that's the way it goes
Friday, April 30, 2010 @ 11:40 PM
School 11-1 and 2-4
but class ended at 3 plus. woohoo
Went to watch movie with K at The Cathay
Iron Man 2!
it was damn nice.
we sat first row though
and my eyes were literally trying to open wider
in order to watch the show.
Walked around, and i realise how many things i want
and how expensive they are
stupid converse cost so much
when they are just a canvas shoe.
tomorrow need to buy sports shoes!
FML man.
Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 11:49 PM
Haven't been blogging
cause i'm lazy
Second week at TAS, well all i can say is
My classes are like damn boring somewhat
and i start late end late.
if got training must rush back to school
Monday and Tuesday i didn't really have anything on.
ultra slack.
Wednesday i decided to go back school to session
wasn't really what i expected
cause during the holidays it was a much more fun and productive session
now it's sort of getting stressful i don't know why
weird aura and atmosphere,
but still i was damn high and happy i get to dance.
Thanks guys(:
Today was a really stupid day
simply hate my timetable
2-5pm, one tutorial and one Apel
who on earth arranged the timetable.
after that chiong back to school for track orientation
at first thought got trials,
but actually only play games.
i injured my shoulder=.=
i don't even know how!
but the coach is like really nice.
trainings on tuesday and thursday!
hope i don't die!
what happen to sunshine after rain?
Saturday, April 24, 2010 @ 11:44 PM
Wednesday/Touring RWS
It was the day that LRM had a compulsory tour around Resort World Sentosa(RWS). Initially, i was dreading it like crazy because it's like 10AM to 3PM sort of thing. Somehow, the tour was pretty awesome. The hotels and facilities are really good, I love Hard Rock hotel. The interior is cool to the max.Also, we got to visit Universal Studios! Surprisingly, i saw Edmund and Jui Hsin there. Both having internship at USS, awesome or what. We watched the funny Madagascar show and sat Shrek 4D woohoo. Other than that was all walking. The only bad thing was the HOT weather, i swear i feel like i was going to get a heatstroke.
Thursday/Probably the most unlucky day anyone can have
Went to TP cause got CCA recruitment performance,went early to practise. Everything was alright for practise. When it came to the performance, production crew screwed our music. Our performance became some f*cked up shit. Maybe we could have been more professional about it, but sorry i couldn't help but feeling pissed and well screwed up mood. When i thought my bad luck was over, it wasn't. After dinner with K and D, i thought i could finally go home early. Left school to take a bus much earlier than the rest of the week. I reached Sim Lim bus stop at 9 plus, two buses came like with a 15 minutes interval, both buses are small and filled with people. I couldn't go up the bus cause there was damn a lot of f*cking people squeezing to go up the bus or refuse to put their fat ass in. Being totally annoyed and pissed, i called my dad to pick me. After being at the bus stop for 40 minutes, my dad came. Just before he did, my bus came, it was long and empty. What the crap is SMRT doing?, when it's peak hour you sent a short bus, when it's not a long bus. Are you kidding me?!
Friday/waiting is horrible
School at Sentosa, 2 lectures, i survived. Went back to TP for TPDE meeting and Seniors meeting. Feeling quite screwed about a lot of things, i kept quiet plus i had a sore throat. Just listened to what others have to say. I'm going to stop here before i say anything i don't wanna say, cause this blog is public. Sessioned after, not exactly but somewhat. The SC looks awesome at least, with Hip hop dancers, Funk stylers(includes bboys) and Modern dancers at each corner. Cool or what. Suppose to eat, but everyone left like so late. Well TPDE likes to drag, so i didn't eat and went off. Call dad to pick me up cause my last bus was gone anyway and since i didn't eat anything but bread the whole day, he brought me to this awesome place in Little India near Mustafa to eat Pig Organ soup. It was dope shit. The best Pig Organ soup i have drank. Awesome, reached home at 1AM. I was dead tired.
Today/It's been awhile, but oh well.
Went to Oschool for Popping Open class today! woohoo had loads of fun! The studio is awesome of course, and so is Ben. Sadly, the class is quiet, lucky there is Elke inside to sort of laugh with me. We felt like worms/fishes today, cause of tidal wave! Needless to say, the choreo is fun to the max. I learnt something new, which is the tidal wave and that you can do a lot of things at different height. Training how to hit cleaner. I realise my right hand pop is really shitty, and i am a right hander. what the crap. During hitting warm up my right hand died so much earlier than left hand. Must train hits! Met up with Chloe, we watched Kick Ass! It was a pretty funny show, everyone was dying in the movie. Sad of course, but good entertainment. Avatar CD is out, must buy! I want the headphones from HMV!! $99. gosh. i want. I need a lot of stuff and i want a lot of stuff too.
I joined trck and field once more, i'm afraid i cannot cope. but i need to discipline myself in order to make it true. I need and want to push you aside but you're still floating in my mind. What can i do to makes things right? My life feels like a thunderstorm.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 11:04 PM
I've no idea what to blog.
I just hope you get outta my head soon.
year 2
Monday, April 19, 2010 @ 11:53 PM
shall blog a little about the first day of school
tired and lazy
but shall do it anyway
Year 2 and i feel old.
Studying at TAS this sem.
and the first day wasn't what i expected
it was totally like a spoiler to my mood.
Lecture was pretty dead.
Campus is not conducive at all
USS is like next to the school.
food sucks and expensive.
Spending $5 plus per day on food is really not a good idea
i am a poor kid.
can't spend too much on meals.
Suppose to have joey's training
but cancelled.
if i had known, i wouldn't have board the MRT to Tampines.
Luckily, my day brightened with Leslie and MX.
Subway, Jokes and Laughter.
that is probably the best remedy
i unofficially declare holiday tomorrow.
crashing lecture.
i guess i gotta really let you go this time
cause dreams will always be dreams.
that's what i think.
jump start
Saturday, April 17, 2010 @ 3:09 PM
Regatta performance was 'cui to the max'
that's all i can say. well more for joey's item
because we sat there for 2 hours and became 'nua'
but thanks guys for all the retarded training sessions we had(:
woohoo, joey's hip hop item ftw!
almost fell down during the performance, stupid stage=.=
okay well, since its over.
let me try to be happy(:
next week recruiment drive, got performance again!
but it's alright. it's the street scene song
i like. so nevermind(:
school is starting in two days!
gosh i'll be at sentosa=(
going to miss seeing everyone i know in school!
and i have to rush back if there's training!
that's gonna suck even more.
i don't even know where the hell is the school.
first day of school i'm going to be lost.
GREAT. what a nice way to start of my year 2.
today is a saturday and i'm at home.haha!
this feeling has been in me too long
probably the longest ever.
and it's growing stronger, not weaker
i want it to go away.
really stop.
because i know i won't get what i want.
seeing you at regatta doesn't help either.
i feel worst when all i can do is reach out to you from afar.
i really need to stop this.
the only positive thing i can think of is
"at least we're friends"
it's also probably the least comforting thing.
Thursday, April 15, 2010 @ 11:19 PM
some people say
"you can't just wait for things to happen, you got to make it happen"
but sometimes, all you need is a little luck before it happens.
so, you can't just make things happen
there is a reason why they call it falling in love
because sometimes you just fall and you don't make it happen
it just happen, it just do.
national schools fever
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 @ 11:50 PM
Today was the final day of national schools
it's probably always the most exciting and awesome of all
the crowd goes wild and all you hear is people screaming for you
people from your school or maybe not.
it's like probably the best competition of all.
i miss a lot of stuff,
the feeling of knowing so many people
and just getting to know more each time you compete
i miss that kind of feeling
you can just talk to any random person you're running with
and you become friends.
the part about running is that sometimes you don't just run for yourself
you run for your team, for points or medal
win together,lose together.
and everytime your feet touches the track during competition
you probably know why you've been training so hard all the while.
just for that moment on the track.
glad to have met those people in the picture,
not everyone who is suppose to be there is there.
you guys certainly hold a place in my life.
let's hope a few years down the road, we would still remember each other
and do all sorts of crazy shit still.
and many others, i'm glad i met y'all from competitions.
though we don't hang out often.
but glad to have known y'all and compete with you people from other schools
i was a spectator today ,of course, over age remember?
but still it's awesome to be just watching
this year, the juniors totally raised the bar
"records are meant to be broken"
well certainly they live up to that
My batch used to always come so close to the damn record,
but always fail to break it due to screwed up passings.
proud to be your senior, and congratulations to all of you!
Although, we didn't retain the B girls title.
but it's okay, it's just a title.
the timings have become so much faster than our time.
Mr P's training certainly is effective.
guess i probably see Shanti in the papers. haha!
All the best to those involve in YOG trials!
Train hard!
sometimes i wonder, why dance isn't like this
why is it so divided?
in track, no matter how old you are we still bond like a team
sure you have your cliques, but is it so difficult to welcome others.
"win together, lose together"
this should be more important in dance than in track.
since you're always dancing with someone.
an item is an item, if it looks bad, everyone is at fault
it's team thing.
i can't say i dance for myself, cause i really don't.
i heard somewhere before, you can't always think for others
you gotta think and dance for yourself.
but what's the point, because i don't see the purpose when i'm alone.
i think really need track, to help me remember who am i.
my point of view about things and most importantly being discipline.
some people may think i'm trash talking
if you don't agree, it's alright
it's my blog and my point of view
this post is not meant to shoot anyone on purpose
just what i think and feel.
so please don't go and backstab me by saying i gossip about you
thank you.
it's just a screwed up world
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 @ 11:55 PM
frustration sets in
and i really can't take it much longer
too much, too much
forget it, if anything happens
it's MY fault okay
blame me.
hey mister it's really really nice to meet ya
3:46 PM
finally blogging again
i'm not gonna let this place die
but i've just been really really lazy these days
my weekend was a funky one.
R16 on saturday was dope.
well done to everyone!
Congrats to the winners(:
DJ mulder, Pop jj and Locking khan! woohoo.
the only sad thing was that there were very little audience
and it was dead quiet, even though tyron and jacky was super entertaining as MCs
i literally could hear the insects and birds when i'm clapping
went to eat with the poppers after that, and i missed my last bus
stupid bus uncle, didn't want to open the door for me and drove off
no sense of kindness at all. tsk
What The Funk vol 10 was dope too
GB Dynamic Jun was the judge.
Diana psycho-ed me to join.
so i did. didn't make it to top 32 of course.
bu it's okay, it was pretty fun.
everyone was good(:
Monday met MX a 8AM, CCK
went to watch 200m Finals!
Congrats to everyone, even if you guys didn't get Top 3
but i know all your timings were good and PBs i heard.
went to school to train in the afternoon.
and had salvo collabo trainingn the evening.
Finals tomorrow!
All the way everyone!(:
i know it may sounds crazy;
but i'm in love with you
-Tamia, Almost
sunshines after rain
Friday, April 9, 2010 @ 11:02 PM
Nationals once again.
I hate waking up early,
but the weather in the early morning when the sun had just risen
the air is cold with a little heat.
It's comfortable and just amazing
cause the bustle of the town doesn't exist.
Good job to everyone today!
Though some may have screwed up
but it was still a good race given circumstances
and it wasn't the whole entire race was bad!(:
Proud of everyone for pushing and hitting some PBs(:
see y'all on monday 200m Finals!
Wan Yi, we finally caught up!!
Tomorrow is one crazy day that i don't know how to face.
In unison: "FOL, Fuck Our Lives"
It's a change
Thursday, April 8, 2010 @ 11:28 PM
felt awesome even though the sun was hot as hell
and burning my skin. but somehow i felt good about it
(: maybe it's the passion.
Sessioned today at TCC
i really hate TCC
but don't really have a choice due to FO.
somehow my hip hop feel is weird these days
popping feel is better
oh well let it be.
just enjoy(:
This holiday is probably the first holiday that i didn't go town everyday
i use to either stay home or shop for my holidays
this is probably a change.
Somehow i don't feel awesome about it because i feel like
i never really had a proper rest.
but somehow it's probably the most fun.
going to watch nationals!
good luck all!(:
somehow i know i still like you
i wish i could venture into your thoughts
feel the heat
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ 10:54 PM
Slept for 2 and a half hour
I am sad
got woken up by some murderous dream and very painful shins
which was ultra weird.
anyway i woke up at 535AM
couldn't fall back asleep
suppose to wake up at 740AM
meeting D and MX at 9AM causeway for breakfast
after breakfast went back SSP to visit a lot of people
Mostly the staff and the Japanese.
It was good seeing everyone!
Mr Lau sort of embarassed me, he told his whole class i'm a model student
cause i put in 110% for physics,
which is quite true because i totally love his class
It's kinda weird so i think he's gone mad, but he's too smart to be
he even told his current new course mates about me too.
tsk tsk, Mr Lau. Still, you're an awesome teacher! woohoo!
Fumiko and Miyuki, you guys look the same!
Good luck for Japan Championships!(:
Miss you guys when you go back!
Train hard!
Joke: Japan Championships at where?
where ah Ms Kayla Lau Mei Xian
After that G, Mx, D and me went to CCK stadium to watch nationals!
It's getting better each year.
Well like certain events it's like going up up for SSP
but certain events it's like spiraling down.
Hope everyone rise up to the challenge and just be confident!
Go SSP and all other schools(:
i had a great time, which a lot of fun and laughter to take things off my mind.
Good luck to all for the races tomorrow and the other days!
Good job Wayne Yap for getting 2nd in Triple.
Although expected you to get 1st cause usually you are first
but you got a sprained/twisted ankle, so take care!
Anyway, the guy who won also from your school, got points!
And playing with your name was really mean but funny. hahha!
Good job Jem for your Triple too! never win but it's okay!
you're like the only SAPS from our batch still in track all the way!
Good job to all SSP juniors, too many to name~
Can't wait for 200m Finals!
Tomorrow dance day, should try to run before that.
i probaby just die if i start now
but i have to die before i don't die in the future.
get it get it?
okay i think only i understand.
goodbye world
update soon
Sunday, April 4, 2010 @ 11:53 PM
That is how complicated things are now.
I try to be happy, I choose to be.
Some things are just easier said than done.
I can't just ignore everything, all the problems.
I just wish i could.
In the attempt to, someone would just remind me of
where i am and what i am suppose to be doing.
Why can't i just take an alternative route?
Why isn't there one for me.
I just need a breather. A way out.
Maybe just this once.
Too many thing happening to a not so great person, me.
It's just me being unlucky.
I can feel my heart hurting right now even though nothing is piercing it.
forgive, forget and just hold on
12:46 AM
Watched How to train your dragon,
it's a pretty good movie!
i love toothless.
i think clash of titans is better though.
1k05 chalet
Saturday, April 3, 2010 @ 1:13 AM
and came home and slept from 7pm-12am
well the room was pretty screwed
but nevertheless, the people made it fun!
thanks 1k05! would really miss you guys when we change class!
All the funny things happening all the time, i would really miss that.
Sadly, i couldn't stay but it was really awesome though i only stayed a night
I guess we really give a lot to each other, when we buy stuff we buy for everyone.
Everything is just for everyone.
Clash of the Titans at 2.25AM, though i never thought i could stay awake
but it was an awesome movie! woohoo!
and arcade before that was fun too!(:
Thanks guys, love you guys!