I'm Amanda. 20. I dance and I run.
Graduated from Leisure and Resort Management,
but I have no idea what I want from life yet.
Don't judge me.
it's not the last of me
Thursday, March 17, 2011 @ 12:56 AM

I thought everything was becoming better, i thought i could do this. But I think, who confirm? Everything feels like it's falling apart. Now it isn't about choosing, it isn't about which one to go. It's just giving me a chance to go for it. I want it and i worked for it, to find out that i can't go for it? Feels like the most ridiculous reason. So many things happening and i somehow don't know how to handle it. I guess i've been through worst than this. But, there is only so much a person can take, I am human too. As much as i am determined, as much as i can strong. I am still a person. I'm just hoping for the best. i still believe Hope replenishes the heart. I'll find something to Hope about. I believe i can do better.
Monday, March 7, 2011 @ 1:57 AM
Been dancing and dancing, loving each moment of it even more. Good moments don't always last though, something would just come along and spoil everything. I wish good times last longer. Sigh. I guess my life is kinda sad in that way. There's a lot of things i wish i didn't have to do, but in reality i don't really have choice.

Just wishing life was way more simpler.