heart ache
Saturday, April 28, 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Don't wish, don't startWishing only wounds the heartI wasn't born for the rose and the pearlThere's a girl I knowHe loves her soI'm not that girl
In our hearts, Dom
Friday, April 27, 2012 @ 11:14 PM
I don't know how long it took me the courage to accept the fact that you're gone, I guess i never really accepted the fact. Every since you left, everywhere I went I could somehow imagine you there especially in school. When I close my eyes, memories of you just floods my mind. Memories from Thai sports school games, Sports school, in TP, Track trainings, your singing, your dorky laughter, the way you made fun of everyone, just everything. None of your friends, none of us could accept the fact that you left.Although, we weren't that close after awhile, the fact that we knew you on a personal level was heartbreaking. To my cohort, you're like the big brother of track, you know that? We looked up to you when we were in sec one, hoping someday we'll get to the top too. You were the fun, the joker, the laughter, the retarded dorky dude, the rocker, the big brother and friend to us all. You left us lots of good memories to cling on to, it's just surreal that you left us, just like that.
Attending your wake and funeral was the most difficult thing all of us, as friends had to do. But, it was the least we could do for you. How could we look at you lying in that box lifeless.You left too quickly and suddenly Dom, you had a whole life ahead of you waiting for you to just rock it out. Even when you're gone, memories of you made us laugh and cry at the same time. When it was said that you were always singing 'Qing Fei De Yi' in camp, it was just a pleasant memory of you singing it, I remember the trackers used to always sing it in SSP. I know you wouldn't want all of us to live in pain, you would want us to rock our lives just like you. I guess we're all healing in our own ways, slowly but surely. Just so you know, you will always be remembered Dom, you'll live in our hearts and memories like you never left. I guess all of us miss you Dom, I hope you're rocking in heaven like you would have done on earth. Please bless us from up above to have the strength to move on and live everyday to the fullest.

RIP Dom, SuperflyDom. 17th April, i'll always remember
how do you know?
Friday, April 13, 2012 @ 12:40 AM

I feel safe when i'm alone, i feel at ease when i look at the pretty lights in the sky.
How do you know if you can trust someone? How do you know if a person is true? People are so unpredictable. Sometimes when you give up so much for people, you realize that they don't appreciate it and they don't even really care, that's when you find out it ain't worth it.Isn't there a perfect way to prevent yourself from getting hurt, feeling angry or feeling sad? I never knew how to protect myself, i told myself i would, but i can't. The tingling feeling i feel in my heart recently isn't something new, the feeling has been there for a long time just that I don't speak of it and try to push the feeling aside. A lot of times i wonder, what's the point of calling someone y'all friend if you don't even bother to treat the person like one. If everyone thought about others before yourself, maybe more people would smile a lil' brighter.
GEM 7: The Lost Race
Sunday, April 8, 2012 @ 1:09 AM
Most of Da Street Soulz

Graduating batch(: