F&B was like i don't know man
i think i can pass
but i'm not too confident with my answers
just hope i pass overall and no supplementary papers!
F&B is really difficult to memorise
really. i think i can't memorise stuff
oh well! it's over!
let's not dwell on it too much.
anyway after F&B paper and Sentosa brief
my crazy but awesome class took 23 polaroids photo
we were getting heated up with the squeezing
but i love all you!
and thanks for an awesome year 1!
we're gonna be splitting class, and it's gonna be sucky!
but on the bright side, we'll still see each other!
though i don't hang out with y'all outside curriculum time
but i do feel bonded with y'all, and well a lot of fun,laughter,peace and joy
Gonna miss all of you! see y'all at the chalet or something!=)
then Jannson, Diana and myself head to Clarence's house
somewhere across the bedok reservoir yeap.
his house is nice too like Leslie's mansionate.
haha cool or what.
anyway people that were still there when 3 of us got there was
Xephry, ZY, Nic, Joycelyn, Stan, You jing and Yishu.
played blackjack at around 8PM
i lost $6. unlucky.
'fengshui' at wherever i was sitting was damn bad.
anyway tomorrow Code Edge! but never buy tickets
so i guess i'm not going
gonna miss out on NY and Neuron Crew from Korea
they're the only people i'm wanna watch
but it's okay! FTL was good enough=)
although chances like this don't come by all the time
it's alright. maybe it was just bad timing.
going out i suppose tomorrow!
slept at 3AM
i got cough and i feel shag.
goodbye world
i never knew i could like someone for so long
Thanks Diana for the photos!
AKA KIN'S popping workshop was DOPE
it was super fun
he's friendly, funny and ultra nice
plus his popping is dope
learn a lot of new stuff and popping motivation is back
"Don't Give Up" yeah?
when someonone asked a question,
and he replied Dance is his life
i was like woah, you can literally feel his words.
"A Dancer enjoys dancing, battle is just part of a dance culture"
Feel is the most important thing yeah
words of wisdom, really.
much to think about.
but it's all good=)
at first a lot of people didn't register
couldn't go
but thanks to YZ, all of just went anyway
the studio was like huge
don't understand why they don't let people
who didn't register attend
poor Malaysians they didn't follow us
and they went back home.
damn sad.
after that, went to eat with the poppers!
Diana went back, so i mixed around with Timo, Melise and Yi Zheng
our table was fun! haha
crazy people=)
today was a good day
except that i need to study! hahha!
Floor the Love!
Good luck everyone competing!
have fun!
i really like Floor the Love, cause the name is really meaningful
Its like just dance, throw it out to the floor
through passion for dance
my way of interpreting that is.
boring as usual.
second day, grandma/uncle's house
go there play blackjack
but this year it's so boring
cause everyone that got married stopped playing
third day, dope
went to visit Zheng yi's , Diana's and Leslie's house
at every house, played blackjack
win some lose some
a lot of epic moments
two major ones
1) at ZY's house, sabotage Alex to be banker for once
after much hesitation, Alex agrees
Yishu's raise his bet to some crazy $10
in that ONE round,
Shirlyn and I got blackjack
Yishu got Double Ace, so he swiped triple the $10
which is $30!
the worst part is that, in that round he didn't win a single cent
2) at Leslie's house, Marcus got an Ace
and unknown card
being funny and crazy, asks everyone to flick the card for luck?
he see the wrong card out of the two cards
and thought he had double Ace
after the all time high excitement
flips open and find out
an Ace and Two
laughed like shit.
this is the most hilarious thing out of the whole day
the day ended with a blast at Leslie's place=)
next time party at his house.
haven't studied much
only POM
i'm so dead.
i think i can just kill myself now.
oh wait, i can't be negative
Dino say must be "positive"
if not he slap me.
All the way Amanda!
i never liked someone for so long
how do i say those words without changing anything
not possible i suppose
it's killing me
i feel hopeless
i'm not even studying properly
it's cny and my room is like a rubbish dump
Amanda, you're fucking lazy
useless piece of crap
and all you can think about is..
i broke the promise to myself
disappointment sets in
predicting that i'm gonna screw up my exams
so is dance.
in life, you don't always get what you want
things don't go the way you want it to
just accpt the damn fact and move on.
Amanda, you should just die, really.
no one gives a shit about your fucking problems
it's karma i suppose, really it is.
sigh. if only it was mutual..
one of the few best people that i've ever met(:
my supposingly fruitful day seems to have went to waste
suppose to study really hard
but end up keep getting distracted
and my mind just wandered off
i need to buck up
where's the motivation when i need one
i never felt so not like studyingin quite awhile
the slacking feel kick in i suppose
thinking of you just makes me drift away from everything
i don't want to screw up my studies
i don't have much time left to study
i will stop thinking about you
i know i will have to
i promise myself, today is the last day

okay i've no pictures from my birthday withme
cause it's with whoever that has a camera
my camera screwed up pretty bad
so i'm kinda sad there's not much photos=(
but anyway
Thanks 1K05 for another surprise
seriously unexpected, and i didn't know anything
all of you sneaky people trick me.
had a nice cake and song singing at the last tutorial for the semester
which is Marketing
but despite the tricking me part
really a big THANK YOU TO ALL!
if you were mine
you would be the only thing
that i would ever need
which means i'm turning 18 soon
i don't fear the number.
i just feel like i'm suddenly becoming like 20 years older
instead of a one year jump.
18 years of living
well i remember a lot of stuff
from being a little innocent kid
to loving sports, especially track
and ending up in tp currently.
i miss a lot of things
i know i regret doing and not doing certain things
but all that matters is that i cherished what i once had
and everyting remains good memories
bad memories are part of my life
every single horrible and embarassing moment
i do remember them, more clearly than the good ones.
today i thought about a lot of stuff
what if no one remembers my birthday?
what if i wasn't happy at all?
i guess i won't be extremely upset
i'm just glad i'm living, it's just a birthday
obviously like most people i wish to celebrate
i wish to the world it's my birthday(not literally)
but circumstances change and things happen
i just got to live with it right?
one thing i'm sure of is that the day would pass as quickly as it comes
so i hope i can make the best of it.
goodbye world
i just pray i'm happy
really sorry people
certain things i say recently isn't so pleasant
i know it comes out wrong
but i don't know why its like that
i'm just screwed up at the moment
dance is intense right now
bruises and aches are like constant
fatigue is like normal
i'm like so tired i can hardly study
brings me to my next point
exams are on its way like a bullet train
and i haven't start shit
i need to work harder
cny i only bought two tops
damn lazy to buy other stuff especially bottoms
cause i hate to try them
that's all for updates
wonder what is it like to be free
maybe it's been awhile since i had a break
maybe things just doesn't seem right at the moment
i'm getting caught up with things i don't want to
things i should be concerned about, i'm not doing it
Amanda, what the fuck is wrong with you.