Saturday, September 25, 2010 @ 11:50 PM
I need to clear my head sometimes
Happy Birthday Divya(:
Thank you for everything over the years.Glad to have you in my life, hope you enjoyed yourself today! Sorry if i'm kinda quiet, no idea why. See ya soon, love ya.
I think over the years, when i closed myself in. I think i'll never learn how to love again. It's difficult to express how i feel verbally because i'm afraid, but not sure what i'm afraid of. Even to my own family, i find it weird to have any conversation related to feelings. I guess i drifted away on my own. Don't know why, but i just did. If i'm ever cold to anyone, i'm sorry but i can't help it sometimes.The thing is, i think i'm drifting further away from everyone, i seem to draw a circle around myself. The only way i feel connected is when i think about the best memories i had, that constantly remind me of me.
Happy Birthday Divya(:
Thank you for everything over the years.Glad to have you in my life, hope you enjoyed yourself today! Sorry if i'm kinda quiet, no idea why. See ya soon, love ya.
I think over the years, when i closed myself in. I think i'll never learn how to love again. It's difficult to express how i feel verbally because i'm afraid, but not sure what i'm afraid of. Even to my own family, i find it weird to have any conversation related to feelings. I guess i drifted away on my own. Don't know why, but i just did. If i'm ever cold to anyone, i'm sorry but i can't help it sometimes.The thing is, i think i'm drifting further away from everyone, i seem to draw a circle around myself. The only way i feel connected is when i think about the best memories i had, that constantly remind me of me.
Thursday, September 23, 2010 @ 11:08 PM

i heard that hope replenishes the heart
it keeps the spirit and soul alive
i hope it does for mine.
After being in 2 CCAs, everyday my life is only track, dance or study. Sometimes i sacrifice all 3 things to hang out with my friends. I listen to my heart and my brain, to do what i think and know that is right. Sometimes, people just don't understand that and try to make things as if it was wrong to skip dance or track. Think about it from my position, it's between something you like doing and can always do it other time; and friends who play the biggest part of my life, without them i would never be where i am right now. Sometimes, choosing dance/track over friends make me feel guilty because they're always there for me and i never seem to be there for them. I know i always try and make time for the things i like and for friends. But if my friends can understand me and encourage me to do the things i like, why can't dance/track do the same when i need time with my friends. Commitment, they say. I do commit, and i am serious when it's trainings, i don't play around and treat it like a joke, at least i respect the training. But, i have my own life, my daily life is not for others to plan. I do take responsibility for things i'm suppose to attend and go for, i try my best to accomodate to everyone's timings, trainings and plans, but when things CLASH, what am i suppose to do huh? tell me. what can i do?
Maybe i just brought it on myself, 2 CCAs. Maybe i'm mad. But, i never hated any trainings, i just hate it when things clash. I don't know if i would let go of one, i don't know what should i do. I don't know how to make things better. I know part of me, are just doing both things, to hold on to some things i don't wish to lose. I think i've changed, a lot. From who i used to be and now, i don't know if it's good or bad.i just hope everyday would be a better day than the day before.Really, because i really don't know where to go from here.
i'm really tired with everything right now.
i guess.
Monday, September 20, 2010 @ 11:56 PM
BBQ on Sunday was alright
Sadly, didn't go Poppin J workshop
I dont know if i made the right choice
but it's okay=]
Today's training was pure relay
The timing was pretty fine.
My hamstring almost died
but i survived.
Hope it's alright soon!
Tomorrow commbase 9AM!
but excited somehow.
blog soon.
Saturday, September 18, 2010 @ 12:48 AM
I've been busy
shall update in details soon.
but the overview goes like this:
1)End of exams, start of holidays
2) House course 2
3) Popping Recitail Training
4) Track trainings
5) TPDE outing but somewhat failed
6) Lockdown
7) Random Party
8) Flying to Australia soon
Got training at 830AM
toodles people.
Friday, September 10, 2010 @ 11:40 PM

I guess this is what i think about everyday,
but i can never seem to find the reason why i held on so long.
For almost 18 years of my life, crude words and the most horrible words a person can ever say about something is thrown at me, in my face everyday i'm living. I try to not think about it, but i guess i don't have to think about it because i already know the words so clearly. Maybe i am already traumatize on the inside, just that i don't show it. When i think about it, i simply go crazy like literally. All i would do to stop it is lie on my bed, hold my head and just cry. It's a sight of me i hate to see. Questioning myself,'am i really that stupid, that dumb, that useless, and i don't even deserve to live?" well, at the back of my head i probably just say "yes". But, my heart just won't back down without a fight. My heart would just tell me to keep going and keep fighting because i'm here for a reason. I'm sick and tired of this world of mine. Some people say it's difficult to act like everything is fine, when the fact that it's not, but i beg to differ. It's simple because as long you don't use your face to show emotions and use ur heart, people won't notice anything because your face would just be neutral. I guess that is how i got by a long time. When everything isn't fine, it's a thunderstorm, i just keep everything inside.
Today, i guess everything being said to me the past 18 years was something that i think i finally believe and the answer is really a 'yes'. In the car, i can stare at a family four, but it is actually a family of three because i can't seem to fit in perfectly anymore; maybe cause of what i have become. Somehow, i imagined a family potrait, with me gettng erased from the photo, but everything would still be fine and okay. At that moment, my heart really hurt and i almost gave my feelings away when i teared, but i held on. The thing is, i hate crying and worst, crying infront of others. The only place i dare to cry, is behind close doors - in my room. I really want to blame the person who are throwing all the words at me, but i can't because he's my family. Maybe he don't see me as a family, but i'm not gonna make myself totally heartless yet. With every blogpost i'm typing recently, i'm tearing. screw my life really. People envy me because of my freedom, the fact is they don't know anything about me. They don't know why i do have this kind of freedom. The fact is i envy everyone else, i can sit with my friends' family and just feel how lucky they are. Every small little detail,just spells happiness. I wish i could say the same for myself. I realise, the best time i ever had was staying in the hostel because i never had to worry about everything else, let alone face them since i was always in school. It was really home to me, everyone was like my family because they really cared.
Why did i hold on so long in the first place? Simply because i don't want to show that i'm weak, i refuse to just give up. As much as i don't know how long i would last, at least i'm trying. The best thing about track is that it trained us to have strong mindset because even if we're so tired we can't stop running and start walking. It's a race we have to finish.
Thursday, September 9, 2010 @ 1:46 AM

maybe it's the only thing that has been there for me
it's the one depicting my feelings and showing me by making me listen
3 down 1 to go.Screwed the first 2, and felt good for the one that i didn't bother to study properly. Ironic, i know. The 2 papers i studied my ass off was the one that i had problems thinking during the exam. Information overload. It's just stupid of me to make myself panic.
After resort ops paper, went home to get dance stuff, with MX accompanying me. Then followed her all the way to the airport to sent her parents of to China. I guess when i look at my own family, i never felt as happy as looking at others. It's been awhile since we all laughed with each other. I guess we have nothing left to say nowadays. Maybe that's when i started walking into my box. I find it difficult to express myself verbally because i'm so used to having everything up in my head and in my heart. I guess it's kinda more comfortable but, sometimes it feels like you're just alone.
Well, moving on.
Had recital training, learnt Ben's choreo today. I think it's pretty awesome and i think popping item is gonna be crazy this year. Well, it always has been. I think i deproved a lot.
I don't know where i belong, track or dance. As much as i'm convinced i'm in both, but sometimes i can't help feeling the left out feeling wherever i go. Not only track and dance, i guess generally it applies everywhere. I don't know where i'm heading and i don't know if i'll get totally outcast or something; i guess i chose this route and life goes on. Actually i know it's normal because i'm always going to have to choose one over the other. Just that i can't help but feeling like this. When i'm in my worst possible mood, i have no one to talk to because no particular person would actually come to my mind. Maybe because no one actually is there for me, i mean i got the best people i could every meet in the whole world, but i guess i won't ring them up because not all of them are listeners. I mean some people are, but well, seldom and they would only found after the situation is blown off. The only place i would runaway to is here. Pathetic? i know. I just like the fact i can type anything, even if people are looking(which hardly anyone reads my blog) i seriously don't give a damn about your thoughts anyway.
emo? you think so? i don't give a damn, call it whatever you want
Life just goes on
words and more words
Sunday, September 5, 2010 @ 10:58 PM
Anyway, putting that aside. Today Sam is flying to USA or he flew already? Not sure what time is his flight. Won't be seeing him in a few years since he's going there to study. I guess i would miss seeing him pop even though i don't really talk to him much, he's pretty nice! Sam probably won't read this, but i'll just type anyway. Sorry can't send you off, got to study for exams D:
All the best over there and keep popping! (:
Good luck to everyone taking exams!