in a weird way.
i think i need to run soon,
i think i'm growing fat.
probably the worst christmas
Friday, December 25, 2009 @ 11:31 PM
probably, supposedly
a happy day for everyone.
most with family i guess.
apparently, my christmas eve was way better
stayed home the whole day and went out for family dinner only.
but dinner was screwed up anyway.
i realise what i say, my family don't really listen.
do they even care about how i feel?
it seems like it's always about my bro
sick and tired of this.
goodbye world
1:41 AM
it's been a long day.
and it's Christmas Eve!
first went to Bishan in the morning to meet Divya
pass her christmas present=)
sadly, the day started out raining.
anyway, next met Anita and Jaslyn and Bishan MRT
we headed to Bugis for SHOPPING!
first time, i walk so much of bugis street
thanks guys!
i love the clothes i bought!
now i sorta know how to buy the kind of more feminine kind of clothes
not so much of t shirts and pants in my cupboard!
shall buy more soon, when i have the money!=)
we walked for like 3 hours.
my legs are breaking.
met Divya at orchard after that Mei Xian joined us
thanks for the christmas presents guys!
and all the awesome memories and fun we had,
our friendship is lasting!
Orchard was kinda crazy and fun,
but insanely filled with people
there was this random activity of snow spraying
along the whole stretch of street
people with the spray cans just spray at random passerby
it was hilarious but fun!
went home after that!
and it's Christmas already!
project and dance day
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 @ 11:44 PM

got the photos from deborah's facebook
not sure where it came from
it's meaningful to me.
cause that's what i pray to God every night
that's what i want from myself
even though sometimes i fail, i try to make everyday better.
woke up at 7.30AM
had 5 hours of sleep
10AM group project meeting for marketing!
surprisingly it was kinda fun today
we had laughter and nonsensical moments.
epeciall after lunch at SAA room.
went off at 6PM
to O School for An An's hip hop
it was dope=)
i love it! YAY!
went home with Andy,
we ate dinner at Bangkit; Kim San Leng
and his recommendation for 'ba chor mee'
was pretty good=)
tomorrow SHOPPING!!
and Christmas is coming!=D
when life don't go the way you want it to.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 11:10 PM
but quite slack also.
somehow today i thought about a lot of stuff.
found out certain things that i never expect.
if i was in the same position, i don't know how i would live.
i don't know how would i live another day.
i really do not know how strong i would be.
i'm glad you are strong.
stay strong.
it'll be over soon.
i feel i've changed, have i?
don't know what's wrong with me these days.
maybe because christmas is coming,
everyone has plans but me.
can't meet eggy and bones.
i think my family isn't celebrating christmas proper this year.
dad gave me $50 to buy myself a present.
happy it may seem.
but it's just a hint that no one is gonna really celebrate.
i am THAT pathetic, aren't i?
the fact i'm used to being
i just feel like going everywhere alone.
but yet i'm hating the feeling of loneliness.
i think i'm just too afraid to face whatever i have to face.
my parents probably think i'm a happy kid, cause i'm always out of the house.
i know they don't know anything about me
but i rather it be this way.
at least they don't have to worry.
thank them that they don't ask a lot of questions.
it makes my life a lil easier.
keeping things in my heart and mind
i feel safer, as these are the only things i hold on to.
memories and thoughts, at least i know things that aren't happening now..
once happened.
i was happy.
things change..
and i'm that insignificant
i know.
it's probably time to face the truth.
i know i'll be alone..
for probably a long long time.
i'll get used to it, won't i?
hip hop with ah hua
Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 11:43 PM
to find Divya and Mei xian christmas present
didn't know what to get them
super nerve wrecking.
manage to get them something, of course
head to O School for Ah Hua's hip hop II open class
super stressful
the choreo was pretty confusing.
cause she teach more eights and teach faster.
it was damn scary
i totally cui
somehow it shows my hip hop deproved.
but it was still fun.
i don't know what i want
like i've chosen dance, in general
but when i move to specific details
i'm lost.
it's hard to do so many things at the same time.
when i look at modern, my mood is like straight dead
but i don't feel like quitting?
and when i look at ryan,
i just know i'll learn a lot.
i wanna try, but when it keeps clashing with An's hip hop class
then i'm in a dilemma.
screw this.
falling for poppin'
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 11:43 PM
stupid Daryl.
late for 1 hour.
but never mind!
Daryl, Timothy, Thomas and me went for Marcus and Robin's workshop
it was fun and dope.
learnt a lot of stuff!
about interpretation of music, different kinds of music, hitting and dimestop.
i think there's more.
it was really awesome.
cause i don't know anything about these.
i always do things but don't know the name.
the scariest one is dimestop,
Marcus made me solo!
fun but scary.
Timo and Daryl tried psycho-ing me to join WTF Vol 8
obviously i didn't, and luckily i didn't
today's competition was insane
all the PAP people joined. haha!
cause Aus Ninja was the judge
Aus Ninja is really cool, cause he does a lot of differen styles.
plus it's realy great for him to share his knowledge with everyone
so. WTF Vol 8 was AWESOME of course!
good job everyone!!
today was pretty cool, i think the more i know about poppin'
the more i like it.
Funk is dope! woohoo!
it makes me happy.
somehow, i seem to be drifting away from hip hop
but i know i still like it
as long it's groovy. i'll like it=)
Saturday, December 19, 2009 @ 11:33 PM
Gin was down with a fever
fell back asleep
and woke up late, so didn't go popping!
called Chloe and we went to watch Avatar!
it's an awesome movie!
loved it!
totally worth the money
the DVD is a must buy when it's out.
today's pretty good, except for the raining part.
Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 11:56 PM
had a great talk with her!
<3 ya
then went to Sentosa with TPDE
it was pretty fun
but i'm damn shag.
and i'm burnt.
thanks guys for the fun!
tomorrow still got hip hop training at 10AM!
oh wait did i mention,
i saw Mr Paul Rainer today!
sadly, he didn't recgonise me=/
but it was good seeing him again!
first RP session
Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 11:58 PM
please watch this Dope video if you haven't
<3 the poppers
and thanks Ben for the awesome video!
woke up at 1PM
fell back asleep soon after
woke up at 4.30PM!!
latest so far.
went to RP, reach around 7PM?
go there to session, cause Luqman asked me to
the place was nice=)
better than TP.
everyone was friendly even though i don't really know them.
i only know a few people.
but i think i learn some stuff.
seeing Doc Orc pop was like, dope shit yo.
stop dancing around 10PM?
went to eat with Andy, Jeremy and Jasmine.
home around 11 plus.
thanks for the nice day=)
all the way flair people for your production!
tomorrow TPDE outing at sentosa!!
in between
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 @ 11:42 PM
couldn't go for An An's class because of this.
ryan's a great teacher of course.
he's awesome in fact.
but somehow i just don't have the feel for modern.
i like the song, but when i dance.
it's like i can't feel the love for it.
for modern
1. modern is good for me, i get to know my body better
2. people who want to get it, can't get in. it's a waste to quit
3. i get to learn more stuff, it's something new
4. it would help with with dance in general, might help my hip hop improve.
against modern
1. i look weird doing it
2. i have to work extra hard to be on par with others,
due to old injuries i sustain from track. modern used the parts that i injured
3. i don't have the feel and love for modern. it feels like i'm doing it for the sake of doing it.
4. it clashes with An an's hip hop class
see the dilemma?
here i am once again
1:43 AM
I've been blogging at LJ,
the link is somewhere at the blogroll
it's been awhile since i blogged here,
blogger is still the best to use(:
i actually bother taking the time to change my blogskin.
i like it.
holidays now, but very busy
christmas is coming and i can't wait!
shall try to make this post happy.
TPDE outing on friday!
not sure if i should go. see how
can't wait for Gems training to start
shall end here.
i'll try to blog here and LJ everyday=)